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Subject: sterilisation Eugenics

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  04:36 PM   -   sterilisation Eugenics


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"To its critics, Project Prevention or Crack - an American organisation which pays drug addicts and alcoholics to be sterilised - is a terrifying throwback to the neutering of "defectives" during the 20th Century."


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Message 21/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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hmm. I've heard of those "gun buyback" programs. I'd have never thought of an "ovary buyback" program, though.

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Message 22/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  04:54 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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I say start with ALL the peeps in LA...half the freaks live there.  

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Message 23/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  04:57 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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that means influx too?

how do you feel about this dave?

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Message 24/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:17 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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once and for all I dont live in LA 

Im 35 miles SOUTH.

I dunno...I dont exactly contribute much...but Im not a drug addict with 3 kids, leaching off the system now am I?

and when I build my house with solar power and a recycling sewage system Ill be even less of a virus than I currently am! woohoo!

heroin...dunno clay...burroughs did it all his life and..well...he only kinda dragged people down

but yes, then issue is control, and the ones who want it are frightening.

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Message 25/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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no apologies, but .. you pricks.

how hard do you think you would have to look to find someone who had the "ability to support progeny and do right by them" who had been born to a mother and father who were somehow unsuitable to furthering your morals?

arseholes. influx, i think you're a rectionary punk with strong, sometimes unthinking, views. mcc, from your post, you're just a knob.

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Message 26/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:33 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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yeah beds but only between football matches.


i will respect your right to need whatever feeds your soul.
sad as that might be.

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Message 27/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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oh Fuck off.

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Message 28/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:46 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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as for burroughs....he did his part, sure...for culture...consciousness and...ummmm..> heroin....and roaches...but he really never did much for me.
as an inspiration or anything.

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Message 29/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:46 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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major assumptions the eugenicians are making here:

1. drug addicts and their offsprings aren't supposed to be here

2. The world would be better off without them

3. Stopping their breeding would stop the problems of society for which they are blamed.

You have to be pretty fuckin smug to think you know the truth to any of those.

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Message 30/166                 Date: 03-Sep-03  @  05:54 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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you call me names, and Im the reactionary?

and it has nothing to do with "my" morals. I dont really care about morals. Two different things here.

I really have to say Im a bit surprised...we seem to get along...always respected your views, and now Im a "reactionary punk" who doesnt think?

sorry man but thats a 180..well..I might be a reactionary sometimes but I do a damn lot of thinking. maybe too much.

psy is so dead on...claiming to have answers would be foolish. DID I EVER DO THAT?

Am I sitting here saying "this is how it should be"


and would this STOP the problems? heck no. Heck...my basic premise was that some people just dont belong having kids! Sure, the child might grow up to do good...without question...but the majority of them grow up in a living hell, only to perpetuate a horrible situation.

anyway...fck off with the name calling already, ok? I dont need that shit. I was offering a fcking opinion, and it wasnt a knee-jerk one.

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