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Subject: So, where's the crispy children...

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  05:56 AM   -   So, where's the crispy children...



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Some time ago zazza made that statement...so where's the friggin 10,000,000 dead Iraqi's killed by American. He's such a media gimp.

Fvcking dozy

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Message 31/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I woulda let it go, were it not for the context of the sentence. Sitar should be proud of me  

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Message 32/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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There's some points for leftists to consider. Don Rumsfield wants to shrink the size of the US military... the administration tied the hands of Isreal AND the Turks during the Iraqi conflict and the Palestinians have elected a peacemaker to represent them (not likely if the carnage of a year ago was still being acted out by Isreal).

I'm the last person to sing about this f+cked up administration but it isn't all failure!

On Iraq, tey rolled over... period! Those who didn't expect them to (myself included) should admit they were wrong about that, I do! BUT, we have yet to see how the rest of it will play out. We used uranium tipped bombs in one of the largest cities in the world, what will the effect be in 10 years time? It is a fact that the number of celebratory Iraqi's was as greatly exagerated as the number of anti war protestors leading up to this crap!

All you assholes who started singing about liberation back in February (yes that's when that argument took steam, it was the 8th or 9th reason for the war on the administration's laudry list of reasons to kill brown people!) are full of sh+t! This war had nothing to do with liberation... It was economic and strategic! There was no compassion in this crap!

Thankfully less people died than I thought... I'm dancin' over that one.. but that doesn't make what the US did OK... we have again unloaded our version of westernized "freedom" on a culture that did not ask for it! Napoleon was wildly unpopular in Europe, but he liberated every where he went! America is a monster in it's current form, and we have very few allies left who will go to bat for us because of it!


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Message 33/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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hey...a liberated person on his teen-aged knees who's father and country just died....is still liberated and grateful.
this he will demonstrate in years to come.
it'll be bob from des moines.
joe h. from wichita.
george z from san carlos.

it'll be sand trickling.

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Message 34/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Whose gonna liberate America???

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Message 35/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  08:19 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Well, at least the Oil fields were liberated.. the US troops made damn sure no one looted those or the Oil Ministry.

Meanwhile cholera and typhoid have broken out in Baghdad and Basra..

Where's the massive airlift of medical supplies and engineers to rebuild the basic infrastructure?

Like the US or the UK give a shit about the Iraqis..


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Message 36/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  10:13 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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and greed. Even removing all of this politico, cultural stuff and taking it down to the human level. we are looking at a select few guys making miliions and millions making business for businesses they have stake in. Its just greed however you dress it up.

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Message 37/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Im gonna have to vote with cheddar on that one

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Message 38/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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spot on.

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Message 39/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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hard to polish the turd that is american diplomacy.

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Message 40/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:07 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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hardly!!! these guys that old hard thing so damned smooth and shiny it's blinding.....as that is exactly it's aim.

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