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Subject: why is art

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Feb-05  @  09:18 AM     Edit: 02-Feb-05  |  09:19 AM   -   why is art


Posts: 673

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my turn

So i am thinking about living in a villiage and walking around. Everyone I would meet I would probably know and so I would stop and chat, but if I move the model to the city then I could not go anywhere as I would be talking to many many people. The city dwellers should be surprised at how little people talk when 'people' are together randomly (on the bus, at the theatre, waiting in queues etc). Is art a talking to people.

So I live and know death will come, I cannot be in all places simultaneously. We feel but cannot tell everyone. Is art just talking before you arrive and after you have left?

I am stupid but the sum of my experience, I forget but even my 'original' comments come from my views and so from my experience. Is art a way to remind me and save me the effort to recreate prior logic?

If the opposites of emotions are connected then must we hate and love etc, so the art and our experience of it should traverse the range of emotions we associate with it. Is art just a snapsot of our experience with it?

Nice try tho Steve

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Message 21/25                 Date: 14-Feb-05  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: why is art


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Remember you posted a guy debord quote on this board a few months ago?

It was something like - in the spectacle the eyes meets only things and their prices - where did you get that from? What was it exactly and where can I find the rest of this publication? Was it the Society of the Spectacle? I'm researching a documentary at the mo and I want to use it....

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Message 22/25                 Date: 14-Feb-05  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: why is art


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In the decor of the spectacle, the eye meets only things and their prices.



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Message 23/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  02:42 AM   -   RE: why is art


Posts: 1345

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ok, found this back:

Furthermore, we could envision the fact that everything written -all art, of all times- is in relation with atomic weapons, from two important points of view: art celebrates life, not the other thing, not the opposite of life; art brings the stakes up in increasing the mass of what runs the risk of being lost.

Martin Amis, Einstein's monsters.

sorry for the unelegant translation, feel free to post the original if you have it. it's towards the end of the introduction.

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Message 24/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: why is art


Posts: 3872

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isn't it a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall?

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Message 25/25                 Date: 19-Mar-05  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: why is art


Posts: 1345

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[image file]

yes. you can read my mind, can you ? better stop postponing the knittage of an aluminium hat.

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