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Subject: Sting

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:10 PM   -   Sting



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I'm off to see Sting in Paris tomorrow.

Who wants to suck my plums ?

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Message 21/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: Sting


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politics are handy when you are young

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Message 22/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Sting



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well if that's the case (The important thing for a musician is to sell records based on their musical integrity, not on any political view. So why should they get involved), then they should stay out of all of it. It's the 'pick & choose' bit I find dodgy.

and Blista mate, if he didnt do all that posturing I wouldnt have cause to get irritated with his twaddle in the first place you see.

the point is, how can a 'star' like Bono for example on the one hand give it all this stuff about how it's important to use 'star' status to bring attention to global injustices such as 3rd world debt, and then just shutup about the current HUGE global injustice/pile of crap that's happening?

are iraqi's & afghani's worth less that africans all of a sudden?... or have africans become simply some sort of handy 'stock' to employ to boost ones 'caring' profile? - or are africans more worthy of 'saving' (sic) cos they arent evil Muslims?

makes be barf anyways.

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Message 23/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: Sting


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good comic called The Authority, OK its nicely drawn (sometimes) and has good stories but the killer is that the superheroes say why should we be beating the crap out of costumed badies when governemtnts all over the world are perpetrating worse injustices and we do nothing

anyway, good point but American people are still stupid media fed cattle

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Message 24/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  11:31 AM   -   RE: Sting



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Bono could most probably clear a big chunk of the third world debt with his vast fortune.

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Message 25/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  04:17 PM   -   RE: Sting



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milan! What the hell are you on? Elton John's "Rocket Man" is a brilliant tune. Deeper than anything you or I will ever make.

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Message 26/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: Sting



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Rocket Man is a brilliant tune. Although that aside he really is totally over-rated.

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Message 27/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Sting


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heh... i actually do (or did) have rocket man along with rest of his hits as a kid, and dug it too.

but he still pisses me off with his twatty looks :p

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Message 28/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: Sting



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waddabout that one he did that goes "hold me closer tony danza"? wtf is that about?

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Message 29/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: Sting



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ducale...you still listening to rocket man? and pretending you ain't COMPLETE ding-dong?

..those ain't his words.....

which you already know....as a worshipper.

levon was good too. nevertheless!!!!! come back to earth!

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Message 30/33                 Date: 25-Sep-03  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: Sting


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tony danza.... that's pretty fucking hilarious there, d!! :D

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