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Subject: Guitar Band Talk

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Guitar Band Talk


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Was listening to Steve Lamaq on radio one for a change. They were talking about the current guitar band scene and discussing how it's an interesting time for guitar bands. Kinda like the late 80's cause all the labels (major and minor)A&R people are sitting in the front two rows at all these small gigs. Basically trying to find the next "Strokes" or "White Strips".

Apparently major labels are going back to the old school. Basically, trying to find bands and nuture them into the next "U2" or "REM". There's this band in Denmark (can't remember the name) and they were totally unknown out of their country. Even in their country they only played gigs and didn't ever record/release anything. Anyway, word spread and they've just been signed for a 7 figure sum.

The circle turns and now the labels are heavily into signing guitar bands. Its cool watching bands (I'm not a regular guitar gig attender) like Ash and The White Stripes though, cos there is always this strange kinda sexual tension going on between the male lead singers and the female guitarist/drummer. Its like go and rent a bloody room!

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Message 31/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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only because a certain group created it that way, AND bands go along with it

takes both sides for it to work

thing is...incubus was DAMN GOOD before all this, and SCIENCE sold pretty fuckin well, with no compromise whatsoever

it comes down to people just wanting way too fucking much, and then letting someone sell them this 'dream' where they can HAVE IT, but it rarely works out anyway

its like the people here in SoCal...someone recently said to me "well, you cant comfortably live unless you make $80k a year"


unless you get over the idea that you NEED all these fucking expensive things.

and thats what happens with bands. Instead of spending the money on a good record, and selling it and doing ok, they fall for the gluttony that is the modern world, and suddenly a $300k advance just doesnt look good enough anymore

as for the sellout thing aww who the fuck knows, ya know? Maybe incubus wanted to change. Im not bashing them cuz i have no idea. I just cant stand what theyre doing now. I can say that I see right through it, and at the center theres one thing lacking: the soul that was integral to the music on science and that crazy fungus album...

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Message 32/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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Yeah, i guess it could be a money thing. The difference from now and then? Well you say soul - i say they lost their funk touch and added much loungeyness (if that is a word). I've never heard their fungus lp. I don't see it around here.

Thats kinda another example. I guess if you go mainstream and follow the masses, your music circulates better. For example, I can find Make Yourself so easily but I can't find the fungus lp anywhere. Thats just another downside to the music business. The sellouts get alotta play but the nonsellouts are ignored and hard to find.

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Message 33/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  09:22 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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David Bowie never sold out.

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Message 34/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  10:33 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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yeah... the Pepsi commercials he did were great... and... it didnt make his career slide off the map like all the other artists who did 'pepsi'... did it...

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Message 35/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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bowie never sold out?

ever seen an album called "Earthling"? Dunno if I'd call that selling out but its the same damn thing trying to jump on some fucking "new" thing...

heh. thats a whole nother argument...artists who really did some amazing shit in their time but REFUSE to let go...

aerosmith anyone?

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Message 36/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  11:22 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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I meant more the music than management decisions. I think Heathern Chemistry is a fantastic album.

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Message 37/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  11:31 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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c'mon man, I throw songs away better than that crap he's just released - the guy needs to retire injured, he's well rinsed out.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 38/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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Wow K, you should of been up for a mecury music prize nomination in his place then :-). I think the album is excellent and he's still amazing live.

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Message 39/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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I haven't heard the new one, but up until that he hasn't done anything worthwhile since scary monsters and that record's gotta be like 20 years old by now

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Message 40/67                 Date: 09-Oct-02  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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OK, OK point taken :-). Is there any artist though that has maintained credibility in both music and marketing for the whole of their career?

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