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Subject: Piss up ?

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  12:18 AM   -   Piss up ?



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Whose up for a piss up in London ?

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Message 31/50                 Date: 09-Oct-03  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 178

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Yo Marc...we'll take them to that pub we met up at before, yeah?
London's oldest surviving coach house or sum such thing...


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Message 32/50                 Date: 09-Oct-03  @  05:51 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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I can't make it, so I'm going to organise my own piss up in Cali.

So there.

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Message 33/50                 Date: 09-Oct-03  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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BOO, here in the states we don't have cute names for it, we just call it shit faced!!!

We should do a cali meet up... hijacked this british pub crawl, so there!!!

I'll be in San Diego in November on my birthday no less! That's clay's town, innit? Not too far from you LA (greater LA basin, for those who can't cop to living in LA) people to go, or is it?

Ah, no one from the states will read this here!

Your thread is cordially returned to you, unscathed!


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Message 34/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  09:20 AM     Edit: 10-Oct-03  |  09:21 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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(Oh sorry.. was there some interruption to our thread or somethin' earlier??)

Yeah Sox, that pubs fine.. plenty of space and not too far from the station!

(Anychance of going into CM for an impromtu jam later on??)

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Message 35/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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fuck you london, 11pm finish piss up shit, me and Ragnarok are going to park in some street cafe and watch some fine women 'walk' toward us then 'walk' away, I'll reminiss about how weather and the cost of warm beer in London, and just how many tossers there are in so cal then have another few

I am turning into Jock

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Message 36/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 178

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Don't see a problem wid dat Mr. Darkstate...Give you a chance to see our new building.

And.... assuming that people (other than K and myself) can play play a(gasp/horror/shock) musical instrument, we have the resources (or someone brings their laptop and we jam to that).

Bring the latest CD's you been doing as well yeah?
Maybe we'll do a singalongadarkstata...lol


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Message 37/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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what is it with the roumer of warm beer here in the UK, i can honestly say i have never ever had a fucking cold beer in this country...ever!...i had a pint in the USA it tasted like piss!

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Message 38/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?

american barman


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that's because it was Piss you limey Fuckwit.

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Message 39/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 178

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Subject for Discussion Nov 21st meet @ London Bridge:

1)Why is Yank beer so piss poor?
2)How come they're so tetchy about it?

(Maybe that's why all the ones up in Buffalo go to Canada to drink...4% alcohol vs. 5% alcohol!)


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Message 40/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 240

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"you limey fuckwit"

come on, get stronger insults

you fucking american cunting bolliking fuck facing shit headed wank stain

there, see?

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