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Subject: why is art

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Original Message 1/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  09:18 AM     Edit: 02-Feb-05  |  09:19 AM   -   why is art


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my turn

So i am thinking about living in a villiage and walking around. Everyone I would meet I would probably know and so I would stop and chat, but if I move the model to the city then I could not go anywhere as I would be talking to many many people. The city dwellers should be surprised at how little people talk when 'people' are together randomly (on the bus, at the theatre, waiting in queues etc). Is art a talking to people.

So I live and know death will come, I cannot be in all places simultaneously. We feel but cannot tell everyone. Is art just talking before you arrive and after you have left?

I am stupid but the sum of my experience, I forget but even my 'original' comments come from my views and so from my experience. Is art a way to remind me and save me the effort to recreate prior logic?

If the opposites of emotions are connected then must we hate and love etc, so the art and our experience of it should traverse the range of emotions we associate with it. Is art just a snapsot of our experience with it?

Nice try tho Steve

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Message 2/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: why is art


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art.... is an illusion

lol - no wait.... errrrrrrr - it's one of those sunday times colour supplement discussions isn't it?  

this arguement has raged for centuries, Duchamp said anything the artist 'produced' was 'art' and exhibited his turds in jars didn't he? (after his 'urinal' exhibit caused something of a stir)

i dunno.... something either twigs with the viewer/listener or it doesnt, it's a personal thing surely regardless of the intentions of the artist/creator



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  02:02 PM   -   RE: why is art

Steve Roughley

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Surely, by definition, art is simply something that one works on. Whether or not it is any good is the question.

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Message 4/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: why is art


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Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.

The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
The study of these activities.
The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.
High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.
A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.
A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.

A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building.
A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer.

Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art.
Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: “Self-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice” (Joyce Carol Oates).

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Message 5/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: why is art


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Zappa said that once you placed a frame around it anything could be art .Drawing attention to a specific organization of events is creating a frame.Whether or not the consumer of the "art" has any meaningful reaction to it is another question.Without a frame there is no art.

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Message 6/25                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  02:52 PM     Edit: 02-Feb-05  |  02:53 PM   -   RE: why is art

Steve Roughley

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"counteract the work of nature" Hehe. I like that one.

All I was trying to say is that the term 'art' comes from latin and it literally means a mans skills by which he can produce something, or something that requires skill. Perhaps we look too far into it.

So the frame is art from the frame maker.

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Message 7/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: why is art


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it's funny how in music of all the 'arts', the format of our work is almost exclusively controlled by 'the dealers/galleries'

it'd be odd if painters were told to go away and deliver the final painting on a 180 X 240 cm canvas format



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: why is art


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how do you mean?

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Message 9/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: why is art


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Even beyond the physical format, the creative format seems to be under greater "financial scrutiny" in the music biz than in other arts. Could you imagine if painters had producers? Let alone executive producers...

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Message 10/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: why is art


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and as for the topic.... cheds man... give me some, damnit!!!

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Message 11/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  10:08 AM   -   RE: why is art


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"financial scrutiny"? hmm... are you sure tho. thruout the ages painters have had to make a living by painting not what they wanted but what someone wanted to pay for. only once in a while would a maverick come and create something cool by breaking the rules, similar as in music no?

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Message 12/25                 Date: 03-Feb-05  @  02:02 PM     Edit: 03-Feb-05  |  02:45 PM   -   RE: why is art


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performance art is the most etherial, certainly with live performance its never the same (well except Milli Vanilli stuff  ), though listening to a recorded piece can recall certain smells (hahahaha ) for me. And if you think about the mass enjoyment of a girls movements through a room maybee the argument is what is not art.

This etherial means it is more valuable as it has an infinite potential

Though i agree that everything I do is art ;) its nothing to do with the why is art, maybe because I choose to 'frame' / present to be called / experienced as art

Art is another expression for 'qualtiy time' for time

"I have a syrup folding warmth of air and sound like a muffler or an animal skin"

...thank you very much

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Message 13/25                 Date: 07-Feb-05  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: why is art

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

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So, if I shat in a jar then pissed in it aftaward, would that be multi-media?

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Message 14/25                 Date: 11-Feb-05  @  07:09 AM   -   RE: why is art


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music is the one art above others that is appreciated and consumed by the masses, in mass. Except maybe film/television (yeah yeah, can't really call tv ART can we?... or... can we... ~raises one eye brow~)

and any medium that is consumed on that kind of POP (ular) scale will be wholeheartedly controlled by producers, executive producers, and other "handlers"

Painting or other visual projects that are consumed en masse by the public also have these handlers... they just call it "graphic design" instead of FINE art...

similarly, they call music POP when it's for "them" and performance art when it's less "accessible"


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Message 15/25                 Date: 11-Feb-05  @  08:49 AM   -   RE: why is art


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and when nobody understands - it's just me

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Message 16/25                 Date: 11-Feb-05  @  11:45 AM   -   RE: why is art


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a familiar feeling cheddar?

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Message 17/25                 Date: 12-Feb-05  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: why is art


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talking of art, Author Miller died... oddly, he died on the anniversary day of the opening of Death Of A Salesman on broadway.... weird


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 18/25                 Date: 12-Feb-05  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: why is art


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Surely the title of this thread is 'Why is Art' not 'What is Art'?

Which is probably a more interesting and less tired question.


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Message 19/25                 Date: 12-Feb-05  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: why is art


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mmmm, another cosmic coincidence

but, you know what they say:

Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all

art, is merely an attempt to squeeze chaos and cosmos in the same glass.

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Message 20/25                 Date: 12-Feb-05  @  10:49 PM     Edit: 13-Feb-05  |  04:47 AM   -   RE: why is art


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Why?.Is it possibly because human beings ,after they have provided the basics of survival for themselves,feel the need to express their experience of existence to each other.It could be that need is born from the deep social instinct which binds us together as a species?As there is no purpose to life(in my opinion)except that purpose we ourselves give it, it may be that art is one of many ways to give meaning to an otherwise meaningless life.

Art can function as propaganda,as a measure of status,as emotional catharsis.The function of art explains why it exists and that function varies according to culture and individual.

Art can be viewed as a whole,as a record of human belief and aspiration used to inspire us,as well as being a record of our prejudices and lack of vision .Art the collective imagination made tangible for the consumption of the masses and the individual as a means of making sense of life.

It could have started as symbols possibly totemic in nature like the outline of a boar carved into a prominent rock meaning "This boar carved into the rock means that you have entered into the territory of the boar tribe who have as their protecting spirit the wild boar"The more fancifully executed the design the more leisure required to execute that design leisure in itself is suggestive of wealth,wealth of strength and confidence and so the message conveyed by elaborately decorated symbolism could be a deterrent to opportunist enemies.Like an elaborate way of puffing yourself up to make yourself look bigger to repel attack from potential predators.

If we look at it like this all art is a communication of one sort of another even if it is at the simple level of expressing your admiration for the beauty of a landscape by capturing it pictorially for others to get a hint of what it's like to see the world through your eyes,it helps to confirm our reality to each other as well as our dreams and it is possibly a comfort to us to realise that we are not alone in these experiences.

So maybe it's merely a psychological crutch.having our emotions excited in a pleasureable way makes a state of continued existence desirable.I think the use of religion runs along the same lines..

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Message 21/25                 Date: 14-Feb-05  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: why is art


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Remember you posted a guy debord quote on this board a few months ago?

It was something like - in the spectacle the eyes meets only things and their prices - where did you get that from? What was it exactly and where can I find the rest of this publication? Was it the Society of the Spectacle? I'm researching a documentary at the mo and I want to use it....

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Message 22/25                 Date: 14-Feb-05  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: why is art


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In the decor of the spectacle, the eye meets only things and their prices.



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Message 23/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  02:42 AM   -   RE: why is art


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ok, found this back:

Furthermore, we could envision the fact that everything written -all art, of all times- is in relation with atomic weapons, from two important points of view: art celebrates life, not the other thing, not the opposite of life; art brings the stakes up in increasing the mass of what runs the risk of being lost.

Martin Amis, Einstein's monsters.

sorry for the unelegant translation, feel free to post the original if you have it. it's towards the end of the introduction.

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Message 24/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: why is art


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isn't it a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall?

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Message 25/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: why is art


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yes. you can read my mind, can you ? better stop postponing the knittage of an aluminium hat.

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