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Subject: So, where's the crispy children...

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  05:56 AM   -   So, where's the crispy children...



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Some time ago zazza made that statement...so where's the friggin 10,000,000 dead Iraqi's killed by American. He's such a media gimp.

Fvcking dozy

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Message 41/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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hehehe... aimed turds... funny image there, dude known as adobe

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Message 42/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Don Rumsfield wants to shrink the size of the US military... "
Yeah he want's to privatize it, this is the same shameless f*cker who was around 20 years ago doing the same ol' sh*t.

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Message 43/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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Same old same old...

Bullsh+t... I don't like this carnivore! I'm not an apologist. I sincerely fear that he will run for president when Bush terms out. That would be bad!

But HE DOES have a good idea with the military. He want s to break it's ranks down to better trained, smaller mobile units... which use communications and intelligence instead of brute force. He is an opponent of bombing civilian areas (not because he is concerned for life, but because it is radicaly inneffecient!)...

I'm just saying, there are some decent ideas floating around. I'm not a supporter, and I think the Iraqi invasion was unconscionable. But simply HATING the haters does nothing to effect change.


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Message 44/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  07:18 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"America and Britain yesterday laid out their blueprint for postwar Iraq in a draft resolution to the United Nations security council, naming themselves as "occupying powers" and giving them control of the country's oil revenues. "

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Message 45/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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heh. surprise surprise

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Message 46/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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Yeah!!! Go team!!!

What are you guys bitchin' about? We WON right? We're number ONE We're number ONE We're number ONE!!!!!

when's my fuel gonn'a get cheaper anyway?


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Message 47/96                 Date: 11-May-03  @  09:53 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Hey, turns out ole Donald was on the board of a compnay who sold North Korea a couple of Nuclear Reactors.. heh..

The two faces of Donald Rumsfeld

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Message 48/96                 Date: 11-May-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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yeah...it's weird how we jump in and do the most fiendish sorts of business deals with guys and then turn around and say they're the horrible ones....and should be dealt with.
rumsfeld is a certain master of the double-deal in this manner.
politics is simply high-stakes poker where people's lives become chips in play.

hombre nombre adobe~
this is how i say it to mi compadres mexicano.

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Message 49/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  02:29 AM     Edit: 26-Sep-04  |  02:33 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Thought it might be time to revisit this thread..

errata: [rumsfeld] "But HE DOES have a good idea with the military. He want s to break it's ranks down to better trained, smaller mobile units.. which use communications and intelligence instead of brute force. He is an opponent of bombing civilian areas (not because he is concerned for life, but because it is radicaly inneffecient!)..."

here's your 'slimmed down' army for you:

BBC: Soldiers angered by 'unfair' Iraq call-ups

"..since July, the army has begun the process of calling up 5,600 IRR members to fill gaps in the forces serving in Iraq.
People such as mechanics, engineers, carpenters and cooks, like Mr Armstrong, are being told to report for duty. "

Washington Post: More Troops Needed In Iraq, Officials Say

"U.S. and foreign officials say it is increasingly clear that more armed forces will be needed in Iraq over coming months to secure the nation's first democratic

elections, to protect against the possibility of an insurgent offensive during Ramadan and to allow U.S. commanders to launch a major counteroffensive to quell

the rebellion in the Sunni Triangle."

Canoe: U.S. deserters seek refugee status

"VANCOUVER -- An American soldier who fled to Canada to escape the politics of what he says is an illegal war now hopes politics in this country can save him

from being forced back home. Brandon Hughey, 19, fled Fort Hood, Texas, in March because he said he doesn't believe the U.S. war in Iraq is legal or moral."

AntiWar.com: A Draft After the Elections?

"It is fair to ask how many wars our imperial nation can fight with its hard-pressed volunteer forces, many of whom are now forbidden to leave when their

enlistments run out."

New York Times: A Family Says an Unexpected Goodbye to a Reluctant Soldier

"Alan grew disenchanted with the National Guard, and the feeling seemed mutual. After he stopped showing up for duty, he was given a general discharge. His name

was still placed on an inactive duty list - a roster he was told was only for an unprecedented national disaster that active-duty soldiers couldn't handle alone.

Barring such an event, he could continue building his civilian life as a plumber. He packed away his uniform, and none of us ever thought about it again.

Until last month. Alan received orders to report for "involuntary" duty on Sept. 12. Not in Florida, where hurricanes have uprooted people's lives. In Iraq. For

a year and a half: 545 days to be exact, with two possible extensions."

Crispy kids?

Most deaths linked to coalition

"Most deaths linked to coalition

U.S. forces, police killing twice as many Iraqis as rebels are, ministry finds

According to the ministry, the interim Iraqi government recorded 3,487 Iraqi deaths from April 5 — when the ministry began compiling the data — until Sept. 19. Of those, 328 were women and children. Another 13,720 Iraqis were injured, the ministry said.


Other independent organizations have estimated that 7,000 to 12,000 Iraqis have been killed since May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations."

And on and on...

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Message 50/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  02:49 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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must've forgot ol mac rumsfeld was a nixon henchman....then and now.

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