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Subject: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Mar-03  @  02:09 PM   -   Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera "told me they would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from Saddam's bloody tyranny. They convinced me that Saddam was a monster the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He and his sons are sick sadists. Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as people put in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so they could hear their screams as bodies got chewed up from foot to head."


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Message 11/26                 Date: 23-Mar-03  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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INdeed people, be aware, perhaps not of the information but knowing that there are those who know and live on and be with us

Now the rest of you, off to your happy lives and keep justifying why they pay me nice to make their information nicer for you nice people.

Isle 18 for the empty boxes

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Message 12/26                 Date: 23-Mar-03  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam

Def Z


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I'm sifting through all the info your provided. Good reading...

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Message 13/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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The truly sad thing is that there are a lot of good people in the world... and even some good politicians.. but the true power lies in the hands of some truly evil psychotic mofos, who are only interested in maintaining and extending that power...

Both the US and the UK have been quite happy to supply weapons to dictatorships, to sell weapons to BOTH sides of conflicts so that they last longer and generate more cash for the military and corporations... to impoverish the third world for corporate profit.

The US poured many millions into Al Quaeda, sold weapons to Sadaam to fight Iran, the UK sold weapons to Indonesia so they could continue slaughtering and repressing the East Timorese.. don't even LOOK at Africa...

It's a very very sad story...

Look, we SOLD Sadaam chemical weapons and when he used them didn't bat an eyelid..

More war, more death and more repression doesn't solve anything..

Mark my words, the aftermath of this war in Iraq will not be pretty...

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Message 14/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  09:23 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam

Broken Silence

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how about when sadaam brought 200 members of this cabinet into a small gym and called out a name every five minutes and shot him. this went on for a day until less then 50 people were left. half of them had already pissed themself.

sadaam took someone who he thought was against him and tied him to a chair and brought in the mans family. after having about 10 soldiers rape his wife and young daughters while the man's beard was on fire, he had his family killed then drove nails into the man's skull until he died.

sadaam talked to his brother, who fled in fear from him, on the phone. he purswaded him to come back to the palace and stay with him and that no harm was going to be done. he swore on his life- as soon as his brother arrived, he killed him with a cigar in his mouth. that was his own fucking brother.

come on now, you wanna list some shit, type in sadaam on google and youll find enough to make you loose your apetite.

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Message 15/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  09:31 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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Yes I AGREE saddam is an evil bastard!


That's not the point..

You think you can solve the problems in the Middle-East by invasions and military might..

It won't work!

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Message 16/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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I can quote you US atrocities.. why don't you invade yourselves and remove the CIA from the world stage?

Latin America's death squad leaders were trained right in the US, at Fort Benning, Georgia's School of the Americas. It's too sickening to describe the tidal wave of blood these bastards unleashed, so I'll chose just one date, one place: Dec. 11, 1981, El Mazote.

During Vice President (GHW) Bush's watch (Reagan wasn't exactly awake) a dozen US-backed paramilitary troops rounded up the inhabitants of this small, El Salvadorian village and gunned them down. The mass grave yielded 900 men, women and children. 131 children under 12 years, three infants under three months. One woman, Rufina Amaya, survived by scrambling under nearby bushes as her children screamed: "Mama, they're killing us." Ten of the 12 murderers were recent graduates of the School of the Americas.

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Message 17/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  09:33 AM     Edit: 24-Mar-03  |  09:37 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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how about a few thousand in santiago football stadium? do a search on google for pinochet, allende, santigao, victor jara, 1973.

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Message 18/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  10:55 AM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam



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defz you are a totaly thick system-sucking fool - "you cant compare US atrocities to saddam?"

dur?.... really?... so carpet bombing villages of children and women is fine is it IF the USA does it?... napalming civilians? - massacring civilians?

of and go back to school and get your thick redneck skull educated with some history.

Besides... saddam has bombed and killed people living in the boundaries of his 'state' - BUT... IRAQ is a state WE supported him in taking, and he committed his atrocities with weapons WE sold to him and with the full knowledge & support WE gave to him in his actions -

that's his crime which agreed is appaling.

But for a dull c*nt to pop up and charge that the USA has NOT done anything like that means you either are a right wing govt c*ck-sucking whore (i personaly beleive that's why you say it) OR, you are a thick as pigshite, ill educated twit (again this also has to be the case)

when the time comes mate, people like you will be the first to suck dick and swap sides because you are simply a product of someone elses point of view, a sheep.

the slimeyness of a group that supports a murderer to their own gain, then s him over further down the line again to their end is something i find appaling

and that same wonderful US/UK alliance is also butting it's own troops and supporters... how do you argue THAT one eh?... It's easy for you to sit there yapping, but soldiers are now being ed over by the wonderful governments (sorry 'corporations') they supported

i do feel sorry for them nevertheless because they are professionals, hijacked & being used as private army for non elected business corporations.

is that right?... these people are supporting YOUR argument... but even THEY get ed over!

care to comment on that DefZ?...

I just say it to show you that only a fool like you supports a group who would YOU over at the drop of a hat... How can you support a group who doesnt give a about you or anyone else who supports them? - even if they were in the right, which they clearly are not?.

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Message 19/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  12:16 PM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam


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Message 20/26                 Date: 24-Mar-03  @  12:16 PM   -   RE: Iraqis don't WANT the war on Saddam

man called clay


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it was immediately after the gym incident that we gave him more money for a job well done.
he had proven himself as our man.

that's what's typical and sick about this.

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