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Subject: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

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Original Message 1/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  08:52 PM   -   Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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This is the spider that lives at the bottom of our garden!

Espeially for Broken Silence ya big wuss!

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Message 2/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Broken Silence

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Message 3/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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dont do that again ok


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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my bad

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Message 5/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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but in all honesty, that sandra bernhardt shit is nearly as bad. Come on...

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Message 6/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  10:33 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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do me a favour!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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GM...do you know what that spider is? I get those at my house all the time, and some of em have been about 1.5" in diameter, legs outstretched

theyre obviously predator spiders. FCKING FAST too. its pretty funny when one rolls in cuz everyone jumps on the couch and screams. including me

heres the last one:

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Message 8/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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Message 9/47                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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I guess its not the same kind. really curious what this one is tho. they sure get BIG

but not as big as that one from australia...someone posted a pic a long time ago with the spider hiding behind a wall clock...its leg span looked as big as the CLOCK!

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Message 10/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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thank christ you posted that first picture influx-

GM's picture had me shitting my pants, I pictured that as a big fern type leaf for some reason and thought that spider was a fuckin monster bird eating thing - counted only 7 legs and had visions of it losing one wrestling a fooking rabid squirell or something-

What with that red eyed cocroach shit Broken posted and then this, im starting to appreciate the uk's cooler climate


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Message 11/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Oh, and DO NOT post that pic if you find it!

lol, im sposed to be emigrating to either Us or Oz with wife in next couple years, and i just scored Usa off the list! ^^^


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Message 12/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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heh. dude...Oz has the WORST spiders in the fkcin world!

Funnel Web? Can be pretty aggressive too

the one hidin behind the clock..damn I wish I could find that pic

I think the spider is called a Huntsman...and there are many varieties, same with the FW spider

the pics I posted...those are taken INSIDE my fcking house, dude!

oh, and:

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Message 13/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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this one too. outside thank god

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Message 14/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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That last pic, couldnt you have put a coin, ruler or something in the pic to measure against to settle my overactive imagination- its thumbnail sized right? right? LOL

Most bad ass insect thing in UK is a pissed off Bumble Bee!


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Message 15/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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that last one was a black widow, no? when I was 2 we lived out by Edwards Airforce Base in Lancaster and there were black widows and scorpions all over the place. whee!! the first ones influx posted look like wolf spiders... they can get pretty big and eat up all kinds of bugs, mostly harmless but if one does bite you it'll raise a welt. around here you can get brown recluses which don't look so bad but the area around the bite goes necrotic and a big patch of tissue literally gets eaten away, very nasty.

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Message 16/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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yeah, last one was a Black Widow. A pretty fckin big one, too

legspan about 1.25" or so...

d...you think those big ones are wolf spiders? thats it? I didnt realize they got that big

heh..brown recluse...those can do some damage fo SHO!

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Message 17/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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cant find the damn pic of the one with the clock

its a Huntsman Spider though. google it

fck..in my search I found a series of pics of a guy that got bit on the inner thigh by a brown recluse

I wont post em. suffice it to say they were nasty

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Message 18/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  04:31 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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I say sandra bernhard is the fuggliest of all that have been posted. One L I don't miss. Spiders are generally pretty cool though.

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Message 19/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  06:19 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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I've seen wolf spiders with like a 3 inch legspan. most of 'em are a lot smaller than that but their back markings are pretty distinctive. they spin a tunnel-like web and sit back inside it. they also molt and you can find their old exoskeleton that they've crawled out of. suckers are fast too!

I knew a cokehead years ago who had a big chunk missing from his belly from a brown recluse bite. yuck! almost as nasty as that sandra photo.

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Message 20/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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She's so hot!

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Message 21/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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some of them jump too

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Message 22/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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You'd jump too if you were startled by Sandra Bernhard. Poor spiders.

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Message 23/47                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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All of those brown spiders ya'll posted were Wolf spiders. Those things CAN get HUGE. Like, not-so-mini tarantulas. I know I know, us 'mericans are wusses, but please, I've done my research. At my last job after all the employees would leave, These ing huge monster spiders would always come out of nowhere and I'd find them like, standing on the middle of my desk or on my foot or something. I kept swearing that one of my co-workers was trying to kil me with Brown Recluses or something, so I looked them up. Thing is, how do you NOT notice those huge things until they are like on you or almost on you?? It's like having a dog run across your desk or something, but you don't notice it till it bites you. Truly mysterious creatures.

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Message 24/47                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  04:27 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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Poor things are running across your desk trying to get away from Sandra Bernhard. This is a Sandra Bernhard thread you know. You knew that though as soon as it was about spiders.

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Message 25/47                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Broken Silence

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seriously got chills looking at that black widow.

but i threw up in my mouth a little when i saw sandra

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Message 26/47                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  04:34 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Broken Silence

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btw that smoke is the camera exploding because it cant handle sandra

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Message 27/47                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  04:48 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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wolf spiders, eh? I think those are the fastest Ive ever seen

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Message 28/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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when I was visiting Oz I didnt see anything until I got to Brisbane. Within an hour of landing I was hassled by this massive spider, it scuttled down the outside wall of the motel as I was walking to my room, it jumped off the wall and lunged at me. The thing was nearly as big as my hand. I was told by a local it was a wolf spider, but this bastard was black, not brown, unlike my shreddies, which were very brown indeed. Then my mate was sitting under a mango tree in this birds back garden and this huntsman lowered itself down out of the tree and was about an inch away from my mates head before the hubby of the house noticed and batted it away with a plank of wood.

I hate spiders. Even more after Australia.

P.S That Sandra has a face like a bucket of smashed crabs.

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Message 29/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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woah! are black widows uncommon for that part of the states? that shit would have me scrambling

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Message 30/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  12:40 AM     Edit: 28-Jun-04  |  12:52 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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ok, australia defo off the list-




im really curious influx, your in california right? (one of the places that work/visa is possibility) is that a run of the mill occurence, having black fuckin widow spiders just chillin on your outside wall? or is it a once in a blue moon type thing coming across one?

Same with those other things- brown recluses, big fuck off wolf spiders....?

Arent your hospitals full of victims or what?


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Message 31/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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if you're worried about spiders...you'd best stay where you are.

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Message 32/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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"P.S That Sandra has a face like a bucket of smashed crabs. "

omg... pissing self....

This guy was perched aside a door in our hallway walking outside today. Ready to leap onto and suck the blood from anyone stupid enough to get near.

The graininess is digital zoom... i hate roaches...

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Message 33/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Broken Silence


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"Ahh! Dahhkneesssss"

but seriously that dark-black widow pic made me shit myself...then i peed a little too when i read jock's smashed crab thing, that was good too.

we used to have these big ass brown spider things in our old house which was on like 2 acres of land in a more country-kinda setting...but now we moved to the city with shit for a yard and ive seen like 2 spiders in an entire year which is bliss for me. id see at least 2 or 3 of those fcking bastards a day...looked like little feckin dogs with 8 legs walking around, thinking they owned the place. cnts.

but still, those basement cricket things! just as bad as spiders!!! i might be the only one, those fckers that like look men in black shit jumping 5 feet in the air...i HATE those things, and since my room and studio's in the basement, every once in a while i'll shit my knickers cause one of those things will jump up and look at me eye to eye...thank god my cat kills em.

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Message 34/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  10:14 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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I dunno how cats can eat so much shite, like spiders and insects, blooarrghhhhh. makes me wann hurl if I see any of my cats munching on a spider.

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Message 35/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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"That Sandra has a face like a bucket of smashed crabs."

LOL! Funny thing is it's a perfect description. How the hell did you come up with that?

Things I don't miss about living in Manhattan: spiders, snakes, rabid racoons, rednecks.

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Message 36/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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but you do have planes flying into tall buildings, so theres pro's and cons on both sides.

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Message 37/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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I found out what the spider is.. its a nursey web spider. A member of the wolf spider genus..

hhaha.. now i'm a spider expert...

all together now..

Spider man, spider man bla bla bla


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Message 38/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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nursey web spider? how can you tell by my pics?

anyway..blu...hate to say it dude, but...black widows and my house go hand in hand. only had one inside so far, but...

on my last "cleanup" round? SEVENTEEN killed. Im goin to hell forever now, but I had to do it. I have a dog that roams my back yard.

as for the wolf spiders..not poisonous, and Ive only seen 3 really big ones.

Id be more worried in AU than here. those huntsmen are HUGE, and that fckin funnel web spider will down a man in half an hour! crazy.

yeah, that pic I got of the black widow is a pretty good one

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Message 39/47                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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nah! I meant my spider.. no idea about yours.but the second one you posted does look like one too


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Message 40/47                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  05:13 AM     Edit: 29-Jun-04  |  05:13 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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Mine's a roach [holds arm in classic retard position]

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Message 41/47                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  12:23 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Steve Roughley

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Hello people.

Been a while since I posted here... feels strange. Got 2 weeks off now though. Anyways, used to live in Aus and I have to defend the poor huntsman here. They are kind of a household utility... they eat other bugs and are completely harmless; quite intelligent too (for a spider). I think they are the same spiders that they used in Arachnaphobia too.

Black-widdows are nasty ones though. Aus has a version of them called the red-backs. Used to see 3-4 of the fuckers whenever I went to get logs from the wood-shed, but they never really came indoors, speaking of which, reminds me of a time when I woke up (in my own bed) with a bloody white-tail on my arm. They're these tiny little jumping spiders that can cause a rapid onset of necrosis when they bite. Had to splat that bastard before it got me... pretty tense.

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Message 42/47                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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just remember..

some insects might seem moronic because their sensory input/agenda is off the human scope, but every creature that exists absorbs information and utilises it with utter efficiency (unless saturated, like teenage industrialists)

remember my tale of feeding the moth orange juice? 20 minutes it sat there drinking from my fingertip, having previously observed my friendliness whilst circling, as moths tend to do. evidently human activity is within the moth scope.

you keep killing those spiders :P

btw, tucson sewer drains = biggest roaches on the globe per early 80's "send in your giant roaches" compo. @ 6" i think of them as cats (whiskers)

maybe you're just jealous psy cos you can't sprint like them :p roaches are super tasty to just about everything, eg. other bugs. being a meal for everything tends to create a good nature/gentle heart.

leave a line of wheat flour @ the threshold.. repels roaches.

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Message 43/47                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  06:01 PM     Edit: 29-Jun-04  |  06:02 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Steve Roughley

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Yeah, I know what you're saying xoxos. The only reason I've come to think that huntsmans are more intelligent is because alot of the time, when I noticed them slinking around humans, as spiders do, huntsmans generally run away at top speed when they see a person. Sometimes it is like you can almost see them notice you and think "fuck this, I'm outy!" before hightailing it away. Whereas other spiders just keep on going and get squished.

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Message 44/47                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

* compulsary

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Message 45/47                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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LOL @ psylichon: "Mine's a roach [holds arm in classic retard position]"

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Message 46/47                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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"help I've been caught doing gymanastics in this spider web in 1973..."

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Message 47/47                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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That's just surreal.... i must be missing an inside joke somewhere...

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