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Subject: Sting

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:10 PM   -   Sting



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I'm off to see Sting in Paris tomorrow.

Who wants to suck my plums ?

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Message 11/33                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: Sting



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...george michaels.

it's funny when the front-man for whang has more balls than the above-mentioned.

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Message 12/33                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  04:03 PM   -   RE: Sting

stings nuts


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sting english? i thought he was a geordie :{


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Message 13/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: Sting



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aye, his a geordie.

but these celebs cant win. If you make a statement on the war then you could also be accused of over stepping your mark. Especially Sting. His had the piss taken out of him for his rainforests thing and tantric sex for years. So no wonder he kept quiet. But then you get blamed for not getting involved. And what difference would it make anyway ?

I judge Sting because of his musical abilities, as far as I'm concerned he could be a mass murderer and I wouldnt care. He is an exeptional songwriter and pisses over the majority of "artists" out there today.

As for George Michael. He can piss off. I lost all respect for him as a musician when he spat his dummy out over his Sony contract. His music is dull, lame and vomit inducingly bland.

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Message 14/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: Sting



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yea exactly Jock. K was up with you slaggin' everyone? :-) Do you actually like anyone/band out there?

Sting is one of the great british songwritters. I put him up there with Phil Colins/Elton John/Kate Bush/David Bowie.

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Message 15/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  01:31 PM   -   RE: Sting


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the police were v cool......sting unfortunatly is not but that doesn't mean he's not talented...celebs get slagged off just for being celebs.....tis sickening...am glad the dance scene is not celeb orientated...


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Message 16/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  02:00 PM   -   RE: Sting


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and Elton John deserves to be shot! booo!

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Message 17/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  02:26 PM   -   RE: Sting


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Sure, Sting wrote (or co-wrote?) some good pop guitar hits with the police sure, Fields of Gold was a good song too admittedly, but his or anyones 'musical' ability doesnt detract from their other actions does it?.. especialy if they've spent along time creating this semi-mythological image of themselves as some sort of bastions of an anti-establishment leaning...

What I'm saying is that these 'stars' USE a sort of quasi-political stance to enhance their credibility when it suits them & it's safe, but then fade away and leave it to a supposedly 'lame' pappy-pop artists like G. Micheal when they have to lay something on the line of themselves.

I find that to simply smack of good-old colonial white patronising shite... 'Save the poor disenfranchised blackies/brownies/forests/whatever' which to me is a pile of patronising poo of the same old white-people-save-the-non-white-poor shite. But when a political issue arises which to make comment over could cost them sales they run for cover and shut up. If the common man & lower-echelon politicians can make comment then why not these spokespeople of the 'new caring' world?

Saving the rainforests or helping the poor africans is a guranteed sales-booster for all the punters with a concience. Makes 'em think if they buy those artists records then they are 'helping' (gag) - a bunch of shit imo

BUT, my point is, no-one spoke up when it came to 'save the poor Iraqi's/Afghani's from getting carpet bombed to fuck'

why?... is that any better than being bled dry by a bank?

It's a pile of calculating posturing imo. And then Sting, on the one hand 'saves the rain forests' and on the other does car ad's for Jaguar which promotes cars/pollution/oil-use - seems like double-talk twaddle to me.

and whats this half-assed trance-pop-shite sting's got out now? - I dont doubt he's a qualified musician & knows his jazz, chords, scales and can write good pop when he tries, but that's no get-out clause even IF the last two years since Sept 11th has been pretty-much to all effects a good old McCarthyism revival.

Back in the 60's the whole musical establishment was out against the war, leading a positive movement of gigs festivals and protest and being up-front and vocal... what did OUR era's great rock-stars do?... fuck-all basicaly  

Admittedly tho, this probably says as much about current social trends as it does about the new control of the music industry... whatever, I dont advocate that anyone CAN save the world myself, but if one is to posture publicly that one DOES, then at least one should be consistant in ones assault on the system surely?

anyways, we're just talking. Whats does it matter if our gran's and other family cant get hospital treatment or our kids have shitty schooling, or education is only for the wealthy as long as we're pumping billions into Iraq for the yanks.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 18/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: Sting



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Message 19/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Sting



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nah I agree with K about the record sales thing. These super rich rock stars are like politicians. Declining record sales are just as unwanted as declining votes, and both of them dont want that. They choose carefully what to get involved in because of this.

Stings thoughts on the war in Iraq were made totally clear on Monday night when he introduced one of the new tracks from his new CD. He even indicated that he didnt want to get involved because of how the media would see it.. i.e..Saint Sting getting on his high horse again. Perhaps that shouldnt of stopped him. (see the above paragraph).

The important thing for a musician is to sell records based on their musical integrity, not on any political view. So why should they get involved.

If that were the case I'd of released a CD last year named "Stop the invasion of Iraq", the music would of been shite, but at least my political point of view would of gotten across and as a result I would gone platinum... Hmmm I dont think so.

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Message 20/33                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  08:42 PM   -   RE: Sting


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I saw Elvis again the other day

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