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Subject: if yer into cars

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  07:39 PM   -   if yer into cars

Broken Silence

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I went to the concourso this weekend, it was really cool. It was a ferrari club of america thing, really nice event. The entire weekend was a benifit for children with problems basically. On saturday we took kids from broken homes, and not just like slightly broken homes, for rides in the ferarris, gave them gifts etc and donated the shelter money. (the club = we). The kids absolutley LOVED it...ever single one of them just lit up around the cars, etc it was really great. It was really sad- my dad and I took 4 kids out for rides, zoomin around and letting them crawl around the car etc. One of them was a little girl, about 3-4 years old. Everything she said started with "my mommy and daddy-------" like "my mommy and daddy like my shoes, do you like them?" "my mommy and daddy think we're going fast!!" etc...absolutley heartbreaking. The kids love these events..but you get just as much out of them that they do.

On sunday, we went to the bigger event for the children's hospital. Ferarri club of america is i think number 3 or 4 for the top donators for children's hospital. (the local club, not the national) We had kids in IV's rolling out to see the cars, get a chance to sit in them etc...then we took some kids who were able to get in to the cars for a parade and a ride around town. Our 2 in the car just loved it...it absolutely brightens up their day---was really great. It was just so sad though..my dad's best friend who has the same car took a 17 year old black girl around--her parents could barely afford treatment, and she had been in the hospital for literally all of her life for a brain tumor. Pronounced dead twice. Just gives me chills thinking about it... just snaps you into fucking place to see these kids.

It was really great though, the kids loved it and the parents and nurses etc were SO appreciative...they said that the kids (who were still around from last year) remember every second of it, and dont stop talking about the parade, and getting to crawl around cars etc for weeks.

I dont have any pictures of the kids in the cars, etc because legally we werent allowed to take pictures of the kids in the orphanage and at the hospital, only event leaders and parents took pictures. I do have some of the show though, some gorgeous cars for those who like em!

(250GT Lusso...cant remember what year, but its a late 60's car, probably around 67-68 or something I bet)

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Message 41/104                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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The human race is still very young. We have a lot to learn. Thing I see about these cars is that they are really an art. Ferrari, Jaguar, BMW, Lamboghini, etc, I can really appreciate the art that goes into these cars. They are something special. Did I mention Porsche? We all need to be constantly more concerned for sure but I think that if Broken Silence and his dad used their car or cars for something more, to give these kids a boost, that's a great thing. Many people don't even think of doing something like that. I'm happy they are thinking that way and I'm sure it did a lot for them, maybe more than for the kids. Keep thinking that way cuz kids need people who care about them.

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Message 42/104                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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cars are rare and a way of showing wealth and position, particularly in the US where overt = good and subtle can be lost. OK with charidee but i think that these rich people just want more feeling and they get it with their creation of envy and can get it from the purer sources such as children. shame on their overt pleasuring.

but what i wanted to say was - how many of these cars were driven to the event and how many pushed off the back of trailers.

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Message 43/104                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  06:15 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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QUOTE: We have a lot to learn. Thing I see about these cars is that they are really an art. Ferrari, Jaguar, BMW, Lamboghini, etc, I can really appreciate the art that goes into these cars. They are something special. Did I mention Porsche?

you know mark...you really are right about this. and you know what?...
that stadium too...that they're going to build in your ass.....
that too will be a huge piece of art.
and many will come from all around and marvel at it's splendor and scale
and ooze with joy at the comfort it provides. and people will pay untold sums to delight within it.
and we will all know within ourselves that true art exists.
it's splendid curves and brilliant engineering.
the masterful message it brings to us all.
and we will understand it and we will give thanks.

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Message 44/104                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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and just another nice thought.....
this wonderfully artistic stadium which comes your way......and the nasty horrible congestion which you worry about.....just look at it this way...
you can either from
up-high or down closer to the street....
keep your eyes out for these neat art-pieces (porsches ferraris etc)
to drive by right in front of you.
and maybe if congestion allows...one can sit idle in front of you for some time
and you can admire it for a really long time!
you can even stick your nose in the exhaust-pipe for an extremely decent high.

just look on the bright side of life...too doo too doo toododooo doo!

: )

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Message 45/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  06:48 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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actually...the song goes...

just TAKE a LOOK on the bright side of life...doo doo...doo doo...doo doo...doodoodooodoo

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Message 46/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  08:14 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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ALWAYS LOOK on the bright side of life, innit?

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Message 47/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

if yer into hypocrisy


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broken silence, would you ever entertain the notion that these little glimmers of the 'good life' that you graciously bestowed on these folks is yet another slap in the face?

after this event - which you took pains to repeat how sad it made you to see these kids it was for - did you feel better about stuff? like YOU put a 'DENT' in things (do you honestly think you did?)? does a car ride makes their state any less better the next day? i'm not conveniently ignoring the charity part that accompanied the pictures, but i'm not talking about the fact that a relatively nonexistent portion of the cost of their hospital care got assistance from your (daddy's?) club, which you're demanding respect from -everyone- for. (and why is it that these people can't afford the treatments in the first place? And that doctors are among the ones who can afford those cars?). i'm talking about their state which remains the next day, and is KEPT firmly in place by YOUR state. oh wait, that's not your problem, the "reprieve" from it all is what you can muster.

from my perspective, actually from personal experience, the reason car clubs do anything is for the publicity. the charity part just makes the self-proclaimed soft-hearted stronghearts feel ok to perpetuate the divide.

nice rupture at the protestation of your hypocrises there by those who don't think your shit is gold, it was pretty interesting to see. it really showed you care, man, way better than any of the stuff you wrote before. i wonder if you would have reacted the same way to one of the children you're helping if they had approached you with the same points (they're not all cheerleaders of your brand of Ideal Living, you know). not all of them out there are dreaming of the day next year that they can "crawl all over" your shiny cars. a lot - if not the majority - of them are wondering how you can be so brazen in your cruelty. would you yell at them the way you did here because they were *not* being SO appreciative, as you say?

"More power to ya"...uh-huh says it all right there. rah rah rah.

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Message 48/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  02:55 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

SignalRunners - BLU

Posts: 1011

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Fact remains unreg'd, thread was started with a few pics, and (yet again) has ended in total bullshit politics.

Last 24 hours theres been what, 5 posts made across all the forums (not threads, posts!)

Ive never in all my 5 odd years visiting here seen it so quiet, and from the (ex) DTers Ive spoken to on msn or other forums there reasons for not coming here no more are all the same....


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Message 49/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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then you and your veteran homies are a bunch of s blu~

you're the elected mouthpiece i guess.

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Message 50/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  03:35 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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not to mention a boring load of twats.

ooh th-piders. bugthz.
thandra crabface. LOL!!!!! LOL!!!!!

truly pathetic.

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