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Subject: NO nose job

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  02:08 PM     Edit: 16-Jun-04  |  02:10 PM   -   NO nose job


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we are born sinful

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Message 31/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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this is getting quickly uninteresting...just like most of everybody's arguments who try to attack moore's work and/or his personality.
just so i don't appear as some little aloof stuck-up-bitch and i usually at least try to give you the attention you seek and no-doubt deserve:

almost everything in this world costs money.
perhaps with the exception of air and love.....
if you want something...you pay for it.
this is also true of information> even though you expect moore to give his away
to you and the world> for free.
it's not exactly like he lives in a vacuum.
film costs money....developer costs money....these huge lawyer expenses and his agents which must help negotiate these distribution deals etc.
i'm sure he needs shelter clothes food and gas like the rest of us also.
gas costs money and i don't hear you complaining about paying buku dollar$
besides the fact that practically every bit of information michael has regarding what
FARANHEIT 911 demonstrates is already out there.
he's already shared it.....via interview...the internet or book or magaizine.
he's discussed it and he has repeated it several times.
if you were at all interested in the actuality of things....you'd know this.

the one thing he is charging YOU money for_starting june 25th (be there)
is the price of what it costs to walk in to see the actual movie> even if he said he wanted the movie to be free i doubt the distributors and theater-chains would quite go along with that.
they have to pay for ticket-sellers....ticket-takers...ushers and people who must clean-up...projectionists....electricity etc.
what you get in return...from my interpretation....is a filmic-experience in which he strings together in most dramatic-fashion.....
a story which is everything shakespeare would choose to portray today.
mark twain.
studs terkel gore vidal and all of our fathers who died for this place>
everyone getting in line and saying this is how we do this.
stop for just a minute brother.
this is STILL america.
damn the torpedoes....a little information is coming to town tonight....and we mean downtown.
for whatever reason this is winning him kudos, praise, and total passionate commitment from many corners of the world (i won't even "bore" you with the list)...
it's obviously pretty important to a lot of people more numerous and possibly even more creative than you.
you can scream from on your front lawn to stop this crap> but influx....
it ain't going to stop.
now you don't have to pay the 8 or 10 bucks if you don't want.
and you can protest from on high.

but do so realizing this.....

you're presently looking silly from where i'm sitting.
please find some better ways of spending your energy than trying to tear down
a guy who isn't sending you to war.
a guy who isn't costing you billions in tax-dollars as america and the world becomes less-safe by the day.
and a guy who'd give you a free ticket "in" if he though you could quit your whining for about 2 hours while everyone else
tries to find out WHAT IT IS that
bush-family-america doesn't want you to know about
our president...george w. bush.
there's something to this...you know.
moore has invited gwb to a private screening at the president's convenience ...btw..as you probably already know.

what would you do if you were bush?

or just cry and plan something predictably dirty?

but alas...
it's weird to me how you seem unable to grasp such simple things sometimes.
or just simply refuse to.
oh well~

sorry to be a bore.

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Message 32/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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not to mention that it is always a true ally who'll tell you're being stupid......
especially when you most need it.

get a clue.

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Message 33/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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I'm actually more of a leg man. A girl with lovely legs, at least lovely to my personal taste, drives me crazier than anything. Always has. Always will. Faces do it to me too. Cindy Crawford for example had a face and legs. Well I guess she still does have them. Like my friend Subhu used to say when he saw a model, "She's got legs up to her hips and a mouth full of teeth" which cracked me up because taken literally it offers up no particular discription. You could say that about Margaret Thatcher.

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Message 34/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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see clay, there you go again you fcking dickhead

get a clue, right? ok. fck off. had enough of you explaining me to me.

I never said free, and its you who refuses to even venture the possibility that I might have a point that could exist right alongside yours

you arrogant twat. Ive had enough of you

oh, but thanks for successfully pointing out how stupid I am, how much of an attention whore, AND refusing to back up your stupid analogy regarding me and my fcking efforts to sell my own record

yeah...Im really movin up in the world makin $3 off the 50 records Ill sell on my own WOOHOO


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Message 35/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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no doubt difficult to fake them gams and that which holds them together.

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Message 36/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  01:07 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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um... er... influx?

get a clue, innit. ...

clay's spelled out some very clear, concise points, and yer still taking it personally. arrrrr, you love to argue matey...

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Message 37/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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did I say concise? I meant, um... long...

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Message 38/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:02 AM     Edit: 18-Jun-04  |  02:07 AM   -   RE: NO nose job

SignalRunners - BLU

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Fuck this- Why does every single thread have to end up in attacks, and more so government politics.

Every single time, leave it out a while . we went from a throw away titjob laugh thread to this?


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Message 39/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:53 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Legs is where it's at I tell ya. And faces. Did I mention faces? Not when they get plastic surgery though.

Maybe I need to read more of their posts but Influx and mcc are both thoughtful, insightful human beings and seem to be close in their thinking. Something goes off somewhere I guess.

But they both miss the point...legs and faces. Thighs especially. Don't get me started.

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Message 40/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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: )

you obviously missed it the first time.
so i'll repeat>

"no doubt difficult to fake them gams and that which holds them together."

i'm talkin legs my man.

those and her sweet face....now if that ain't worth a song or two~

no...we won't get you started.

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