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Subject: Who is the enemy

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  01:42 PM   -   Who is the enemy


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Really if the US is spending more on military than the rest of the world combined then ...who is the enemy?

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Message 31/138                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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selling today to buy tomorrow, I think this is a big problem, that and the increasing expectations of company owners (Directors and shareholders.

More efficiency with no benefit to the worker(except keeping your job).

I mean you start with good intentions and the western ethic telling you to PROGRESS (bwahh...haha) and (maybe quickly, maybe slowly) life erodes your ethics and before you know it you are what you hated. They call it "growing up". Then you are hiring managers and you look into them to see the same deadness that is in you "you need it for the job" and then before you know it you are encouraging the innocent to sell out because if there is one thing you can't stand more that being corrupt it's being alone

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Message 32/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  12:57 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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kilo, you ARE SO STUCK ON RACE it's sad.

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Message 33/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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Show us examples of black influence in the media (except oprah).

There, that's why kilo is talking about race in the media.


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Message 34/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  01:39 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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GT dude...honest question here. Are you going to deny that the mainstream media is run by white conservatives, mostly male?

honest inquiry, I say.

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Message 35/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  09:11 AM     Edit: 02-Nov-02  |  09:15 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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GT: If you have never been black or shared intimately in that experience you will never have seen the pain that is caused...

My wife, who is black, was punched in the stomach by an 80 year old guy down the road while she was 6 months pregnant, and every time he passed her and her 8 year old daughter on our street he would call them 'scum'.. these are just two examples of many of the kind of treatment that she and other people of colour suffer with dignity and patience...

That same daughter cries because she wants to be like the little blond girls on tv. Why?

When black kids join school at the age of 5 they equal or outperform their white counterparts. By the time they leave their expectations have been crushed by the predjudice they have to suffer.

Even those that negotiate their way through the education system find that they can't get jobs commensurate with their skills and abilities..

Guess what, it's the white right wing people who are 'so hung up on race that it's sad'....

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Message 36/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  09:50 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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http://www.blackenterprise.com/BE100sHome.asp - there psylichon, you sort and report.

Oprah, why not mention her?

influx, would it make you feel better if they were female??

are now racially profiling the media owners now? as to say "they're black, so they must be for us" lol! OR "that ted turner fellow sure is against race ___(y or x)_____. ridiculous! opps, i'm sorry, i forgot the secret conspiracy theories...please insert them here _______________

i DO NOT care if they are owned by a purple guy or gurl, it's the "news" or content that is milled by them.

http://www.blackenterprise.com/BE100sHome.asp - there psylichon, you sort and report.

Oprah, why not mention her?

influx, would it make you feel better if they were female?? how would the feeds be reported differently...they must still remain mainstream and competitive.

would it make kilo feel better if ccn was run by blacks ?? would you REALLY see a difference -not in the USA cos it's already liberal and underdogish.

I mean, are now racially profiling the media owners now? as to say "they're black, so they must be for us" lol! OR "that ted turner fellow sure is against race ___(y or x)_____. ridiculous! opps, i'm sorry, i forgot the secret conspiracy theories...please insert them here _______________

i DO NOT care if they are owned by a purple, fuchsia, or another colour guy or gurl, it's the "news" or content that is milled by them. "owners" have macro decision making, not micro

carry on tho, i'm quiet for now, awaiting a less HYPOTHETICAL topic.

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Message 37/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  09:52 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy



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err, sorry, can't edit

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Message 38/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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GT: You are so naive, it hurts..

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Message 39/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  02:31 PM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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their 'news' and 'entertainment' is the indication of their prejudices. their content is the smoking gun of racism. and people don't even realize the ideas they're fed. you are living, ranting proof.


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Message 40/138                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: Who is the enemy


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it would make me feel better if they'd choose aloneness over corruption.

the thing i like about white people is if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for you! and we'll see to that!

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