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Subject: Bush on Tribal sovereignty

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  03:36 PM   -   Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 342

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I did not vote for that man!

and listen to the fucking people laugh at the buffoon!

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Message 31/33                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  06:32 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 6231

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"we're jsut christians because the church has buffets"

oc ultimately, what's taking over/pissing on the world?

i mean, really, once you're there, you can make those decisions over scrabble and shots of domestos if you fancy, so i guess it could be all fun and games.

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Message 32/33                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


Posts: 2003

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Influx, your words are more correct than you realize. Once you are really in the know it's too late. You're in. In for a penny, in for a pound, and there's no escape. I don't know enough to be trouble and I like to keep it that way.


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Message 33/33                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  11:00 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty



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there are people insecure enough to require the possession of secret powers....
and secret connectedness.
really....it's all they got.

usually they're the ones quietly muttering over at the gameboards.

you can imagine how that works....and why.

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