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Subject: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:25 AM   -   Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Here I am, a Brit. A message to all Americans on this site:
Vote Kerry. Bush's time can be ended on Tuesday. You can evict him from the Whitehouse. I hope you're going to vote. Vote. Vote Kerry. Not because he's really great. More because Bush is such a useless shit. For Christ's sake.

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Message 21/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  05:24 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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there's just no call for it clay

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Message 22/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  08:54 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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all i'm saying is, just cos his thread was pulled that's not a general signal for an "Open Season" on the guy.

Andrew, he's right wing, he's conservative with a capital C, you can't force people to NOT be right wing Clay man, and if you want to play the superior-knowledge-with-age card then surely you know that?

there's no way you'll ever change people who beleive that stuff, they just have to do it in their own time IFat all.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 23/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  01:31 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Humble Granny

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Listen, I'm English and in my opinion Kerry is a bit of an idiot but Bush is a much bigger idiot, it really is as simple as that.

Kerry would at least give some thought to his actions instead of just jumping right in and if you vote for him you get rid of Rumsfeld, Cheney and all the other frankly corrupt people in the Bush administration.

So to sum up, you get rid of Bush and hopefully we can get rid of Blair even if we have a severe lack of alternatives(anyone but the conservatives) and the world really will be at the very least a slightly better place.

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Message 24/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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i was asking a couple important questions which i doubted i would get answers for.

there are actually a couple aspects to andrew which i actually respect and one is his ornery combativeness at times.
i certainly respect his not going into exile after some of the blood-letting we've experienced here, especially.
and yet he seems to espouse principles which he holds dear but cannot elaborate upon.
my intention was to explore what those principles actually were and to find the source from which those beliefs originally emanated....in an open manner.

i absolutely feel there's a need for it......
and yet we are swathed in a protective environment here.....
to which i respectfully (?) bow and wish you all a bloody-good day.

as for your last sentence k....you're absolutely right.
then again as with my new-found republican friend who kept thanking me for sharing some of the information i laid on him the other day......which his italian DEA taurus father never would (whom i got to meet...and funny> just joking about the quality of mexican tile versus arizona tile...he gestured as if to punch me if i didn't get my answer right....we are forever tough guys...don't mess) ...nor would fox television share....
people need to be exposed....they need to hear it...sometimes with me in their face.....
they need to know the humanity from which we come.

we are not just little bits of text across your computer-screen that you can gayly laugh at.
when we bomb and kill REAL LIVING people in this world...as a nation... there are and will be REAL consequences to face.
the sins of the father are always passed on.
karma is real.
sometimes it's personal and sometimes it's much larger than that.
why do you think MOST germans HATE WAR so much?

i go to work now.
pray for goodness.
it's time.

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Message 25/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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i hope he gets reelected and fucks andrew up the arse along with the rest of em

cos it comes down like "hi there, shithead" when it comes down, and it feels so good inside

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Message 26/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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I'm voting for Kerry. We've got to get rid of the madmen and woman in the present administration.

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Message 27/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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before you vote, remember...

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

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Message 28/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

cheddar aka crastus

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so i am going to talk about change.

children, the old getting stuck in their ways
where was I?
needing regular things around you
i could talk about their reflection being 'you'
and there is the point
at which it becomes 'change'
what is it?,
whats the point, different for one thing, but
when light shines on reflecting you
history is
Piss on reflection
but time does pass and things are sold, gone - they put up concrete blocks and i will still be here - - I heard that Korea does not like that its history (books, teachings) are altered since Japanese inhabitance -- and the freedoms reigned
where was there ever freedom?
what is freedom
what the fuck is freedom doing in this train of thought

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Message 29/107                 Date: 01-Nov-04  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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dont worry... there is a war for peace on.

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Message 30/107                 Date: 02-Nov-04  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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and it all comes down to who drew carey is going to vote for !

who script these things ?

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