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Subject: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

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Original Message 1/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  07:19 PM   -   Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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yup! - Prince Harry sorts out a new look for the Sandhurst passing-out parade!



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:22 PM     Edit: 13-Jan-05  |  10:22 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Fukin stupid if you ask me. People are dying, drowning, starving all over the globe, and all the British press are concerned about is a poxy costume a slip of a prince wears to a fancy dress party

Who gives a fuck anyway! All I care about is where the money is coming from to buy my next software update.... asides, it wasn't even the official uniform

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Message 3/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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is that what its all about? he wore a costume?

man...this oversensitivity thing...its getting out of hand!

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Message 4/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  11:06 PM     Edit: 13-Jan-05  |  11:08 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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fuck I can't get my head round how this board works.... the stories here:


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Message 5/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:01 AM     Edit: 14-Jan-05  |  12:08 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Nah, flux, you have to remember that this is a member of the Royal Family. Thousand upon thousands have died defending this family, and they STILL collect tax money. They are more than simply figureheads. They are examples, and they have extremely large responsibilities as public figures. Harry is in line to be King. He can't do this sort of thing. There's too much money, and national honor involved. The Royal Family still owns the land, and still has the money, even though the day to day shit is run by Parliament. If Harry wants to just go and do as he pleases, he can abdicate. If he won't then he has to be responsible. Right now he's a being a fuckin idiot, and at the taxpayer's expense. Who do you think paid for his costume?

Admittedly, he apologized, but he really should have thought about it a bit more and come up with a better outfit. With all of the money and resources, as well as the amount spent on his education...well he could have sone a LOT better.

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Message 6/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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the public wasnt supposed to know about it innit... horrible as it may seem, i say thats a good display of dark humour and awareness as to his place in the society.

to be honest, in his place i woulda gone as that prince from blackadder. would have been even more fitting than a nazi uniform.

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Message 7/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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just another reason to let this poor disfunctional family fade into oblivion

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Message 8/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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so...would it be OK to wear a US uniform from WWII? British?

because BOTH those countries killed just as many innocents as the germans did in WWII.

I agree that someone at that level should be more aware, but perhaps he WAS totally aware and was making a statement? who knows

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Message 9/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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but it must be insane living under scrutiny like that.

at least they get to shag the butler

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Message 10/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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he was just being a typical 'toff regaling in anti p.c. little prick', ... they do it all the time.

if you want, you can do a whole thing about the upper class being nazi sympathisers ...

basically, over here, this resonates on so many levels about the fascist (think they are ruling) ruling class in the uk ...

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Message 11/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  07:35 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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there gernan inbreeds anyway when it comes down to it. Lizzie needs to have a word in his chaperones ear for sure- but- what the man ape said defo

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Message 12/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Prince Harry is still only 20 years old though. I'm not making excuses for him but when I was 20, I was an idiot. And did some stupid things that I know look back on and cringe at.

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Message 13/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

Bol Toper

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Influx, I think you need to study your history if you think the allies killed as many innocents as the nazis. Sure there were incidents where civillians were deliberately targeted, eg Dresden and the A-bombs on Japan. But in the numbers killed there were a few hundred thousand. And those were attacks on countries with which we were at war. The nazis deliberately killed about 10 million innocents. Not in acts of war, but murder of people in their own country and countries they had conquered. Murder based on racial hatred. That is what the swastika stands for and that's why it's so offensive. Harry has had the best education money can buy, paid for by us taxpayers, so he should know that. We all do stupid things when we're 20 but we're not representing our countries ruling class. If he accepts the money and priveledge then he has to accept the responsibility that goes with it.
Still, looking on the bright side, every time one of the cunts fucks up like this brings us closer to the day we'll be rid of them.


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Message 14/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  10:57 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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really Dave, get your facts straight!

"they're german inbreds anyway" heh... true dat!

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Message 15/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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I never understood the whole royal family thing anyway. A graphic artist in a place I used to work had framed pictures of the British royal family all over and around his desk. This guy was an American. I think he visited England a couple of times and decided he'd adopt them as his own family or something. Was too funny.

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Message 16/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:51 PM     Edit: 14-Jan-05  |  03:54 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"Wha' the deil hae ye gotten for a king but a wee bit German lairdie" from Hanover to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha


The entire aristocracy of the world would be living on old thistles, fresh nettles, and whatever they could lick of my cows arse if I could decide what to do with them.

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Message 17/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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depends on if you believe the numbers thrown around in holocaust propaganda. Facts? subjective term

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Message 18/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"holocaust propaganda" ... here we go again

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Message 19/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Nah even if the numbers are off by a bit, which I doubt because the Nazis kept very good records,the fact remains they were disposing of people they thought were racially inferior to them.That ideology was what most of the guys fighting the Nazis were opposed to and that little prick dishonoured their sacrifice by wearing that arm band.The Brits were literally fighting for their lives against the Nazis,so that wee shit should be publicly birched for his disrespect.

Ruling Class!Suck my ASS!

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Message 20/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Im certainly not saying the 3rd reich didnt need to be stopped, and I see the point about the disrespect.

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Message 21/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  11:48 PM     Edit: 14-Jan-05  |  11:48 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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The French were ready to welcome Prince Harry into Paris with open arms.

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Message 22/32                 Date: 15-Jan-05  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

Humble Granny

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It's an odd symbol the swastika,why the Germans adopted a sign that was originally ment to be peaceful I don't know, I went to China a couple of years ago and quite a lot of the Buddhas in the temples I visited had swastikas on their chests which was an odd site having previously asociated it with Nazis, I think it originated from Hinduism although it was upside down then and it was the German workers union or something like that who first used it in ze Deutchland. I was hoping the whole "Harrygate" issue would be a good reason to get rid of the whole royal family, I'm sick to death of hearing about them.

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Message 23/32                 Date: 15-Jan-05  @  10:00 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Message 24/32                 Date: 15-Jan-05  @  10:33 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"It's an odd symbol the swastika,why the Germans adopted a sign that was originally ment to be peaceful I"

Isn't it the wrong way round in the Nazi version tho?

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Message 25/32                 Date: 15-Jan-05  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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I read that the Nazi swastika is supposed to represent 4 Teuton battle axes it was also the symbol of Thor.The Nazis were intensely into their mythology and whatever you may think there is no doubt that the symbolism of Thor's symbol strong black on the pure white circle imposed on the Red background makes a very striking and direct statement,German strength and purity of race and cause dominating the red flag of communism .
Heady stuff for an embittered and impoverished German people desparate for some feeling of worth after the 1st world war and the reparations that followed .

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Message 26/32                 Date: 15-Jan-05  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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it is also two sowilo (the 's' rune) joined together

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Message 27/32                 Date: 16-Jan-05  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

Humble Granny

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"Isn't it the wrong way round in the Nazi version tho"

I'm not to sure myself, you might be right.

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Message 28/32                 Date: 17-Jan-05  @  10:17 AM     Edit: 17-Jan-05  |  10:18 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

Steve Roughley

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"An ancient cosmic or religious symbol formed by a Greek cross with the ends of the arms bent at right angles in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction.
Such a symbol with a clockwise bend to the arms, used as the emblem of the Nazi party and of the German state under Adolf Hitler, officially adopted in 1935. "

If you look at the floor of the York minster (and I'm sure many others too) you will see that it is covered in reverse swastikas. I think it is a very popular symbol, historically.

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Message 29/32                 Date: 18-Jan-05  @  07:22 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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yes, well used symbol, bastardized by the nazis

god forbid someone would want to stay racially pure. the horror!

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Message 30/32                 Date: 18-Jan-05  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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it's kinda wierd - if you check the genocide and destruction weilded for a thousand years by the Christian Cross, nowadays christians say "Oh the church & christians have changed, that was the past"

i wonder what those same people think of the 're-branding' of the KKK

or if the nazi party arrived on your doorstep on a sunday morning giving away freebies and saying "we changed!"


time changes things in odd ways.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 31/32                 Date: 18-Jan-05  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"time changes things in odd ways."

But we keep seeing the same seedy saviours and making the same mistakes

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Message 32/32                 Date: 18-Jan-05  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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cycle of eternal return innit ?

Let's do the time warp again !

it's just a jump to the left
and then a step to the right...

ad nauseam

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