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Subject: k why did you delete my thread?

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  11:53 PM   -   k why did you delete my thread?

SignalRunners - Andrew

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awww comon, we were just about to have SO much fun

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Message 11/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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Geez Andrew, you're always so bloody harsh! Stop taking everything so bloody personal. I put smiley faces (as I do on all my threads) to make sure I give the impression that I'm a sarcastic bastard, because I am. But not in a nasty way - I'm just bantering dude!

I think you and blu are spending way too much time in the studio bruv! (this is me being sarcastic, ie I do not really mean this!)

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Message 12/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?

SignalRunners - BLU

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hehe, keep me outta this - weeeeew so im not spending enough time then.... theres only 24 hours in a day dammit!

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Message 13/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?



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I drive an SUV, I'm proud to be an American, I listen to TRANCE, I have a penis, and I support our president and our troops.

of all the things you listed andrew i think this:
i have a penis

is the one to potentially bring you the most joy in life.

i say focus on that a bit more...you know...having one...sharing one...and not being one....and you stand a chance of being okay one day.

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Message 14/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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"i drive an SUV, I'm proud to be an American, I listen to TRANCE, I have a penis, and I support our president and our troops."

then you really dont know how to have fun dude !

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Message 15/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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well each to their own, but i cant see the relevence in this discussion.

what IS quite funny tho... trance heads, the original ones... usualy they despise all the other stuff on the list most likely - they certainly would rip you to shreds verbally Andy if the subject arose over the supporting of 'the president' & the war stuff.... i'd say.

so you get quite an easy ride here i think Andrew on the whole.

you have to remember the political right-wing tried to crush and ban the whole core of where this music came from, the people who made it and their lifestyle - yet you support that politic. That's an odd one

I just cant see how you manage to align these two radicaly opposing positions, it's bizarre because the whole origin of trance was an undergound anti-establishment, druggy, squat-y, free-festie, anti-war, anti-right-wing, anti-politicians, anti-capitalist/corporation , anit-police-state core... on the whole

know what i mean?

anyways - I dont mind your tunes, but i think your music would be way better if you loosened up and applied yourself to a wider vision of trance music, which would be to forget about any wider vision of trance music and just get tribal.

I suggest you spend a few years with no money, taking mind altering drugs.... and see what happens.


I know i would



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 16/54                 Date: 26-Oct-04  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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oh, and tho i dont support the president, Blair, the 'war', or any of this total bullcrap, but i certainly support our troops, wether or not I agree with the 'war-culture' we live in

they cant say no can they the poor bastards... you gotta feel for them having to do the bidding of that thick monkey Bush.... he's a bloody troglodyte, a throwback, he probably learned to walk upright with a fucking wheelbarrow


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/54                 Date: 27-Oct-04  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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naw K, 80% of the troops are voting Bush--- the one's I know would absolutley LET IN to others who would vote against Bush.

But anyways..... I am going through a period of my life in which adolescents either choose to "find politics" or take the "i dont care, they both lie" road. I find that most right wing views cater to my values.

BTW: Clay --- You took that like a CHAMP!!!!! i laughed out loud, was aweosme thanks  

...but K. why did you delete the other thread?

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Message 18/54                 Date: 27-Oct-04  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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damn, I missed it.

K's got a point about the origins of trance, or dance music in general, BrokenSilence...definitely based in rebellion and rejection of those values that youre professing.

odd contradiction. its like these orange county lemmings nowadays who claim to be so fcking punk rock when all they are is disrespectful inconsiderate spoiled brats who adhere to everything that true punk rock despiseD.

anyway...wondered what the thread was. a bit surprised that anything would get deleted in the lounge. shame on you K

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Message 19/54                 Date: 27-Oct-04  @  03:09 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?



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i'm torn between embarassment and pride myself.

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Message 20/54                 Date: 27-Oct-04  @  06:41 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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lol, that was seriously funny clay...

Andrew, yer a little bitch as always. The white colar rebel... booya!.... why don't you chat anymore you rollerblader?

And k... deleting threads.... that's so right wing. What would the squatters say?

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