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Subject: Scray shit...

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Aug-05  @  09:56 AM     Edit: 12-Aug-05  |  09:57 AM   -   Where god meets dinosaurs


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Message 31/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  10:48 AM     Edit: 18-Aug-05  |  10:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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It's scary because these people have given given up their critical faculties for received wisdom.

This leads to pointless wars, persecution of the 'other', repression of rational thought etc.


Allah is the one true God, his law is the only law.
Jehovah is the one true God, his law is the only law.

Work that one out with a pencil!

There is a mountain of evidence for evolution with more accruing daily.

Religion, unfortunately, isn't evidence based, it's faith based.

A religion is just a cult with political power.

Personally, I'd like to see my own 'theory' presented in schools:

We are all candies in a cosmic candy jar being eaten by a giant superbeing, we call this death.

I base this view on revealed wisdom (The giant superbeing spoke to me in a dream).

Prove me wrong!

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Message 32/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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I am not sure we can have any data to compare goodness/badness of religous/non religous worlds, but I do think it's a cop out facing up to you as a point in a big world and how you gonna get through your years. The big why question remains popular also, could be hormonal  

"Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite." not true is it transmits well.

But selfish DNA is interesting and if the choice of which genes (rather than the presence/absence of 'a' gene) and at which stage of the organisms development is considered then this school BS could actually be changing/evolving those kiddies evolutionary outcome.

"It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa)." Maybee it's the change thats important not the outcome...ponder ponder....

Zazza - would those be the insect overlords much praised here

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Message 33/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  11:49 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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well i for one welcome our new giant superbeing overlords!

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Message 34/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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or as a wise cabbie once said:

there is nothing certain but death and taxis...

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Message 35/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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insect overlords, that's sooooo 3 years ago.

"We have evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe."

May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage.

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Message 36/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Message 37/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yery good

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Message 38/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...

Steve Roughley

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Rags wrote:

Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite. The more the host lives, the better the chances for the virus to reproduce, spread and - mutate (and therefore: evolve, because the unworthy versions are terminated by natural selection).

It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa).

Isn't it that viruses have a natural host that they do not harm, its just when they end up in the wrong host that it causes problems?

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Message 39/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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even Hitler had a mom

oh yes and she is my mother....as my brother was also born on hitler's birthday and now a 4-time felon (god bless him) and ready to take (and has taken) whatever he can from whoever he can get it.....that can't forcibly be repaid in this life.... but nevertheless>>>>>people LIKE HIM.
but for those who think i use astrology as a religion.....conversely i see it as scientific...perhaps not fact but thru general observation and it's always been my belief that there's some truth in every generalization....whether one can find specific exceptions to the rule or otherwise.
with that said....it's interesting to note the absentees here......though not surprising.

my mother always said don't discuss politics and religion and 30+ years later i realize she's always voted republican...which is basically AGAINST ME......her brain turns OFF at regular intervals and
though i wish it weren't true......
she is like the majority of cool nice polite civilized people who support invasions
and whatever the basis of that invasion might be...it must be right....cause she so badly has a need to relate to it.

i think pict made the wisest most clear concise statement of all...perhaps i shall make it a bumper-sticker:::::::::faith is simply believing that something is so with no evidence whatsoever to support it.

to that i add:

i should drink more often and take a day off once every 20 days.

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Message 40/55                 Date: 18-Aug-05  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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full moon yell @ me only brother....you think i'm nutty?!??!.....

it's "thanks bro".

he knows who takes care of shit or at least TRIES.
i do too.

mama's baby boy simply striving to evolve.

white stripes....really?


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