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Subject: Angle Grinder Man

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  01:03 PM   -   Angle Grinder Man



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This bloke is genuine !!!! Facking excellent (link above)

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Message 11/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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yup. we should comply


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Message 12/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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i'd hire him to take it off my car, but i'd be slightly wary of the outfit

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Message 13/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  10:42 AM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man



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I'd certainly use him too. Good luck to the guy. Apparently his done about 20 releases in London and a few down in Kent (south east england).

F*ck the authorities. They should never clamp anyway. They clamp down at our car park where I get the train into London. They are so facking ruthless, its really out of order. I've seen them clamp a foreign car in the car park purely because it wasnt parked in the right space. Most probably because they didnt see the tiny sign saying that those spaces are reserved for season ticket holders, and thats even if they understand english. I mean facking hell, they bought a ticket, how out of order is that.

If I see a clamper touch my car I would knock them to the ground and kick the facker unconsious before he could call for backup.

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Message 14/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  11:41 AM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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respects to the guy but he is wrong about clamping.

Cars cost. cost your soul, you know it, they are wrong and so you pay and pay and pay all the stupid shit they think up to gether revenue through them. Fair play to the gov, otherwise they would be getting their money from other sources - probably from groups living lives with less foot print.

Cutting off the clamp dont help the fact that cities are turning into (have gone to) car parks where you leave the engine running.

Face it, limp dickless weekaday driver pussies, cars are not sustainable and the drivers out their have no right to complain about the state of the nation/environment/politics when they choose to lose public transport to go work. Do you think this iraq thing would happen if we didnt use cars?

Now if he were employing his angle grinder to cut cctv's off walls that would be righteous

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Message 15/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man



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Actually they have proved in London that all the parking restrictions and clamping has not helped the throughput of traffic at all. in fact its got worse.

Whats annoying is the money from parking tickets goes to the local councils to be squandered on something totally unnessasary. if it went back into improving public transport then groovy. The councils offer incentives to traffic wardens to ticket as many cars as possible.

Clampers and traffic wardens are the biggest c*nts around. They dont deserve respect or to be treated like a normal human being. All they deserve is extreme violence, and lots of it.

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Message 16/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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aye, felchers of the innocent are clampers and wardens, and jocks right, they are paid incentives where i live , the more they ticket, the better the personal financial bonus, its complete bollocks

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Message 17/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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share of the profit, ask any salesman

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Message 18/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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how to cut out the clampers profit entirely

automate the whole process by say... using a satelite location system (like the one developed to catch speeders)

but then how to get locator chips into people so that we can be automatically fined for walking: too fast, the wrong way up a one way street, in an area without having paid tax to that authority, in the area of someone who is a suspicious person, hving been an any location for any part of your life when something suspicious happened to you.

Chips in cards you need to carry all the time, implanted medical devices, shoes, clothes, walkmen. Gentlemen I am sure you see the potential here
travelling the to fast

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Message 19/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man



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it would never get like that over here. I remember when they attempted to tag space hoppers back in the 70's to try and cut down on truancy.

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Message 20/27                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: Angle Grinder Man


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Jock check out what Blair is trying to set up "over here"

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