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Subject: portrait of k

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Feb-05  @  01:20 PM     Edit: 19-Feb-05  |  01:23 PM   -   portrait of k


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well, it's from aound 1994, so it's really just a coincidence. i know you're not that ugly  

well, the ghosts are closing in now, but i doubt there will be a trial. It seems you can't force the machine to look at itself with impunity. funily enough, my haraps' shorter gives the following example of the use for impunity: "I hope you don't think you're going to get away with being so stupid."

it seems there's always an idiot to run after the guy who dropped it's flag.
Hey, myster myster, you dropped this !

i wish to thank you very very much k, for allowing me to have my say, i'm sorry it hurted your business. it's a shame really, 'cause there's tons of incredible talent here.

i've already given most of my handles used here, i stand behind them and i stand behind all i've said. no, i'm not pure or anything, did my fair share of bad, but i also tried very hard to repair. it seems i've failed, miserably.

anyway, one nick i never used here: manipulator.

nothingface was me, the clue: i'm the only person mentionned twice on the album, and the only without it's last name. once as jf, once as manipulator. wich was taken from the song technocratic manipulators. strange and ironic hun ?

mcc, it really hurt me when you wrote, "voivod less blah blah and more music maybe" i love you anyway, hug your brother for me.

and to blacky, if he ever reads this. i'm sorry dude. but you really hurted me when you were sniggering in my back, while i was listening to the three pre-relaese track.

"there's a little matrix in everyone"

he wasn't referring to the movie the matrix, he was reffering to : There is no matrix, not even a guide"

a solid ten years before that movie got out.

i'm disheartened that i failed at bringing you guys back together, there was trillions notes left in the four basic forces.

rurik, i love you. never been inside your shorts, but i love you nonetheless.

i love all of you. even you darin. frankly, just because i said i didn't like a song or two on your album was no cause to hate me.

ok, i still hate cars.

and i'm a scary creepy revisionist and stay firmly camped on my position

They never set foot on the moon.

yours for the evolution
to the death !

ps: i've known since the very early eighties i'm not a musician, what did you think ?

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Message 31/37                 Date: 23-Feb-05  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: portrait of k


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id settle for a comfy couch right about now

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Message 32/37                 Date: 23-Feb-05  @  03:16 AM     Edit: 23-Feb-05  |  03:17 AM   -   RE: portrait of k


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does nobody hate me ?

gee, you're right, i am overdue for a name change

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Message 33/37                 Date: 28-Feb-05  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: portrait of k


Posts: 219

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So K?

When you gonna show us this pic of yours?!

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Message 34/37                 Date: 01-Mar-05  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: portrait of k


Posts: 12353

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you must be joking  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 35/37                 Date: 01-Mar-05  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: portrait of k


Posts: 219

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[image file]

Do I look like I'm joking?

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Message 36/37                 Date: 02-Mar-05  @  05:59 AM   -   RE: portrait of k


Posts: 1675

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wh'appen to your polo shirt? I've got some pitchers of ya round here somewhere, megahead.

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Message 37/37                 Date: 02-Mar-05  @  12:46 PM     Edit: 03-Jun-05  |  02:08 PM   -   RE: portrait of k


Posts: 1345

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[image file]

a polo shirt ? where ?

i could have swear megahead was espoo2

t. kirk what a hunk ! beam me up !!

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