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Subject: goldenseal

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Original Message 1/37                 Date: 27-Feb-04  @  08:49 PM   -   goldenseal


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i have a little symbiotic pal that lives in my tummy that doesn't want to fucking go away and doesn't exist according to doctors ("c. albicans? doesn't exist. here, have a fucking boatload of sugar and buy some expensive useless creme on it!").. real fun. the latest episode of these misadventures involves goldenseal.. 2 pills, 2 days. after bringing up every solid and liquid in my body, i brought up about a pint of this black goopy shit, ie. prolly this mysterious intestinal residue (or my lungs) people tell you about, "the avg. 50-yr old american male carries 5 lbs of undigested red meat around.." et c.

anyway.. if you're up for it, give it a whirl.. sure as hell rather have it outside me than in me. working in nurseries et al. i've 'experimented' w/ plenty of plants, but nothing has made me hoof up anythnig like this before. (forgot to video, sorry)

oh yeah - greenstranger.com is selling some fucknig beautiful healthy blosser strain salvia d. plugs $12 or 3/$30

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Message 2/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: goldenseal



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i think they found 15 pounds in john wayne.

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Message 3/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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when you say "brought up" do you mean puked? or shit?

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Message 4/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  03:49 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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nevermind. got the point.

why the fck would you want to do that, anyway? I mean...there are intestinal flushes that make the stuff come out the proper end. puking is horribly bad for your body, not to mention a terrifying experience IMO. I would never ever ever voluntarily go through that!

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Message 5/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  04:07 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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goldenseal is a long revered herb. good for some things but can't be taken in large amounts and can be harmful as hell. But if it did the trick for you that's great Xoxos!

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Message 6/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  06:27 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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making you puke your guts out is doing the trick? I never even thought thats what goldenseal did. I thought it was something that allowed your kidneys to flush, so you drink a lot of water and get rid of toxins and the like...

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Message 7/37                 Date: 28-Feb-04  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: goldenseal

* compulsary


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try mate, along a diet of glycine max

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Message 8/37                 Date: 29-Feb-04  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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mmm.. commercial prods usually recommend a ~2 week course, couple of caps a day.. i took 'em for 2 days, so hardly the intended outcome. but honestly, rather puke it than leave it there. i would really fucking love to find some rhubarb to take it with.

"what - you don't go in for recreational puking, girlie man?" :p

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Message 9/37                 Date: 29-Feb-04  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: goldenseal



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ehhh... puking black stuff? THe only time i've read about that is in some book about Ebola. The guy was melting insideout.

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Message 10/37                 Date: 29-Feb-04  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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when skagheads go to the drying out clinic they spend a couple of days having this black shit escape from every orifice. pleasant.

it's probably a bad thing that they don't have any recall of it afterwards though, I'd bet plenty more of em would stay on the wagon if they did.

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Message 11/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  02:11 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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blood turns black in the intestinal tract, no?

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Message 12/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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okay, okay, you can stop looking for ways to point out how wrong i am now, influx :p

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Message 13/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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nah, man. its your body.

did you feel better afterwards? If so, nice!

if not...give yourself some time to recuperate, and then try an intestinal flush ("colon cleanse")

a water or juice fast will make it even more effective. I just dont see the point in going against the natural flow of things

nor did I know that goldenseal makes you puke!

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Message 14/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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It isn't supposed to make you puke..

X - find yourself a new doctor..


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Message 15/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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Who the can afford doctors? Unless you have insurance, which I suspect xoxos does not. I have no insurance. Who the can afford insurance? Unless your job hooks you up with that, which probably means you work for evil.

Coffee is good. 'Meat' is not good. Tofu, vegetables, grains, beans, fruit.. Much better.

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Message 16/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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Oh right, I can't say F U C K unless I'm logged

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Message 17/37                 Date: 01-Mar-04  @  08:30 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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Message 18/37                 Date: 02-Mar-04  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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i'm okay, really. i can do my age in push-ups and my belly isn't so big that i can't see my dick when i stand up straight :p eh? eh?

day before i rode my bike 20 odd miles thru the city with a boxed laptop under my arm on an empty stomach.. cleaned me out good. not looking for advice, giving info.

doctor means 'teacher' - last time i saw a doctor, i was teaching them about common parasites found in the local nursery industry - something he should have knows - while he was witholding info from me in order to sell me a prescription, return visits and specialist fees. next time i see a doctor, it's going to be the back of his head while i slit his throat. capiche.

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Message 19/37                 Date: 02-Mar-04  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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To each his own.. If it weren't for modern medicine I'd have gone blind a year ago instead of seeing 20/25 20/30. My treatment wasn't exactly easy or painless but it worked.

Although I do agree that a lot of doctors will just try to push a pill down your throat and get you out the door. But not all.

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Message 20/37                 Date: 03-Mar-04  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: goldenseal



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medicine....like law....and politics....is one of the few professions where the patient can die and the doctor still gets paid.
the bottom-line is all-too-often the bottom-line...period.

and yet there's exceptions as with most rules.

i think knowing one's own body and habits and having some clue as to what you're doing to it..i.e. putting in it> goes a long way towards keeping the physician away.
what's weird is how some can be so intrusive as to want to make a person stay alive who's terminally ill and has lost any taste for life>>> and THEN expect payment for such. it's like you must buy this car....and you WILL pay me for it.

but x....are you saying an 80 year-old should be able to do 80 push-ups while a good number for a 20 year-old would be 20 push-ups? that can't be right can it?

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Message 21/37                 Date: 03-Mar-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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exactly.. the siddhas record people living past 150.. most people grow old and die in this culture while they are still 'young,' so you might be short on examples. there are asian guys in hawai'i that you just wouldn't want to fuck with.

you don't really believe old people when they tell you they're deaf, do you? (yeah, still around here.. but you'll find more examples of people here that retain their senses.. learn to use their faculties better......)

craig, just general advice for anyone, tho most people who have glasses or any ailment in this culture are usually sold (i live here too) on them.

every cell in the body is replaced on an atomic level in less than a 9 month cycle (9 mos. for bone marrow) given sufficient will, you can cure your vision.

but you need to look at things that bring you joy, are not tasks or obligations.. and you need to spend time looking at things that are far away, every day.. mountains, clouds..

and chuck the tv  

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Message 22/37                 Date: 03-Mar-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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Message 23/37                 Date: 03-Mar-04  @  08:15 PM   -   RE: goldenseal



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that's something i miss when i think about it....sitting watching the waves and looking for dolphins and whales far beyond the surf.
and oftentimes boats which are mere specks in the far distance.

okay...time to kill our softsynths too then> before we all go blind!
who goes first?

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Message 24/37                 Date: 03-Mar-04  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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x wrote -

craig, just general advice for anyone, tho most people who have glasses or any ailment in this culture are usually sold (i live here too) on them.

Yup, but glasses can't correct my condition - I have an inflammatory disease of the inner eye. Steroid injections around the eyes are the only things that have worked for me. Like I said, it's neither easy nor painless, but it works.


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Message 25/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  09:38 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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not to speak for anyone, but I think x would agree (as I would) that ultimately, even your relatively more serious disease of the eye is curable without medicine. Pretty much every ailment in the books has at one point and time in history been overcome by someone with the power of thought/faith/mind/god alone, without technological help. Now if any one person can do it, why can't we all?

And yeah, I know it's hard. "god knows" I ain't had the kind of revelations and miracles that I claim exist throughout nature... but on small scales... and for many other reasons... I believe...

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Message 26/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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xoxos - i think the cells are replaced every 9 years, not every 9 months. not to be picky or anything.. i was reading about that the other day actually - A Short History of Nearly Everything. good book.

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Message 27/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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Well, I'm not willing to trust my entire future to faith healing. Believe me, if I thought there was any viable route to take other than having needles stuck in my fucking eyes I would take that alternative  


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Message 28/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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given your career and culture, it's not surprising. not to insist on being correct, but i've had pc based jobs for ~6 years, had my first home computer in 1983.. so prolly used less than you, but i still have 20/20.  

my sister always followed my mother (industrial culture) moreso than i, and she wears glasses. used to sit right in front of the telly.

j - heard it from that indian health lecturer that was popular in mid-90's whoever, but i'm quite certain i heard 9 months. even if i had heard 9 years, i'd still lie about it since it's about attitude, which admittedly can take 9 years on a short scale..

anyway, craig - don't cross it off your list.  

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Message 29/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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psy. so you say we should bring back the witch doctor and while we are one the subject of which remedfy do i start with and who can my children complaint to if it dont work

I rarely support modern pharma but Psy given that we could only begin to work out what disease was in the late 19thC and what particular conditions are since recent diagnostics and imaging thats an obtuse statement mate,

which one you say..."your relatively more serious disease of the eye is curable without medicine. Pretty much every ailment in the books has at one point and time in history been overcome by someone with the power of thought/faith/mind/god alone, without technological help"

I mean, and I think x would probably agree with me on this one also, but we havnt got a farking clue what were talking about, unless modern medicine is seaweed enemas and colored emetics - in which case some of you have more of an idea of just how little you know. Me I know nothing and like it that way

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Message 30/37                 Date: 04-Mar-04  @  11:43 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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All I'm saying is humanity shortchanges itself entirely too much, every single day. Sure, modern medicine has done wonders for the human body, but to assume it is the only method to healthiness is, in my opinion, bullshit.

It sure is easier most of the time, though...

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Message 31/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

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Message 32/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  04:10 AM   -   RE: goldenseal



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especially when the cure is licensed and registered..

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Message 33/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: goldenseal


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OK I agree, large pharma is interested in continuing disease so that it can sell its cures, more recently allowing lifestyle issues to become diseases (viagra, cholesterol, check the pipelines) and this is not snake oil but is a step away from prevention and a cosset for the sufferer.

But while we are here lets look around, lets try to find those 'diseases' in our lives and communities.

I have got the biggest car. Welfare costs too much. Isn't it a shame about those starving African children. I get paid the most. Use the paper seat when you visit the public toilet. Computer not fast enough? "You deserve the best". Stay away from strangers. People in suits know what they are doing. Friendly fire. War for peace. Do what the policeman tells you. Thats too cheap - it cant be any good. ...and my personal favourite ..."but what can we do"

I dont mind flags in the ground, I just mind lives spent lying to yourself and then telling your children how to live life

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Message 34/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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i tend to operate on the 'universe as cosmic psychosis' theory.. my ailments are between me and the universe. when i look at one, i find the other, so i approach disease as subsequent to the diaspora and intrinsic to the condition thereof.

if i could not cure an ailment, i would consider it something that cannot be changed until the condition of existence transforms.

i dertainly don't think that modern medicine, with it's atomic cellular analysis and all is any healthier than non-technological culture. if given an possiblity for an beneficial outcome equal to the risk, i would shoot myself up with aids to prove the benefit of thinking outside of science. i only consider myself partially susceptible at this point because of the inclusive condition of society.

i will not allow the universe to threaten me (the one card it needs, the only card it needs...) into believing in it. anyone who does is a fool.

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Message 35/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: goldenseal



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it don't have to threaten you.
given the right moment and circumstances it will just simply absorb you.

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Message 36/37                 Date: 05-Mar-04  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: goldenseal


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shape of the train on the tracks, to know everyone you must know yourself, medicine and mortality, messages and society, self and diversity, looking for some sweet spot, lifting your feet, stupid lazy, was a psychiatrist here who said was addiction were dying kind, sad prediliction.

excuse me psy.

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Message 37/37                 Date: 07-Mar-04  @  01:24 AM   -   RE: goldenseal



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i take it U2 have met.

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