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Subject: Spot - Slag from the Past

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:49 PM   -   Spot - Slag from the Past



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Dont be angry with Spot. He is a relic from a Dancetech of yesteryear, and has not been around to see it change from an all out slag-a-thon to a sensitive caring and politically correct environment.

Back in 98 we had the likes of Charlie and Acid Cat causing mayhem in the forums, we were conditioned to inject as much hurt and venom into a post as possible. Failing that we'd resort to predictable toilet humour. This is not the case today which is something Spot still hasnt come to terms with.

I am sure when he spends some time here he will realise that you are all top class chaps and his attitude will mellow. He will come to accept the new way, and the unwritten code of conduct by which we all adhere to. (apart from me coz I'm a c*nt).

I would like to take this oppurtunity to say that Spot is not my gay lover, he is a fat tosser who just owes me money.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards


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Message 11/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:26 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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he obviuosly gets a lob-on from watching blokes post in a forum....strange

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Message 12/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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well its understandable. After all. I am in here.

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Message 13/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:32 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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you saying you like brown hatters watching you?.....blooargh

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Message 14/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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no. I just send it was understandable. I didnt say I liked it.


. *sniff*... jeez. what the hell have you been eating ? that reeks.

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Message 15/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:35 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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Feeling threatened boys?

"do you want a pinapple forcefully inserted into your japs eye you ?" Now THAT is Fucking gay for you to want to offer.

Like we said, point proved. Get back to bum shafting kids. Like the poor Cunt in that picture with you Jock.


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Message 16/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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what picture ?? *confused*.

I dont have a problem with my sexuality. Sounds like you do though. You a bit insecure about it ? How about I come over there and give you a cuddle and we can talk about it more ?

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Message 17/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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careful what you offer mate, looks like they mean business

(shaking in boots)


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Message 18/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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LOL, now THATS at least the best response Jock has come up with for some time. He's a funny guy, occasionally. A fat, welfare sponging Cunt of a funny guy nonetheless (Personal attacks against you aren't very original, but we decided to try it your way for a change)

Confused about our sexuality? No more so than you "tough guy".

Spot however, is an irredimable loser. Pray you are either
a) The owner of the company you work for
b) Shagging the owner of the company you work for
c) The sysadmin of the company you work for.. OR..
d) At least able to forge your net usage statistics, because my nutsack is more productive than you, and they dishing out P45s for a LOT less than the shite you're upto!


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Message 19/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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heh heh, atleast i've got a job and may i add a Fucknig good one, i run the I.T department , therefore web stats / usage reports are all controlled and maintained by me

when will yuo post something worth while? when will you post smoething that has some sort of meaning? or are yuo going to bore me all afternoon with the same old tat, C'mon, make me laugh, crack a joke, do something original.....oh hang on, arent you the originality police?...Fuck me, not doing a very good job....i'll tell you what girls, why not nip off now and let me get on with posting with the grown ups


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Message 20/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  04:03 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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"i run the I.T department.."

VERY useful to know.. care to elaborate for which firm?


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