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Subject: if yer into cars

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  07:39 PM   -   if yer into cars

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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I went to the concourso this weekend, it was really cool. It was a ferrari club of america thing, really nice event. The entire weekend was a benifit for children with problems basically. On saturday we took kids from broken homes, and not just like slightly broken homes, for rides in the ferarris, gave them gifts etc and donated the shelter money. (the club = we). The kids absolutley LOVED it...ever single one of them just lit up around the cars, etc it was really great. It was really sad- my dad and I took 4 kids out for rides, zoomin around and letting them crawl around the car etc. One of them was a little girl, about 3-4 years old. Everything she said started with "my mommy and daddy-------" like "my mommy and daddy like my shoes, do you like them?" "my mommy and daddy think we're going fast!!" etc...absolutley heartbreaking. The kids love these events..but you get just as much out of them that they do.

On sunday, we went to the bigger event for the children's hospital. Ferarri club of america is i think number 3 or 4 for the top donators for children's hospital. (the local club, not the national) We had kids in IV's rolling out to see the cars, get a chance to sit in them etc...then we took some kids who were able to get in to the cars for a parade and a ride around town. Our 2 in the car just loved it...it absolutely brightens up their day---was really great. It was just so sad though..my dad's best friend who has the same car took a 17 year old black girl around--her parents could barely afford treatment, and she had been in the hospital for literally all of her life for a brain tumor. Pronounced dead twice. Just gives me chills thinking about it... just snaps you into fucking place to see these kids.

It was really great though, the kids loved it and the parents and nurses etc were SO appreciative...they said that the kids (who were still around from last year) remember every second of it, and dont stop talking about the parade, and getting to crawl around cars etc for weeks.

I dont have any pictures of the kids in the cars, etc because legally we werent allowed to take pictures of the kids in the orphanage and at the hospital, only event leaders and parents took pictures. I do have some of the show though, some gorgeous cars for those who like em!

(250GT Lusso...cant remember what year, but its a late 60's car, probably around 67-68 or something I bet)

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Message 31/104                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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I don't drive that car for the prestige, pict. Drop the top on a sunny day and head for a curvy road... My fun's no more or less valid than yours.

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Message 32/104                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

* compulsary


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here in my car
i feel safest of all
i can lock all my doors
it's the only way to live

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Message 33/104                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

SignalRunners - BLU

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been busy working on andrew (broken) and my release('s) mcc. Remixing other artists too, so theres defo still tons of shit happening here, just not postable really -

Whats happening with your tracks? Too much Lounge not enough action mate!


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Message 34/104                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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ever hear of the neutron butchers ROTFL@bitches

"stop telling people how to live"

pot/kettle... looks around at millions of miles of paved bioshpere and poisoned regions with life beaten down to making it's last stand.

"stop telling people how to live"

that is so rich. i work the white man's work every fucking day because this is white man's land, or so you ALL fucking say.

"stop telling people how to live"

yeah.. relly...

"too many people in the west haven't thought enough about why they want things."

lol, gotta be the understatement of a million souls.. the power of the dead.. the power of the dead...

"Some people might like doing things that you don't like. It doesn't mean that they're wrong."

fucking a, if you could only open your fucking eyes and see ALL THOSE SOULS

FUCKED UP THE ASS for ETERNITY because of your 'no me importa' bullshit

'i am not interested in your horrible condition'

you dumb fucking fuckhead

yeah, maybe i should be less serious, like you, and then i won't care at all.. ooh.. THROAT SHOT!!! followed by one to the cranium.. chunks of your fucking idle 'wow, 32 bits is even cooler for not using myself!' shit brains all over.

'woops, tight corner, sorry kitty.' heh. dumb bird. dumb ant.

you dumb pos ant. i see you... skull deep in gotesque rot. break your fucking silence with a cracking retort mang

"it seems you have no conscience and you never will" who said that? bet you fucking jammed out to it 'but the words were hard to understand cos i didn't like hearing it'

craig, don't you understand by now? i don't come from the civilised world. i see people suffer from civilised ailments that i am strangely immune from.. i've got half a mind to get a televised spot and shoot myself full of hiv so all you dumb idiots can watch the power of credence in action.

look at the human animus trapped within culture.. blots of disease manifest over their soul.. 'i do not belong here,' and so the cells ail.

children's hospital, ferrari owners. yep.

get your culture offa mine then..

"stop telling people how to live"

can you hear yourself? can you perceive the ridiculous turnaround there? my fucking feet, man! that's all i ever needed to travel, anywhere i could possibly need to go.

maybe open your fucking eyes and realise that you guys are doing yourselves in. children's hospital my ass. what.. you all got leukemia from the fucking pwoer lines maybe? you think you get smallpox w/o millions of metal armored spaniards?

maybe science will develop a nice scientific term for the neutron butchers so all you 'centralised reference' minions can be assured that 'they' know a fuckload more than you.

understand that!

what - you think technology improves life instead of enslaves it?

suuure - being a fatass playing unreal tourney sure the fuck beats being free to chase each other over the mountains. just keep adoring and forgiving the rod that sucks the 'trickle up' effect.. you *know* that creating loads of pollution so you can fart about for 20 years making a weird sounding snare drum really beats any act of listening. still not clairvoyant? don't blame me for that, matey.

i'll tell you what. give me a few hours of idle chat on the fucking telephone and emails and pictures and shit and then i'll tell you things from your future.

will you listen then?

and if you really listen, will you hear them suffering under Your (plural) almighty summed footprint?

all you white robot people need to experience non-white non-robot life.. i'm not talking about recumbent hick white robots in missouri, i'm talking about cultures that have never been tainted by the almighty centralised reference.

"some people just know the true meaning of wife."


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Message 35/104                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Whatever. I don't need to justify myself to you any more than you need justify yourself to me. I never pretended to be anything but what I am in the six years or so you've known me but suddenly I'm the enemy of all things good because I switched vehicles

I pity you sometimes. You're so wrapped up in what's bad that you never appreciate what's good.

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Message 36/104                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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up there, pict said it, i quoted it..

you break my heart, but moreso, you poison the earth, and you don't give a shit.

don't you understand? all life that we know, comes from the earth.

sorry to hit you up to that, bro.

"whatever" huh bigshot. that's cool that you can space out under gandalf like that.

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Message 37/104                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  05:56 PM     Edit: 25-Jun-04  |  06:06 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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tell me prophet, or better yet inform me: what the fuck is your incessant complaining going to do? Make craig sell his "car of eternal death?"


do you think he's going to remember what you said next time he turns on his car?


jesus christ you're fucking dumb. just because you can take drugs and look into things and find obscure ways to relate them to the 'bigger' picture, doesn't mean that you can even ATTEMPT to convince anyone to change their life.

btw---what were you popping right about the time you said "white mans land" shit? seriously----what the FUCK were you thinking? this thread started as a few pictures that i took to show other people who might appreciate them.

whats pissing you off? the fact you said you were going to leave dt to live in country-side electricty-free and no one batted an eyelid? you even gave little countdowns of weeks etc and no one cares- does that get to you? Go on, make your free vsts, make a DENT! in the world.

go on kiddo, ride your bike around. if thats what does it for you, more power to ya. just DONT tell someone else how to live and that they should feel bad for doing what they enjoy.

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Message 38/104                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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ps: the one on the left has cancer, and the one on the right has a brain tumor, we'll rent a 2 seated bike next time with an IV strap on the seat.

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Message 39/104                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  03:31 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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it's nice to take a child on a bike-ride so you can feel better about worshipping the cars that create emissions which help cause that very same cancer throughout
the world.

you have a point silence....but your bullheadedness disallows you to even consider the other side of the argument.
xoxos' manner of delivery can be off-putting but the gist of what he's saying bears hearing out.

you/we are actually imposing a serious level of pollution upon the earth...whether you/we enjoy it or not is irrelevant.

unfortunately...that's more than enough to choke the planet.
i'm part of that equation but i'm a little less proud of my role in that.

but for a guy who's mom doesn't let him put pictures on his wall...you sure do talk like a big man.
this much is for sure.

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Message 40/104                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  03:32 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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i do think it was nice of you to finally squeeze in a picture of one of the kids though.

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