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Subject: George W. Bush will be relected!

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  02:21 PM   -   George W. Bush will be relected!

not too politcal


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A lot of voters in the states just can't seem to bring themselves to vote for the other candidate...the guy who flip-flops of most of the issues. The media is just not supporting John Kerry say one non-partisan think tank.

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Message 21/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  11:13 PM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!

* compulsary

Posts: 1345

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[image file]

i bet they haven't read this one either

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Message 22/29                 Date: 15-Jun-04  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 342

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"oh what I wouldnt give to get dissonance to learn to link to stuff instead of copying page upon page of text!"

all you had to do was mention it.... and I will post links instead of copying entire passages when possible...

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Message 23/29                 Date: 15-Jun-04  @  04:39 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!



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that's just influx's lazy-side talking there.
if it's a big graphic file...sure> link it.
but linking an article won't make it shorter or easier to read....and links aren't always reliable.

he just likes complaining if you're not talking about snow.

: )

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Message 24/29                 Date: 15-Jun-04  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 7627

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I said it before, actually, but clays kinda got a point. a link doesnt make it shorter.

yeah, I just like to complain if you're not talking about snow

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Message 25/29                 Date: 15-Jun-04  @  05:42 PM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 6231

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they're thoughtfully done. a lot of stuff is thoughtfully done... been watching the movies from the last 15 years i haven't seen.. so far fear and loathing, battle royale.. must seem horrific but somehow the thrill of witnessing media has disappeared. done, done, done.. dark rooms, sore necks..

dis - links take too long to load! quote!! ;) jk

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Message 26/29                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:31 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 673

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I hope so. I hope that the world and your own civil servants keep telling you but still that series of adverts or those touch screen voting booths keep him there and then maybe after everone cant belive it you go get another system

but lets face, it power corrupts and we know this but we want power

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Message 27/29                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 6231

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in the sort-of words of the expertly crafted john trubee, these people should realise that drugs are better than power for living.

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Message 28/29                 Date: 22-Jun-04  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!



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Drugs aren't what they seem

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Message 29/29                 Date: 22-Jun-04  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


Posts: 7627

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neither is "power"

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