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Subject: so then

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Jan-05  @  01:07 PM   -   so then


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if homeland security can become because of a few thousand dead then what can happen if there are 150,000 dead

brown people

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Message 41/57                 Date: 12-Jan-05  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: so then


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Nah! Fuck emperors!!!Preferably with a lump hammer,over the head.

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Message 42/57                 Date: 12-Jan-05  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: so then


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"better drugs, better sex, better food"

how about "drugs, sex, food" ? (not necessarily in that order)

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Message 43/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: so then


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well actually your right. in that rather big box of evil americans i confused you with craig, i cant get over those got my porsche blues, nevermind, you all look the same to me

so apart from being cool, and catching breaks, maybe promoting awareness and having fun, what does Marcellis Wallace look like?

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Message 44/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  02:25 AM   -   RE: so then


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yeah dude, we're evil. Especially craig

you fuckin crack me up cheddar, you and your chest thumping about SUVs and autos in general. You FLY, dont you? From what I gather, fairly frequently?

are you aware that airplanes use more fuel than all the autos on the planet combined, and produce FAR more toxins?

glass houses indeed

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Message 45/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  06:20 AM   -   RE: so then


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motivations aside, raggin' on someone relentlessly is not the way to solve problems. I met you, cheds, and you're a fun-loving, creative type who likes to get high. I understand your confusion as to why American society has been allowed to proliferate the way it has, but you know the answer is greed, and you know this because you have it in you too. America is a horrible overamplifcation of the selfishness that exists in all of us.

recognize this and come at the problem from a framepoint of empathy and love for your fellow humans, regardless of their behavior, and you might get somewhere when it comes to influencing people.

just my suggestion.

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Message 46/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: so then


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Cause seriously, has anyone ever changed their lifestyle because of an ongoing rant on a web forum?

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Message 47/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  06:42 AM   -   RE: so then


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well some have been known to quit frequenting said fora

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Message 48/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  07:36 AM   -   RE: so then


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Well, that kinda proves my point innit.

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Message 49/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:03 AM     Edit: 13-Jan-05  |  10:05 AM   -   RE: so then


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So what you want it both ways, Fora dont mean nothing but people leave. Really are sensibilities so important that they must only have the most choice forms to bathe in, anything not optimal is just a waste of time. I suspect a life according to playlist is just habit,

Then "record" and "play", play. Are you something to be seen or something seeing. record and play.

But anyway Influx, I thought I got quite close to an appology and being nice (albeit at Craigs expense), and if you must live in the way beyond then 4 big wheels is good and other respectful whinney type noise but seriously, what does Marcellis Wallace look like?

And I love you to P{y and you are right and I really dont care, changing people is a waste of time and is manipulation but doing something can be researched and improved - the faster the better - and I never understood why trolls are bad for a place. If we can have owls and bears then donkeys are a must

Still - its (boringly) true that individuals are innocent but nations are to blame.

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Message 50/57                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:38 AM   -   RE: so then


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what does Marcellus Wallis look like?

I have NO fckin idea what this has to do with anything. Ving Rhames is a handsome black man who is a very good actor...connection?

point is cheddar, no matter how smugly removed you think you are from this farce, unless youre 100% self sufficient, youre PART of it, and all the mudslinging you come up with is nothing short of laughable.

Im tired of being apologetic for being a WHITE American. The government fucks up on a regular basis, and many of the people are idiots, but at the same time all the asinine finger pointing goes so far beyond reason it makes my stomach turn.

picking on someone like craig for loving fast cars is fucking stupid

yesterday I got a ride home from the mountain (in case anyone didnt notice, I finally left SoCal and am living in Bend, Oregon) in a HUMMER. Not the original impressive piece of machinery but an H2, and the guy that owns it and gave me the ride embodies everything youre railing against...but HE IS NOT ME. Craig is not him, and on and on.

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