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Subject: The man in black says goodbye...

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  02:06 AM   -   The man in black says goodbye...


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Rest In peace Johnny..........

You'll be missed.

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Message 41/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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you limey flock-o-munkeys....michaels didn't die.
just cause influx loved kiss at one time doesn't mean you can play with his mind like that!

that's sooo messed up!

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Message 42/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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whats the connection between kiss and g. michaels?


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Message 43/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  12:26 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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>> i have meddle but stopped buying shortly before animals. i saw that tour though....they did the entire song echoes.

the f*ck they did. they played all of "wish you were here" as one set with a circular video screen, played all of "animals" as a set with their inflatable shit, played "money" as an encore. kemper arena, kcmo, hitchhiked there and back. I think as heavily produced and scripted as their shows were, they'd do the same show night after night.

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Message 44/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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they played echoes...in it's entirety at the san diego sports arena. circular screen and all wave action video. wished you were there?

too bad, eh?

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Message 45/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  01:37 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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it's why they used to call it "live" dudeballah>

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Message 46/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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hey, little d,

wish you were here too, you crazy diamond !!

more mewzik, pleaze !

and that goes for rooreek and maaaaaaartten too!

and fluxie


have cash, will trade for melted plastic pellets

ok, sail me there now  

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Message 47/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  02:55 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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I am about 10 years younger than you boys and I own all three of those floyd albums on vinyl, yet, I've never seen them live.

So...... I don't know what that tells you about longetivity, but I do know that quality music is quality music, and that fact will remain timeless.


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Message 48/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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"groundbreakers who set a whole new movement rolling"

Answer, you need a serious history lesson.

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Message 49/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  04:47 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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d...just got off the phone with my brother and he thinks floyd played "echoes" during the dark side of the moon tour.

i do get these old rock-dinosaur tours mixed up.

i do know they ended one of those shows with it.
gotta check the cranial database. lessee here....hmmm.

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Message 50/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  05:11 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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yup, DSOTM tour had all of DSOTM, Echoes and a bunch of stuff from Obscured by Clouds. yes, they were live but also heavily scripted. the music had to be to work with the "show".

hey, jf!

I was thinking, maybe people's tastes were broader on the whole when Johnny Cash was becaming a legend. You'd have pop radio stations playing Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline, Beach Boys, British Invasion, teen stuff like Tommy James & the Shondells, soul & R&B stuff like Aretha and Smokey and JB and Marvin Gaye and the Supremes etc, adult stuff like Burt Bacharach songs and Herb Alpert and Tijuana Brass. nowadays you run into a lot of people who are very, umm, monogamous in their tastes... like only listening to industrial... or americana... or madagascan trip-hop, you get the idea. I don't know if anyone can become as legendary and beloved by so many as some of those mentioned in the current climate. it's just a different time, y'know.

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