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Subject: sterilisation Eugenics

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  04:36 PM   -   sterilisation Eugenics


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"To its critics, Project Prevention or Crack - an American organisation which pays drug addicts and alcoholics to be sterilised - is a terrifying throwback to the neutering of "defectives" during the 20th Century."


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Message 11/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  11:32 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

Steve Roughley

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It’s a tricky, but necessary debate. Birth licensing could be a useful idea, except, if it were to be idiot proofed to avoid abuse, there would have to be an unimaginable reform of our ways to create an ingenious new structure of government and social structure that would in fact nullify the entire concept of birth licensing due to the fact that our new structure of existence would inevitably eradicate all of the problems likely to create a need for such control in the first place. If you try to repair a complex structure that is broken with smaller complex structures it will all get very, very messy.



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Message 12/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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I'm responding to the notion... not the actual practice in this instance...

which as far as I can see, is still reprehensible!

Oh, PP... you're not Condescending are you?!


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Message 13/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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No, I really was trying to illustrate my point because in a debate like this its TOO easy for something to be misconstrued. This is a very touchy subject and due technological advances since the 30s eugenics is a very real threat in today's world. Its very important to draw distinctions, to carefully examine the information to determine if there is indeed a threat and, if so, where that threat is coming from.

In this particular instance, private sector contributions indicate the potential for there to be more of a threat from the wealthy elite than the government proper. At the moment, however, I am not willing to vilify or condone what this group is doing. On that point, in this particular instance, I will hold my personal opinion and stick to an academic debate.

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Message 14/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  12:08 AM     Edit: 03-Sep-03  |  12:09 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Hmm, after going back and re-reading reading it I guess it did come of as condescending. A little bit of editing should fix that. Man, I really can be a dick sometimes.

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Message 15/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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bedwyr...hell NO I dont decide that sort of thing.

and just exactly who "should" is a large question

but the fact remains that there are people who continually give birth, some of which do it intentionally to receive more "aid"

not only that but there are plenty of folk of ALL races (go ahead, just TRY to pin the fcking race thing on me anyone cuz it aint gonna hold) and or cultures who just flat should not be reproducing. NOT because of "bad genes" but because they have proven that they are either incapable of raising someone at all, or of at least raising them to not be a huge burden to the rest of society

believe me, I am well aware of the holes in this argument, but IMO breeding should stop COMPLETELY for one generation. Thats my take. and on top of that...ok...scenario...you have a kid, and you prove that you cant afford to maintain that life. Have another? HECK NO!

its a self-feeding cycle, and nothing gets any better. Again..not talkin about a permanent thing here, but something along the lines of Depo-Provera.

yes...scary, but...shits just out of control. personally Id be down for a "one child per family" agreement as well

its sad that these things have to be laws instead of mutual agreements between members of society. I dont want any more laws either, but IM not the one drug addicted, having kids and loosing them on the street now, am I?

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Message 16/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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oh and it certainly isnt poor people who are the only ones who could benefit from a little birth control.

I mean..dammit...if only Mrs Bush sr had been sterilized!

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Message 17/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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nobody wants to decide?
i'll decide>...if i had the money to pay a junkie to not have kids so his pathetic, non-productive....self-abasing....parasitic mind/body/and soul can't bring some poor child into this world> who deserves to at least be looked after during his formative years by a semi-responsible adult? screw that....i'd pay him in asecond. here....take this money you selfish bastard....go shoot some smack up your balls or in your eyelids or whatever....go knock yourself out....have some fun....and here let me cut this little..snip......okay...now run along you dickwad.

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Message 18/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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how dare you, you, you....eugeniciser, you!

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Message 19/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  03:13 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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before i get too flamed here....let me just say that i distrust the organization set-up to do exactly this.
their motives would have to be suspect.....then again...as far as i'm concerned...everyone's motives are suspect when it comes to those who want to control others. their behavior, thoughts, and the kinda cars they buy and what music they listen to.

then again...i believe children should have the right to be born into a world where his/her parents' main priority in life isn't crack or heroin. in my opinion...such a crime is easily punishable.

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Message 20/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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not wanting to condescend but to be ultra-clear about this>

heroin is for pussies. and pussies should not have children.

it's unfair to the pussy and unfair to the child.

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