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Subject: NO nose job

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Original Message 1/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  02:08 PM     Edit: 16-Jun-04  |  02:10 PM   -   NO nose job


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we are born sinful

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Message 2/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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it's true! Why do most Americans have such shit values? What is it in their culture that makes them like this?

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Message 3/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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and your clever woman is in a burqa and a veil.... ?

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Message 4/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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A whole generation of american teen babes with fake placcy tits! Quality!

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Message 5/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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Better thank two thirds of your women who are overweight!

Better thank four fifths of your women who have never travelled outside of the USA to experience different cultures!

Better than any American sport because none have been taken up by any other country in the world!

Better than America's government fronted by a guy that can't even string a sentence together!

Better than the worst pollution policy in the world!


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Message 6/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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"but we don't need to travel, it all comes here"

lol! "we don't need to get up to go to the fridge for more ice cold ding dongs.."

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Message 7/53                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: NO nose job

* compulsary


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what's wrong with small tits anyway ? are these girls under the impression that silicon will defy gravity ?

as long has your nipples get hard, i don't care what they're sitting on

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Message 8/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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sorry clever but your argument is tired and has nothing to do with anything but stereotypes

shallowness is found in ALL modern cultures. Brits dont get boob jobs?

Im not defending america or american ideals. the place is a joke and getting worse but the way you euros generalize is hilarious!

since when is travelling a prerequisite? why in the world would someone be required to? sure..its a damn good experience but I certainly dont look down on those who havent...but you do, dont you?

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Message 9/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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i mean look at cheds....and all that it's done for him.

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Message 10/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: NO nose job

SignalRunners - BLU

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stiff nips are defo better than big funbags.

Together tho, is quite something

That american thing, what a lot of shit.... tho the boys got a point with the sports innit

World series baseball, when only us teams enter- Result!


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Message 11/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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oh thats just STUPID though. cant disagree there.
"world" anything!

what other countries even PLAY baseball? Japan...who else? "The World Series" when its all american teams.


and football? STUPID

but...Im not a fan of team sports anyway.

our cars are too big, yes...and our corporations are ruthless.

Id love to see all this change. Actually starting to think some of it might, but ya never know.

but the boob job thing...seriously...are we the only ones?

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Message 12/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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i'd rather the girl who saved her $7000 to spend on some cool-ass junk
like food and plug-ins.
blank cd-rs.

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Message 13/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  04:05 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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It's very sad,education is desparately needed.

The vile specimens who perform these operations should be pilloried.

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Message 14/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  04:51 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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right, but a society who encourages/promotes/expects ought to be scolded as well.

me personally, I think theyre nasty

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Message 15/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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Influx - actually everything I wrote came straight out of a Michael Moore book. Fact. He's an American. As I say, its not the people but the culture.

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Message 16/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:30 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Influx, no mate, there is no boob job "thing" amongst our teenage girls (yet!)

They're too busy fucking and getting drunk whatever their breast size...

Besides, teenage girls in this country have been growing bigger tits year upon year now I don't think they need it (girls NEVER had large norks the way they do now, when I was a nipper.. and I feel quite bitter about this so there!)

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Message 17/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:59 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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hormones in your food, too, eh?

and clever..just cuz Moore said it doesnt make it NOT cliche and stupid

fck that guy and his basket full of contradiction. the way some of you "leftists" hold him up as some sort of paradigm is fcking disgusting

what about chomksy (sorry, but...yet another idol in the newcomer leftist world) or better yet Zinn?

I'll say it again: fck Michael Moore. Sure, he's controversial, but only to make money off the machine he so vehemently rails against

the hypocrisy is nauseating.

in any case...sure, we're idiots, but so are you. get over it

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Message 18/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:23 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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What really kills me is I prefer girls who don't have huge breasts. That's a double wammy because these girls are doing something brainless and in my eyes making themselves less desirable. And this is all about me isn't it.

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Message 19/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Boobies. Definitely a point of discussion. There's a damn fine spectrum of breasts here in england at the moment. The more clement weather means the average male has a much higher percentage chance of (discretely) observing the range of breasts on offer too...

Not that that's all there is to life, but what the fuck else is one to do whilst braving uk public transport (day-in-day-out) in between reading a book or listening to tunes?

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Message 20/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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There's a real shortage of big tits in England at the moment because they're all over in Portugal.

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Message 21/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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influx...you're still the funniest "social democrat" i've never met.


gee gosh.

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Message 22/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  05:15 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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lemme set up the facts for you -

the u.s.a. = 100% artificial culture. brits.. eg. welsh, irish, scottish and the other guys they have a pre-industrial legacy in the culture.. in the u.s. you might have an anti-industrial meme, but it hasn't got a lot of heritage to it.

sure, this isn't exactly true.. i mean how much 'pre-industrial legacy' do you see in the typical british robot style cunts you see on the net. it's a sweeping generalisation that provides a convenient handle to these 'new' ideas that what you're doing is worth shitting on everythnig for. it's not absolutely true, but it's got a boatload of truth to it.

in other words, when someone says 'america,' they're not talking about the gobshites on the north american continent.. i reckon they're talking about the american in all of us.. whether u.s. or whatever it says on your birth certif., but absolutely undeniably concentrated right here in the u.s.

i can accept that. do we have to argue about it every time someone uses a term of convenience?

tit jobs are so fucked up looking.

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Message 23/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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i really don't mean to constantly stir these feelings of personal animosity
between us...
we have to understand that we have, in all of us, a desire to know things.
somehow....at some time...not all in the same way> but nevertheless we have this.
we come into this world believing that which is most easily understood to us.
mommy good. daddy good.
food good. fun games good.
tv good. flag good. president good. etc.
so what happens, quite often, eventually when people start to gain this sense that
santa claus and the easter bunny are probably concepts invented to keep us happy.....we start to question things.
it's not unusual for people to feel betrayed when they hear the world is not flat and
that power is actually just as corruptive as it can be empowering...
we might resort to some perhaps extreme opposite viewpoint and begin to distrust everything which came before us.
this is commonly why young people go in search of alternate political answers to the ones which previously served them.
michael moore is merely a proponent of a viewpoint which is on direct opposition
to the one offered by republicans and the bush administration, specifically.
noam chomsky's outlook and rhetoric predates this by a decades.
at this point the viewpoints take on a quality of being retaliatory.

to suggest it's disgusting that people might tend to accept such alternate outlooks as digusting fails to comprehend the basic fact that the televised corporate machine and it's interests are quite capable of losing the interest or trust which it requires to function forever into the future.
to fail to accept that kids might decide there is no santa and that they prefer ozzy osbourne....at some point...denies an ability to understand basic human nature.

any suggest that anyone on earth isn't without some contradiction is also to suggest that perfection lies within the one doing the judging.
we can easily assume that this isn't quite the case.
in truth always lies paradox.
and within that lies life.

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Message 24/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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clay, Im trying to make a habit of ignoring you, but I'll say this:

the level of contradiction displayed in Moore's actions vs his rhetoric is just too much. Of course there's contradiction in all of us. Would never deny that and I certainly dont think it is I who has a handle on things and can _show everyone the light_

you seem to think you can? and yet, a large percentage of what you say is either a)smug pseudo intellectual damnnearpsychotic ramblings or b)personal attacks on people like me, with your little chuckle chuckle har har "youre funny"

anyway...xoxos...youre damn right, man...

"in other words, when someone says 'america,' they're not talking about the gobshites on the north american continent.. i reckon they're talking about the american in all of us.. whether u.s. or whatever it says on your birth certif., but absolutely undeniably concentrated right here in the u.s.

i can accept that. do we have to argue about it every time someone uses a term of convenience?"

no. we dont have to argue every time. sorry bout that. I cant say I agree that anyone is "talking about the american in all of us" but...theres zero reason for me to pipe in as I certainly dont feel comfortable defending "standard" american culture

hell, even most fringe cultures are full of shit, so...not much to hold up as an example of our capability

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Message 25/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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quote: a large percentage of what you say is either a)smug pseudo intellectual damnnearpsychotic ramblings

influx....that's the nicest thing you've said to me all week.

however...in light of the fact that bush said today...that we were warranted in attacking iraq because saddam had any contact with al queda.....even though he'd declined their advances...
you'd almost think that such an argument would warrant us actually attacking ourselves> since our contacts with bin laden had been a little-more-than non-existent....especially his family's own personal contacts from what's being reported.

in light of the grievous nature of our subsequent attacks and of a most costly
and deceitful nature....
i'm tending to run with the contradictions and those that i feel most suit the advancement
of peace and a more equitable sense of planetary community.....
and not one which benefits just the a-hole "american in me".

you, on the other hand, seem eager to distance yourself from "the ugly american" stigma which haunt all of us who call america "home" and yet you are very quick to denounce those doing the most to reverse this agenda of greed and unilateral empowerment which we're so famous to pursue.
basically, what this means is that i will find myself occasionally chuckling at your attacks on one guy actually brave enough to do what he's doing now......to take on bush in perhaps the most visible arena known to man. that of film and mass entertainment.
his gun...which is art.....may actually carry more weight than anything bush has to offer...by day's end.
i still consider him to be an insanely courageous man......
just as i'm reminded of a guy who was actually worried about even barbecuing with me....because he was worried that i might be crazy.
we are just different that way>
and yet i always tried to leave that bridge open between us.
i'm sorry you can't understand that.

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Message 26/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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was never afraid of you, dude. never. disinterested perhaps, and my wariness proved accurate. youre mean spirited and like to attack people either sarcastically or directly. There's no channel open between us whatsoever.

that said, I see your point about Moore. I dont quite know why you still think Im a supporter of Bush.

I just dont see how someone like Moore gets so much attention when other people have been hacking away at the roots of corruption for far longer. Again, Zinn!

If moore's point were so important, the movie viewing should be FREE. but no, itll be $8-$10 just like all other movies, and so...indirectly...the spread of "necessary" information is limited to those who are financially capable of accessing it.

But..if one looks at it as a "by any means necessary" situation, well then..ok. but I dont see it as any sort of paradigm shift, not in the slightest

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Message 27/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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QUOTE> If moore's point were so important, the movie viewing should be FREE. but no, itll be $8-$10 just like all other movies, and so...indirectly...the spread of "necessary" information is limited to those who are financially capable of accessing it.

yes...in fact i recall you> saying you were giving away your last 12" release.
very commendable that.

as for any permanently welded shut avenues between you and i....i'm sorry to hear that. i'll chalk it up as a loss for the both of us.
just the same> you can't lose what you never had....so it all balances out i guess.

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Message 28/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:36 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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nice comparison, clay. my $5 record, that I paid $2 for so I could make what...$150 profit off the 50 that I fcking BOUGHT?!?!?

yeah dude. real accurate analogy comparing that to a multi-million dollar enterprise of a man who is supposed to be a "champion of the people"


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Message 29/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  11:27 PM     Edit: 17-Jun-04  |  11:32 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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cant be bothered to reread everything, but that comment about 8-10$ for a film was just plain stoopid, influx dude.

and anyway... any person who can show americans how blind stupid they are DESERVES to be rich for f's sake!!!

oh btw... Chomsky is yet another guy the world doesnt need, but america does, and oh how.

what was that about traveling again? ;)

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Message 30/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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explain to me why it was stupid?

If he cared so much about spreading the message there'd be ways of going about it.

how is wealth a reward for "exposing" stupidity?

seriously...milan...an ally...find a better way than saying "stupid"?

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Message 31/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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this is getting quickly uninteresting...just like most of everybody's arguments who try to attack moore's work and/or his personality.
just so i don't appear as some little aloof stuck-up-bitch and i usually at least try to give you the attention you seek and no-doubt deserve:

almost everything in this world costs money.
perhaps with the exception of air and love.....
if you want something...you pay for it.
this is also true of information> even though you expect moore to give his away
to you and the world> for free.
it's not exactly like he lives in a vacuum.
film costs money....developer costs money....these huge lawyer expenses and his agents which must help negotiate these distribution deals etc.
i'm sure he needs shelter clothes food and gas like the rest of us also.
gas costs money and i don't hear you complaining about paying buku dollar$
besides the fact that practically every bit of information michael has regarding what
FARANHEIT 911 demonstrates is already out there.
he's already shared it.....via interview...the internet or book or magaizine.
he's discussed it and he has repeated it several times.
if you were at all interested in the actuality of things....you'd know this.

the one thing he is charging YOU money for_starting june 25th (be there)
is the price of what it costs to walk in to see the actual movie> even if he said he wanted the movie to be free i doubt the distributors and theater-chains would quite go along with that.
they have to pay for ticket-sellers....ticket-takers...ushers and people who must clean-up...projectionists....electricity etc.
what you get in return...from my interpretation....is a filmic-experience in which he strings together in most dramatic-fashion.....
a story which is everything shakespeare would choose to portray today.
mark twain.
studs terkel gore vidal and all of our fathers who died for this place>
everyone getting in line and saying this is how we do this.
stop for just a minute brother.
this is STILL america.
damn the torpedoes....a little information is coming to town tonight....and we mean downtown.
for whatever reason this is winning him kudos, praise, and total passionate commitment from many corners of the world (i won't even "bore" you with the list)...
it's obviously pretty important to a lot of people more numerous and possibly even more creative than you.
you can scream from on your front lawn to stop this crap> but influx....
it ain't going to stop.
now you don't have to pay the 8 or 10 bucks if you don't want.
and you can protest from on high.

but do so realizing this.....

you're presently looking silly from where i'm sitting.
please find some better ways of spending your energy than trying to tear down
a guy who isn't sending you to war.
a guy who isn't costing you billions in tax-dollars as america and the world becomes less-safe by the day.
and a guy who'd give you a free ticket "in" if he though you could quit your whining for about 2 hours while everyone else
tries to find out WHAT IT IS that
bush-family-america doesn't want you to know about
our president...george w. bush.
there's something to this...you know.
moore has invited gwb to a private screening at the president's convenience ...btw..as you probably already know.

what would you do if you were bush?

or just cry and plan something predictably dirty?

but alas...
it's weird to me how you seem unable to grasp such simple things sometimes.
or just simply refuse to.
oh well~

sorry to be a bore.

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Message 32/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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not to mention that it is always a true ally who'll tell you're being stupid......
especially when you most need it.

get a clue.

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Message 33/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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I'm actually more of a leg man. A girl with lovely legs, at least lovely to my personal taste, drives me crazier than anything. Always has. Always will. Faces do it to me too. Cindy Crawford for example had a face and legs. Well I guess she still does have them. Like my friend Subhu used to say when he saw a model, "She's got legs up to her hips and a mouth full of teeth" which cracked me up because taken literally it offers up no particular discription. You could say that about Margaret Thatcher.

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Message 34/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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see clay, there you go again you fcking dickhead

get a clue, right? ok. fck off. had enough of you explaining me to me.

I never said free, and its you who refuses to even venture the possibility that I might have a point that could exist right alongside yours

you arrogant twat. Ive had enough of you

oh, but thanks for successfully pointing out how stupid I am, how much of an attention whore, AND refusing to back up your stupid analogy regarding me and my fcking efforts to sell my own record

yeah...Im really movin up in the world makin $3 off the 50 records Ill sell on my own WOOHOO


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Message 35/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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no doubt difficult to fake them gams and that which holds them together.

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Message 36/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  01:07 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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um... er... influx?

get a clue, innit. ...

clay's spelled out some very clear, concise points, and yer still taking it personally. arrrrr, you love to argue matey...

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Message 37/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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did I say concise? I meant, um... long...

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Message 38/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:02 AM     Edit: 18-Jun-04  |  02:07 AM   -   RE: NO nose job

SignalRunners - BLU

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Fuck this- Why does every single thread have to end up in attacks, and more so government politics.

Every single time, leave it out a while . we went from a throw away titjob laugh thread to this?


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Message 39/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:53 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Legs is where it's at I tell ya. And faces. Did I mention faces? Not when they get plastic surgery though.

Maybe I need to read more of their posts but Influx and mcc are both thoughtful, insightful human beings and seem to be close in their thinking. Something goes off somewhere I guess.

But they both miss the point...legs and faces. Thighs especially. Don't get me started.

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Message 40/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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: )

you obviously missed it the first time.
so i'll repeat>

"no doubt difficult to fake them gams and that which holds them together."

i'm talkin legs my man.

those and her sweet face....now if that ain't worth a song or two~

no...we won't get you started.

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Message 41/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  08:52 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Influx and MCC are like overhearing an online russian lady introduction service about to start talking price. But they are doing what they really what they want to do, children listening from upstairs should go back to their toys, architects should chuckle, other interested parties - get fucking angry.

Its only when push comes to shove that we see any movement - "But I'M still in the same place"

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Message 42/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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A good arse is always a pleasure to watch. A little exposed thong on a lass wearing hipster cut jeans or trousers is quite pleasant too...

But a nice big natural rack is tip top banana!

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Message 43/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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to Influx- when his film crew, his studio, is publisher, his manager, his distribution company, everybody else in the chain, AND the local cinemas agree to work for free THEN the ticket might cost less. do you see that happening? and anyway... since when is moore a communist saying everything should be free or cheap?? he's a film maker innit

oh feck... i should have read MCC's post first... doh

anyway.... i hear a one can take a plane and visit different countries and cultures in order to expand his horizons... oops i mean see some different tits and ass

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Message 44/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Budapest summers - It's a curse being married

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Message 45/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:28 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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budapest girls are gorgeous. munich girls too, although I haven't been there in about 11 years *sigh*

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Message 46/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: NO nose job

* compulsary


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aahhhh, legs. let me tell you about a stunning pair i'm currently walking the line with.

resting on a pair of solid, well arched feet adorned with meaty toes, are the calves. awesome calves, both gastrocnemius bulging, leading on to the thighs, massive, well defined quads and responsive adductor magnus, road buddies to the holy grail: gluteus maximus, the ass of life. the perkiest little thing ever seen. the proof of the existence of god. god lives there, in the bubble. i visit often. you should too.

thought i'd share

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Message 47/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:36 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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I like my women with natural, hairy, unshaven pussies!

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Message 48/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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nothing quite as sweet as belief.

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Message 49/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


Posts: 178

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"what other countries even PLAY baseball? Japan...who else? "The World Series" when its all american teams."

So I guess the largest country in the world (who happens to be resting alongside your North Border) doesn't exist anymore? Have I missed something in world politics?
( I would check out who won the "World Series" in '92 and'93...lol)

I guess all the Puerto Ricans/Dominicans and Cubans that are the dominant players in this "All-American" game, they grew up on a farm in Idaho. Kept in the dark and fed bullshit....Maybe in a lab in SoCal. Growing up in a petre dish of US "Culture"

Sorry, I'm a little bit late catching up on this thread.
Not trying to kick off or anything. Just filling in some information that seems to be lacking in the arguments presented.


PS. Darkstate's right. There are some seriously top heavy women here in the UK. More than their fair share, some of you might say (not me, I prefer 'em small...lol). Enough of 'em to take Darkstate's eyes away from his latest issue of SOS...lol  

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Message 50/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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I only read SoS in public when there's nothing more entrancing to look at...

And it isn't just the size of the pair that grabs the attention, its the presentation too...

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Message 51/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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"no. we dont have to argue every time. sorry bout that."

no worries. we're here with a desire for reason to prevail with our mouths, we try with the mouth.. we always put the checks and balances down every day for six years now here so that the casual reader won't be lost.. it's what we do. perhaps someone watching our old panto today.

clay - losing interest to sustain corporations? are you for reals, esse?? we're talking about an artificial environment - you can make people, cultures any way you need them to be in the u.s.. you've heard about 'creating replacement smokers..' .."lose interest in corporations," no way no way no way!

you ever like, watch a mold consume an orange?

personal animosity? lol. just keep insisting for everyone else that i'm stark raving angry to create disinterest. god bless them and their clever-like tele-visions. to accept life as paradox is to accept ignorance and basically, admit that it's all so above you.

i think maybe you do not want to concede what is obvious about earth reality. "nice god, nice god" (tremble)

anyone here capable of putting a subliminal flashing image on clay's monitor? shall we experiment?

"Fuck this- Why does every single thread have to end up in attacks, and more so government politics."

yeah, maybe we should all just shut up and love the silky feel of the puppeteer's hand. anyone else wish to attest to their devotion to the rut? pardon me, i forget, i'm dealing with PARENTS, eg. the damned, committed to clay's "sweet credence.." sorry to hear you've not gotten past the old jokes and aural sequences.

i guess, basically, y'all motherfuckers thought that picture at the end of battle royale where the island is covered with dead people everywhere with knives and axes in them in their flesh with blood and lost gazes except for the shining pedestal woman was like, weird but cool huh. i bet you laughed like a bitch and pushed the uneasy comprehension deep, deep down for your nursing home days. let me be your angel for you, honey. it doesn't hurt to drop it, they just make it seem that way.

dibs on angryness ched. can we spell it agitated tho

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Message 52/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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SoS? True. A pair of analog synths are look better when the presentation is good.

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Message 53/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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awaiting subliminal flashes.

hopefully they're in english.

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