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Subject: more on moore

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  06:22 PM   -   more on moore

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Message 21/68                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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damn mcc, cant give up on yerself huh? i think 'andrew' already has some good viewpoints about his position...

I feel like I need to wash my hands now.

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Message 22/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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its pretty amazing to me that some people still refuse to see how horribly corrupt the entire system is

I see it, a little, and the tiny bit I understand terrifies me. Bush is part of that, but I think he's like...a zit. just the visible part of a deeper problem.

moore...well...psy makes a good point...the fact that he is so "american" kinda gives his stance some clout.

havent seen the film yet. wanted to wait for the crowds to die down

already though, Im hearing about more manipulation of "sound bites," and stuff taken out of context, etc. Leaving holes for detractors to widen isnt such a good way to make a point, is it?

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Message 23/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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influx...just drop the conjecture and go check it out man!

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Message 24/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  04:05 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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"So what recipe are you being spoon fed?" I read.

I have nothing against America, but I don't like Bush and his adminstration. I think he's dangerous and I sincerely hope he loses the election. When I go to watch this movie I'll have a few laughs and walk out of theater thinking "I still don't like Bush". Neo cons are going to watch the movie liking Bush and leave the theater still liking Bush, convinced Moore is a wealthy propagandist who thinks he's better than the rest (ref. Jante). I don't think the movie will change much, but I still look forward to watching it for pure entertainment value.

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Message 25/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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mcc, my point is, I dont need to see the movie to know that Bush, et al = morons, sheisters, ripoff artist, greedy bastards

not sure on the "evil empire" thing, but...I really dont need to see a documentary to know how fucked up things are! Youre preaching to the converted and I dont understand why you continue to think its necessary

I am well aware that "we" are a big fcking mess, and Im part of that big fcking mess. dont need any more evidence. jury's in, verdict is clear

"kill all humans"

especially the college kids that hang out in downtown fullerton on tuesday nights. not a useful one in the lot!

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Message 26/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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kill all americans i say.

the other day i got hailed by a couple of tourists while passing by in my car. i stop and open the window to see whats the deal. no hello, no excuse me, but a loud "dooo yooou un-der-staaand AN-DER-GRAAAUND?" (drawling like a mofo).

well of course i understand underground!!! i like my drumandbass, breaks, dubstep and breakstep! why the woman was curious abut that i dont know

we say hello first in europe you cunts.

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Message 27/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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Message 28/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  12:10 PM     Edit: 30-Jun-04  |  12:25 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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"Vactation to michael more = not in the whitehouse. If he claims that when the president is not in the whitehouse he is not working, how could you trust that man to make judgements on politics in the first place?

To be honest, I'd love to see the movie. I want to see really what's convincing people and I want to see if it has an effect on me. But...from what I've heard, it seems like cheap shots like the one above.

I heard that he makes a big deal of when bush is reading to children (heheheheh thats an ironic scene, innit?) and gets inturupted by someone who says "mr. president, an airplane has crashed into the world trade center." and bush says "okay" and meets him in a few minutes, as soon as he is done reading to the children."


Excuse me? He has no idea that it was a terrorist attack. So given the information that a plane had crashed into the world trade center, he finished what he was doing first, then went to help. What, is h e supposed to throw the book at the kids and run of stage?"

Bush was well known to spend his time fishing, golfing, ranching, and doing other leisure time things before 9/11. That's what the documentary showed. Was nothing new.

I had thoughts about what he should've done when he was in the classroom. He wouldn't have had to tell them what was going on. Just that he'd be back. And he was being told at that point that the 2nd or 3rd plane hit. He was told about the first before he got to the school and made the decision to go do the school thing anyway.

The part with the state trooper in Oregon was hilarious. Because of budget cuts there's 1 trooper to patrol the entire stretch of coast and even he only works part time. He said something like "I wouldn't know a terrorist if I saw one" or something like that. He said "I wish they'd give me a manual. If they did I'd read it. I have plenty of time to read but there's no manual" or something close to that. Had the whole theatre laughing.

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Message 29/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: more on moore



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quote: my point is, I dont need to see the movie to know that Bush, et al = morons, sheisters, ripoff artist, greedy bastards

influx....i didn't say you needed to see the movie to know bush = jerk
i simply said see the movie!

btw......it is NOT a funny haha movie.
you will laugh once or twice
but mostly you will shudder in fear and disgust.

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Message 30/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  03:48 PM   -   RE: more on moore

* compulsary


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RTFM !!!

lol, makes me wanna see it.

i'll have to skip this thread now, in fear of spoilers... ;p

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