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Subject: this is how we do it

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Jul-04  @  03:07 PM   -   this is how we do it



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A Republican strategy - to cast votes in the dark of the night while newspapermen are home sleeping (we're talking 3 in the morning).

"At 2:54 a.m. on a Friday in March," he begins, "the House cut veterans' benefits by three votes. At 2:39 a.m. on a Friday in April, the House slashed education and health care by five votes. At 1:56 a.m. on a Friday in May, the House passed the tax-cut bill, weighted especially towards millionaires, by a handful of votes."

"At 2:33 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House passed the Medicare privatization bill by one vote. At 12:57 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House eviscerated Head Start by one vote. And then, after returning from summer recess, at 12:12 a.m. on a Friday . . . the House voted $87 billion for Iraq," he continues.

"Always in the middle of the night, always after the press had passed their deadlines, always after the American people had turned off the news and gone to bed."

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Message 21/32                 Date: 21-Jul-04  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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why does anything i described remind you of hostility?

a violent action is not hostile if it isn't directed at anyone. or do you imagine me with my face in a grimace every time i speak because my words describe the mistakes of others? why would someone's error make me angry? is anger your response to error, or is implementing the solution your response...

remember, my father was an intelligence agent for two countries, as i must remind you! :p i was raised with a certain.. disenchantment for emotion. (remember.. one of these countries was *not* the u.s..  

do you not imagine that i am smiling and calm when i engage in diatribe? wouldn't my absolute security in this domain entail this?

when life is so simple that i am able to completely describe the scope of my discernment using text, then i will accept criticism in this medium. until then, indicating that i might misgauge my actions is amusement. there is no need to apologise for my capacity.

obviously, my manner has made an durable impression on you, sir. do i communicate passion? do i experience it?

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Message 22/32                 Date: 21-Jul-04  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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you do okay by me...
which is why i'm rarely reluctant to engage you...or perhaps even challenge you.
push-to-shove you always manage to pull the rabbit-of-reason out-of-the-hat.
in fact, you do more than okay.
sometimes i just like to hear you talk.
sorry if i'm easily amused.

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Message 23/32                 Date: 22-Jul-04  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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hehe, agreed.

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Message 24/32                 Date: 22-Jul-04  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it

SignalRunners - BLU

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aawwwwwwwwwww, get a room you two


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Message 25/32                 Date: 22-Jul-04  @  03:42 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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hey....i don't pretend to be shy.

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Message 26/32                 Date: 22-Jul-04  @  06:08 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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no, you don't.

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Message 27/32                 Date: 22-Jul-04  @  04:19 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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do you have a 1-900 #??

easy to be me in an argument, all you have to do is remember that nothing is more ugly or violent than denial, eg. the yogic trance that allows people to commit actions heedless of the consequences.

once you've got that, you can't lose, because this is the absolute gravity of the situation. if i assert the truth violently, it will be defended with greater violence by those who still refuse it.

perhaps it doesn't seem violent to say, "please do be civil," but this is horribly violent when you consider the nature of civility, eg. the automatic imposition of denial. so i am laughing, constantly, at brutes.

everybody observes their own nature.. eventually.... seconds in death even..

so. this violent wording i purport.. no lasting effect?


"okay another dream... but shorter then the last one....

I was lying in bed with many people (all fully dressed ) and then I said something that somebody at the other end of the bed didn't like and he came over and wanted to wrestle me... it was michael stipe (and I don't even have a single REM record) ....the wrestling part was kinda fun and then we talked about how I like stuff that not so many people know... and explained it like this:

well sometimes I tend to think that I'm kinda special (in a way that nobody is exactly like me - not in a better or worse way) and then I hear a song sung by somebody else and he expresses the way I feel (strange feeling but a very good one - a feeling of home - but a different home then mine)

but then when I realize that many others like those songs for the eact same reason I start to feel unspecial.....

then I woke up"

i am often compared to michael stipes on kvr.. not to say that he is me, but perhaps we both contribute to 'the mouth of conscience.' the bed full of people is obviously a physical abstraction of the noosphere/forum, people all together but platonic..

my guess is an awakening consciousness of noospheric confluence described here..

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Message 28/32                 Date: 23-Jul-04  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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"well sometimes I tend to think that I'm kinda special (in a way that nobody is exactly like me - not in a better or worse way) and then I hear a song sung by somebody else and he expresses the way I feel (strange feeling but a very good one - a feeling of home - but a different home then mine)

but then when I realize that many others like those songs for the eact same reason I start to feel unspecial.....

then I woke up "



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Message 29/32                 Date: 24-Jul-04  @  07:19 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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Noone believes they are bad themselves. What may be perceived as hostile is rarely an intended hostile act.

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Message 30/32                 Date: 24-Jul-04  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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i know people who KNOW they are bad and know exactly
when they've been VERY bad.
they simply have an ability to accept that part of their nature more than others do.

the will-to-survive supercedes any tendency towards conscience or guilt or responsibility towards others.
it's the id in action without any interfering forces to provide balance.

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