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Subject: NO nose job

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  02:08 PM     Edit: 16-Jun-04  |  02:10 PM   -   NO nose job


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we are born sinful

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Message 51/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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"no. we dont have to argue every time. sorry bout that."

no worries. we're here with a desire for reason to prevail with our mouths, we try with the mouth.. we always put the checks and balances down every day for six years now here so that the casual reader won't be lost.. it's what we do. perhaps someone watching our old panto today.

clay - losing interest to sustain corporations? are you for reals, esse?? we're talking about an artificial environment - you can make people, cultures any way you need them to be in the u.s.. you've heard about 'creating replacement smokers..' .."lose interest in corporations," no way no way no way!

you ever like, watch a mold consume an orange?

personal animosity? lol. just keep insisting for everyone else that i'm stark raving angry to create disinterest. god bless them and their clever-like tele-visions. to accept life as paradox is to accept ignorance and basically, admit that it's all so above you.

i think maybe you do not want to concede what is obvious about earth reality. "nice god, nice god" (tremble)

anyone here capable of putting a subliminal flashing image on clay's monitor? shall we experiment?

"Fuck this- Why does every single thread have to end up in attacks, and more so government politics."

yeah, maybe we should all just shut up and love the silky feel of the puppeteer's hand. anyone else wish to attest to their devotion to the rut? pardon me, i forget, i'm dealing with PARENTS, eg. the damned, committed to clay's "sweet credence.." sorry to hear you've not gotten past the old jokes and aural sequences.

i guess, basically, y'all motherfuckers thought that picture at the end of battle royale where the island is covered with dead people everywhere with knives and axes in them in their flesh with blood and lost gazes except for the shining pedestal woman was like, weird but cool huh. i bet you laughed like a bitch and pushed the uneasy comprehension deep, deep down for your nursing home days. let me be your angel for you, honey. it doesn't hurt to drop it, they just make it seem that way.

dibs on angryness ched. can we spell it agitated tho

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Message 52/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


Posts: 3872

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SoS? True. A pair of analog synths are look better when the presentation is good.

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Message 53/53                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: NO nose job



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awaiting subliminal flashes.

hopefully they're in english.

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