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Subject: The man in black says goodbye...

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  02:06 AM   -   The man in black says goodbye...


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Rest In peace Johnny..........

You'll be missed.

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Message 11/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Wow, yeah, he'll be missed. Who else had the guts and the talent to give Nashville the finger on a full page of Billboard magazine? And so many songs. He had a repertoire of thousands of songs.

Maybe it's just me, but when I hear Radiohead, it's good, very good, but somehow exclusive, like they're displaying the music for you but not really inviting you in. Whereas people like Johnny Cash or Jimi Hendrix could be singing about something seemingly unrelated to my life but I'd feel very included, very drawn into the music.

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Message 12/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Im not talking about NEW, but...timeless...yes.

radiohead isnt timeless.

JC was, no doubt

personally I think black sabbath is, too  and pink floyd

seems to me that THAT era was the last for...for that sort of thing...

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Message 13/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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black sabbath is shit.

sorry influx...man...were i younger and goofier i'd drive up right now to say it to your face.
ozzie is a wank.

ohhh...mr. crowley....

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Message 14/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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There's always something new. Bach worked his ass off and loved music. That's the tried and true formula and anyone here might be doing that right now. There will always be ground to break. That's the essence of life.

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Message 15/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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I disagree. I think Radiohead's material is timeless. And I don't even understand the lyrics half the time! It doesn't matter... they are the ultimate vibe builders in rock, and I love their edge. Very classic stuff, imo.

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Message 16/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  10:14 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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bollocks. radiohead are just another one of those "clever" rock bands that just get on your tits after 10 mins, just like shitty old Coldplay.

Radiohead, or any of the others will never be classic. these bands will be forgotten just like the rest of the crap thats out there at the moment.

If there was one band from that era that would really have a chance of being classed as classic then its Blur. Damian Allbran had more talent in his little finger than Radiohead or Colplay or any of that old guff.

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Message 17/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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blur and radiohead are peers no doubt.

i think radiohead's twisted quirkiness gets in the way at times but they have certainly penned some utterly timeless masterpieces. they have also written some nonsense. it's hard being a polite genius....it seems.

i think blur are similar but do keep things on this side of the line more frequently.

though a bit more dated...as for timeless. earlier waterboys and simple minds.

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Message 18/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Nanci Griffiths, Nick Cave, Patti Smith still have a few years left to achieve that level AND the real potential to do it.

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Message 19/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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sorry clay, but what ozzy is now has NOTHING to do with what he was in 1968-1973

sabbath is NOT "shit" and Mr. Crowley has nothing to do with Black Sabbath whatsoever.

you cant dismiss black sabbath, and if you do, youre a fool

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Message 20/84                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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Look up "timeless classics" in the entertainment dictionary and it says

Steward Copeland, Andy Summers and Sting aka The Police.

thats also the definition of "pure talent", "amazing song writing" and "facking awesome musicians".

No arguements. Nuff said.

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