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Subject: Fringe Festival Jokes

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Original Message 1/5                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  11:41 AM   -   Fringe Festival Jokes


Posts: 1128

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Edinburgh Festival Jokes

The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died... Dido must be
sh*tting herself. (Colin & Fergus at the Pleasance)

Is it fair to say that there'd be less litter in Britain if blind people were given pointed sticks? (Adam Bloom at the Pleasance)

Q: Who are the most decent people in the hospital?
A: The ultrasound people.  (David O'Doherty at the Gilded Balloon)

A lady with a clipboard stopped me in the street the other day. She
"Can you spare a few minutes for cancer research?" I said, "All
butwe're not going to get much done." (Jimmy Carr at the ICC)

Sleeping with prostitutes is like making your cat dance with you on
its hind legs. You know it's wrong, but you try to convince yourself
that they're enjoying it as well. (Scott Capurro at the Pleasance)

My dad's dying wish was to have his family around him. I can't help
thinking he would have been better off with more oxygen. (Jimmy Carr

Employee of the month is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time. (Demetri Martin at the

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Message 2/5                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Fringe Festival Jokes


Posts: 12353

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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/5                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: Fringe Festival Jokes

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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hehe i couldnt help but think about dido peeing in that eminem video

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Message 4/5                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: Fringe Festival Jokes


Posts: 6231

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this was all to make me admit the cat dancing. we're gonna win the state finals!

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Message 5/5                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  01:57 AM   -   RE: Fringe Festival Jokes



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well...at least the floor is wet now.

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