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Subject: k why did you delete my thread?

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  11:53 PM   -   k why did you delete my thread?

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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awww comon, we were just about to have SO much fun

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Message 51/54                 Date: 30-Oct-04  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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yes, diorama.. what do you think it is? when you suffer death due to a buttfucking?

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Message 52/54                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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No, Signal Runners, no, no, no, no. Stop it. Mister Republican man. Mister Bush. Stop it. You shouldn't be here. Hast thou no shame? Upon what cause thinkest thou that thy Bushman can help thee, do thee good? I have just seen thy thread in which thou didst say, candidly, that thou art in support of thy president. Hast thou no sanity left? And why hast thou that SUV, which thou drivest, and with which thou dost pollute thine environment in manner so unasham'd? Carest thou not for thine own surroundings? Hast thou sense? If so, be it used and not wasted, for thou shalt err gravely shouldst thou vote in Dubya's favour. I pray thee contemplate greatly thy decision, for if thy vote be miscast in preference of the Apeman, thy nation itself shall remain in poor international repute, an object of the furious hatred of those to whom it hath lied.
PS: Recycle your SUV, you wasteful shit. Buy a smaller car, or buy no car. To slightly rephrase the words of a Mr. Zappa:
"Don't be a loyal plastic robot for a government that doesn't care."

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Message 53/54                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:38 AM     Edit: 31-Oct-04  |  03:39 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?


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Broken Silence will not be voting for anyone this year as he won't be old enough this time around, so don't sweat it innit.

And he will be a LOT older next election.... the most "formative" 4 years he'll ever experience, and we'll see where he stands after that, aight? When I was where he was, I was saying what he was saying. Didn't any of you have conservative parents? Give the guy a break.

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Message 54/54                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  05:32 AM   -   RE: k why did you delete my thread?



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my pops considered himself to be a john bircher at one point in his life...if that's conservative.

my mom's a pisces. see nothing...know nothing...say nothing...and that mean you young man.

this will be her first time to not vote republican.
i really had nothing to do with this since i quit trying to persuade her of much a long time ago.

but i think to say andrew's dad is a conservative is like saying xoxos is a liberal.
just a mild understatement in my opinion.

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