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Subject: more on moore

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  06:22 PM   -   more on moore

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Message 31/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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I'll give it away: Bush attacked Iraq and now the world hates us. Sorry...

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Message 32/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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tip of the iceberg?

imo the most encompassing + intelligent (tho def. 'most easy') presentation on erm.. "political corruption" is the skinny puppy album 'rabies,' eg. "time to stop money.."

understanding the implicit mechanisms of power, corruption, oppression/exploitation... well, if you can detach yourself from the aural violence enuff to catch the lyrics.

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Message 33/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: more on moore

cydonia cell


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Ah, yeah... xoxos...

Musicaly, it's my least favorite album they've put out, but lyricaly it's Ogre's finest! Brilliant lyrics... that album's quite a trip.


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Message 34/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: more on moore



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it's actually more like
the whole world hates us....
so bush attacks iraq.

: )

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Message 35/68                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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"I'll give it away: Bush attacked Iraq and now the world hates us. Sorry... "

Sphew! I'm glad I saw the movie before I read your post Psylichon

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Message 36/68                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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Since when did the US ever care who likes us?

It's freedom and liberty

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Message 37/68                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  02:35 AM     Edit: 01-Jul-04  |  02:36 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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"Since when did the US ever care who likes us?

It's freedom and liberty"

Mike that's what we always like to say about ourselves and to an extent it's true but we shove tons of shit under the "freedom and liberty" carpet. We live a "screw you jack (jack including other US citizens) I've got mine" kind of freedom and liberty. And then we wave the stars and stripes to drown out what's going on. Enron and Haliburton and Tyco and others didn't happen just like that. This crap's been going on under cover for a long time and it's not going to stop anytime soon as long as good-hearted people that want to believe everyone is good can continue to be taken for a ride. Corporate US not only knows there is a sucker born in this country every minute but they pay top dollar to know it demographically because of the dividends that knowledge pays back.

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Message 38/68                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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"i got mine" is for lightweights.

what the truly serious freedom-luvin murikan wants to say is> "i own you".

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Message 39/68                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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i just noticed a picture of an iraqi embassy-reopening which shows
their original flag flying.
a good thing in my opinion.
i mean who were we to select a new flag for them?
and especially one which so resembled israel's?!!!
i guess the rule is if you bomb and attack a nation you get to redesign their flag
for them

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Message 40/68                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  05:23 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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Yeah that line "It's freedom and liberty" really sums it up. It's freedom and liberty to invade countries at will. It's freedom and liberty to open McDonald's everywhere. It's freedom and liberty to ignore CO2 emissions. Anything can be done in the name of freedom, can't it?

And BS "mr. president, an airplane has crashed into the world trade center." According to Newsweek Mr. Card whispers to Bush: "Mr. President America is being attacked" Not quite the same thing.

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