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Subject: High Time

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-02  @  07:11 PM   -   High Time


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Anybody here get Time magazine? If not, you need to go to a newsstand and pick one up. You'll know which issue I mean... the one with the pack of joints on the cover.

Great multi-article snapshot on the state of marijuana in America today. Very honest and very very good for the movement. Seeing stuff like this in a conservative mag like Time gives me hope for America.

Anyways, lots of good stuff here, check it out...


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Message 11/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: High Time


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ok. first.

do you really want the government controlling your drugs? Id rather just have them legal and be able to grow my own weed

guess itd be different for speed freaks and all.

but...we pay enough taxes as is, man. Ive had it up to here with paying taxes to finance shit that I just dont agree with and is actually quite detrimental to the health and well-being of americans.

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Message 12/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: High Time

Def Z


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Yeah - great for my business. All the dumbasses in their SUV's destroying my equipment. Great. It's not a bout freedom. It's about getting high. Pure and simple.

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Message 13/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  03:33 AM   -   RE: High Time


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influx, of course ideally the government would not regulate anything, especially a plant that grows in the ground (quite easily, I might add, hence the nick 'weed'). But I realize the current state of affairs (aka DRUG WAR). Hence, baby steps.

The first thing politicians think about before they legalize something as popular as pot is "how can I make money off of this?" I am not opposed to per-purchase taxes on packs of legal weed. Like taxes on cigarettes. I don't want them to take it out of your income tax, so if you don't want to pay the 'weed tax' don't smoke the 'legal weed'! There, you're not paying taxes.

I also want them to legalize growing for personal consumption, up to a specified 'personal' amount per household. This, of course, is a bit beyond a baby step.

I realize the gov. will want to keep control, at least in the beginning of legalization, so I am not opposed to taxes in that they are political lures for legalization.

Did that make sense?


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Message 14/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: High Time


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We should probably legalise cocaine too, so the corporate types don't feel discriminated against.

Keep crack illegal tho, mostly poor people use that... and we need more of them in prison... 2 mill and counting in the US eh? And the UK is doing its best to keep up... lots of new prisons.. excellent..

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Message 15/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:38 AM   -   RE: High Time


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baby steps, zazza, baby steps.

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Message 16/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: High Time


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damned if you do...

I was thinking of gansters extorting money from people and I though of unpopular gov't - like the whole machine (not just in power parties) not representing the people (its a sequence that starts with..."they are all cheats and liars" and ends up with taxation legislation and enforcement. so what's the difference?

weedey - wouldn't it would be nice (so my friend tells me) to think of a day when people are doing what they want without guilt, he says the paranoia is already a deal.

taxation money has got to be a winner (especially against the costs of drug war but what if the fear lever is worth more that the revenue..., it;s a lot of money so the lever would be a poweful one indeed. Have I got it right, what is the trade off for more liberalisation and why don't they want it.

hey maybee those 60's and 70's drug studies concluded that mind expansion of the populace would enable then to see through political manipulation, or possibly you would end up with a population of turnips

mongon anon anon

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Message 17/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: High Time

Steve Webster


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I love it if they legalised it. No more waiting around the dodgy Harlsden estate by the telephone box anymore. Honestly, I go and but 1 Henry every Thursday. I jump on the train, go to the phone box and make the call. It usually takes about half an hour for my man to get his arse up of the sofa, wrap it and walk down. He is always available, whatever the time of day/night but he takes so bloody long!

I'd love to be able to pop to the corner shop!

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Message 18/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: High Time


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Darin, it's not just about getting high. Almost eveyrone who wants it legalized is already getting high.

It's a symptom of the government's legislated morality.

It's an excuse to spend billions on prisons and military hardware.

It's a tool of foreign policy,

a mechanism for keeping poor countries poor (God forbid they should make money in Columbia or Afghanistan)

It's a scare tactic used for political advantage.

It's a relic of an era when the powers that be sought to disrupt and disorganize a popular political movement, namely the anti-Vietnam movement.

It's a roundabout way to enforce racism (take a look at New York's laws on posession of crack vs. possession of powder cocaine - executives blowing lines while poor minorities can only afford the rock)

Enforcement siphons money away from treatment programs.

Shall I continue?


PS - Ask GW Bush what he thinks would do his neice more good.. 20 years in jail or rehab?

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Message 19/83                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:13 PM   -   RE: High Time


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right on 99... !

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Message 20/83                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: High Time


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Bang on target Craig but I can see a little bit of what DefZ is on about I don't think it would be a good thing if you had totally bombed individuals operating heavy machinery or powertools and such like.I have a chainsaw and I would never consider using it under the influence of any drug but there are people who would set about a forest after a few bongs and a stoned individual in a forest with a big chainsaw would be a dangerous combination.

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