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Subject: 911 video manipulation/hologram

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Original Message 1/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  09:59 AM   -   911 video manipulation/hologram



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The video showing the supposed crash of flight 175 into the south tower depicts the plane seemingly melting into the building, with absolutely no debris or explosion upon impact. View the following frames in succession at www.thewebfairy.org/911.... one can clearly see the 'plane' sliding into the building as if it were an apparition. One can only conclude, either the footage was doctored before release (live-video manipulation technology exists), or some type of military-grade was employed. Note: this is not a track of light and shadow, nor is this phenomenon exclusive to this video. The same effect appears in several different versions from varying angles.











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Message 2/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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nice work tho

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Message 3/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:10 AM     Edit: 10-Mar-04  |  10:11 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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odd, yes... but what's your point if several different angles/video systems captured this event?

"or some type of military-grade was employed"

was an expletive deleted? If not, this doesn't make sense. What are you saying.

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Message 4/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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lol - so?... you're proposing some new loopy theory?

perhaps it's just the consequence of a thousand tons of plane hitting a flimsy steel structure covered with bolt-on face-plates at cruising speed.

things dont IMPLODE outwardly, you probably watch too much action movies & were expecting a huge explosion John Woo style mebbe?

modern buldings like that are just a steel frame with bolted-on exterior plates, there's no bricks, or what have you

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Message 5/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"odd, yes... but what's your point if several different angles/video systems captured this event?

"or some type of military-grade was employed"

was an expletive deleted? If not, this doesn't make sense. What are you saying. "

I apologize. I meant to say "military-grade hologram." Possibly a cruise missile (AGM-86C) with an attached holographic projector.

Then again, a more conservative theory is that the video could have simply been doctored. But that begs the question, why was it doctored? And how could all of the networks possibly manage to depict a similar-looking plane doing a similarly anomalous maneuver, in so short a span of time. Perhaps the CIA distributed the 'official footage' for the networks in advance? But then why make it so shoddy?

All in all, what is depicted defies every known law of physics. A 757 going upwards of 500mph simply cannot effortlessly glide into a skyscraper, encountering absolutely no resistance, and incurring absolutely no damage to the cockpit, fuselage, or wings in the process.

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Message 6/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"lol - so?... you're proposing some new loopy theory?

perhaps it's just the consequence of a thousand tons of plane hitting a flimsy steel structure covered with bolt-on face-plates at cruising speed.

things dont IMPLODE outwardly, you probably watch too much action movies & were expecting a huge explosion John Woo style mebbe?

modern buldings like that are just a steel frame with bolted-on exterior plates, there's no bricks, or what have you "

Eh? "Bolt-on face plates" ? hardly. more like rows upon rows of reinforced steel and concrete. the plane should have either buckled or at least sustained considerable damage upon colliding with that kind of mass.

Also, the 'plane' was completely silhoutted in shadow when flying from the east. Footage taken in the direction of sunlight shows the plane completed shrouded in shadow (bear in mind there was nothing obstructing the incidence of light at that time) before it, miraculously, begins to illuminate before careening into the building.

Why does flight 175 appear translucent in the CNN footage?

Why does it depict a silver plane when all United Airlines craft are dark blue and grey?

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Message 7/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:38 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"Then again, a more conservative theory is that the video could have simply been doctored. But that begs the question, why was it doctored?"

well why not? the conspiracy theorists need something to keep em busy.....i mean why fake a moon landing? or why pretend the moon landing was fake?


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Message 8/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"things dont IMPLODE outwardly, you probably watch too much action movies & were expecting a huge explosion John Woo style mebbe?"

Well perhaps we weren't watching the same footage. Because there WAS a huge explosion, only it occurred 40 frames (most explosions occur 2 frames after impact) after the plane was immersed inside the building.

please explain what you mean by 'implode outwardly.'

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Message 9/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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""Then again, a more conservative theory is that the video could have simply been doctored. But that begs the question, why was it doctored?"

well why not? the conspiracy theorists need something to keep em busy.....i mean why fake a moon landing? or why pretend the moon landing was fake?

greg "

well, no need for theories anymore. that 911 was an elaborate hoax has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt already. Anyone who's devoted more than a cursory glance at the inconsistencies in the official story has come to that conclusion.

I'd just like someone to provide a competent physical analysis of the second impact. To me, it beggars belief.

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Message 10/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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and why the brief, localized flash right before the point of entry, which then promptly vanishes?

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Message 11/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:50 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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and why was so much of the network-sanctioned footage decimated by at least 10 frames, while others were overexposed for 2 or more frames?

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Message 12/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:53 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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so there once was an event and its video
then there were lots of examples and the video of the event was lost

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Message 13/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  11:00 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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All in all, what is depicted defies every known law of physics. A 757 going upwards of 500mph


well for a start the slow cruising speed isnt 500mph surely?... i mean 660mph is the speed of sound you nut, or are you saying a small domestic airliner slow cruises at over 3/4 the speed of sound in a non-thin air environment at around 1000 ft above sea level?.... I think you need to go and checkout exactly HOW a plane stays up in the air, and what the implications are for the air space around it... (a huge vacuum above the wing & behind the plane)

now how long is this plane?

350 ft?... 660mph is about 1116 ft/sec ... so lets say the plane entered the building in about .3 of a second....

You say:

"more like rows upon rows of reinforced steel and concrete. "

I disagree, modern buildings of that height are NOT rigid, they are actualy quite flimsy, and the spaces between floor girders arent covered with much more than glass plates and pre-fab exterior facings - remember the weight stress on a steeel frame of that height would be severe if it had to carry huge amounts of heavy structural material.

I disagree anyways,

i saw it live on TV, many people video cam'd it with hand helds. tens of thousands of people on the ground below saw it with their own eyes

sure, I can beleive the people who crashed it may be a conspiracy, but not this twaddle.

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Message 14/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  11:18 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"well for a start the slow cruising speed isnt 500mph surely?... i mean 660mph is the speed of sound you nut, or are you saying a small domestic airliner slow cruises at over 3/4 the speed of sound in a non-thin air environment at around 1000 ft above sea level?.... I think you need to go and checkout exactly HOW a plane stays up in the air, and what the implications are for the air space around it... (a huge vacuum above the wing & behind the plane)"

You're really rather condescending. But, yes, actually the cruising speed of a 757 is appx. 530mph. Top speed is over 600. It's my understanding that the plane was travelling considerably in excess of cruise speed before impact.

check http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,34183,00.html for the specs.

"now how long is this plane? 350 ft"

Less than half that length. 169 ft.

[[You say:

"more like rows upon rows of reinforced steel and concrete. "

I disagree, modern buildings of that height are NOT rigid, they are actualy quite flimsy, and the spaces between floor girders arent covered with much more than glass plates and pre-fab exterior facings - remember the weight stress on a steeel frame of that height would be severe if it had to carry huge amounts of heavy structural material.]]

The above notwithstanding, the architects of the trade center specifically designed the towers to withstand the impact of a boeing 767-- not too flimsy.

"i saw it live on TV, many people video cam'd it with hand helds. tens of thousands of people on the ground below saw it with their own eyes"

Less than a handful of amateur tapes have surfaced. And there is absolutely no consensus as to what those "tens of thousands of people" actually saw. Some even claim they saw a smaller, drone-like plane. And how can we actually accept eye-witness testimony at such an understandably frenzied time? I sincerely doubt the average bystander would be able to distinguish between a passenger jet, a drone, or a hologram when the towers are ablaze and people are screaming bloody murder.

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Message 15/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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The speed of impact of Flight 175 was 590 mph =(865 ft/s. )

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Message 16/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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" well, no need for theories anymore. that 911 was an elaborate hoax has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt already. Anyone who's devoted more than a cursory glance at the inconsistencies in the official story has come to that conclusion."

yeah thats what they said about the moon landing...........


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Message 17/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  12:31 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"" well, no need for theories anymore. that 911 was an elaborate hoax has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt already. Anyone who's devoted more than a cursory glance at the inconsistencies in the official story has come to that conclusion."

yeah thats what they said about the moon landing..........."

I understand. and I do realize I'm generalizing...but there are just great gaping holes in the establishment's story that have yet to be accounted for. Until they are, I can't help but believe it was at least partly orchestrated by the government.

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Message 18/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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"http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,34183,00.html for the specs"

bu hey popular imaginging hey

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Message 19/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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its would be nice and easy to blame the bush administration for it....just like it would be easy to say the americans had some part in orchestrating pearl harbour, the jkf assination and the moon landing but we all know that life is never easy.......and generalising doesn't help the argument...

you can find motives for anything....solid proof is often harder to find which is why conspiracy theories remain as theories and not facts...


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Message 20/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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define truth as a function of popularity
call the public

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Message 21/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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hey, k.. here's somethnig that might gel with you..

i was thinking on my automatic drummer plugin ideas again yesterday, andrealised you're the only person i've seen who has thought towards rhythm as an assemblage of patterns, ie. ideas that would be useful for implementing code for drumming styles..

just wanted to point that out, in case you ever are thinknig about it in the level just above connecting triplets et c. would love to implement that..

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Message 22/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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thing is, you're suggesting that tv stations put a delay in place of the LIVE broadcasting of the second planes impact and doctored the images prior to release

wouldnt someone discover the disparity between the time of impact as witnessed by people in the vacinity and the time of broadcast

also to perform such a hoax would mean people in the Tv stations would have to be party to this plan IN ADVANCE.


Whoops, sorry about the caps, cant be arsed to re-type it.

and ALL those people working on the tv news etc agreed and also just shutup?

or are you saying it was done at sattalite stage by 'covert forces' ?

think about the LOGIC of what you're saying

would it be EASIER to simply get two planes and crash them, or perform some huge conspiracy invloving un-specified 'drone' craft, a TV cover-up etc?

I mean which sounds more plausible? - even IF the government forces were involved, still it doesnt warrant anything more than using two commercial airliners surely?

why would they go to all this ludicrous trouble when they could simply get two planes and crash them?

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Message 23/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  03:08 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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also remember the cruise speed is achived at 39,000 ft where the air is VERY thin - planes dont flay at that speed low to the ground do they?

anyways, my comments above really is surely pertinent?

do you think such a rediculously elaborate thing as you propose would be do-able? or even sensible, even IN a conspiracy?

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Message 24/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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hey k, i thought he was joking to be honest....i mean its too OTT....but now im not so sure...

im sure there was a similar article at urban-myths.com.....


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Message 25/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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Believe me there was plenty of debris flying throught the air and we saw the 2nd plane come into the south tower from our office window. None of this would've ever happened if Steve hadn't been going on about marmite that morning.

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Message 26/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:08 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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its all part of the plan

look here or there, where your standing, theories as tennis going from here to there. whatever, if the hand is moving then look at diametrically opposed counter direction?

talk about conspiracy theories. I was listening to my personal stereo on the bus when the batteries ran out so i was listening away with the headphones still on and they really were talking about me

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Message 27/57                 Date: 10-Mar-04  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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you want yer fookin head looked at gelk

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Message 28/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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The #1 enemies of them who fly the black helicopters are people who play Unreal Tournament, love Orbital, and can't mix for shit. The aliens were really aiming at me. That should be obvious to everyone by now. What I have to say to them is...."wrong buildings suckers. I still can't mix for shit but you can't do a thing about it!"

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Message 29/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Another fucking nutcase.

Buckling fuselage??? Here's a theory for you. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Nobody has ever seen the real thing. Until 911 nobody knew what a airliner crashing into a skyscraper would look like. Not even computer models can realize the detail of an event that has never actually happened. Stop watching so much godamn television or movies or whatever the fuck it is that compels you to pursue such a line of bullshit. Why don't you take the amount of time it takes to come up with this crap and do something to improve what's in your own backyard? You own community. Surely there is some corruption in your local government that you can uncover. Considering your ability to tackle the 911 conspiracy hometown corruption should be a cakewalk.

Drone planes??? You fuckwit. I don't mind being reminded of what happened but not for nonsense such as this.

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Message 30/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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It just occurred to me. Are you trying to get on the "top 10 DT nutcases" list?

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Message 31/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

Broken Silence


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........wait! It must have been the american government's secret plot! YES! There was really just explosives on the plane and the people were carted off to area 51 and then they borded an alien space-craft (from which the dirty, fat americans STOLE from the aliens) which then boomed off into space! They were all probed (anally of course) then when returning back to area 51 the light reflected off of the hi-tech alien space-craft which bounced on the tower creating a holligram-like effect. Since there was already a holligram, the government sent cruise missles into the towers to cover up the plane-like holligram which then explains the whole story.


(PS: People like you shouldn't reproduce. Get em whacked and pickled- makes a nice centerpiece for easter)

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Message 32/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  07:28 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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no no!... dont you know it was REALLY a giant Oscar Meyer weiner, holographicaly disguised as a boeing!!

eat THAT!

put this guy down in the top 10 nutcases shortlist

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Message 33/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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yeah and the moon landing didn't happen at all...it was just a giant hologram landing on a giant hologram......everyone knows that by the angles...


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Message 34/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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so i was eating a packet of wotsits one day with a "back to the future action figure special offer" type thing and on the back of the pack it had Michael J Fox standing there and underneath it had "actual size" now this makes MichaeL J just 9cm tall. I mean if they they can have a guy 9cm tall as a major star acting with people (I assume) are like normal people height then Hollywood an that can fake anything.

Errm unless all actor people types are like 7-12cm tall....


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Message 35/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  12:30 PM     Edit: 11-Mar-04  |  12:31 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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"yeah and the moon landing didn't happen at all"

I still love the story about Neil Armstrong saying "Good luck Mr. Johnson" while walking on the moon.

you guys remember that one?

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Message 36/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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no? do tell

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Message 37/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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neil armstrong walking on the moon, he turns round at one point and says 'good luck mr johnson', classic moment i tell thee.....


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Message 38/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

* compulsary


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in a country where 65% of the women are fat, i guess you need a little fantasy

mmmm... big rockets

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Message 39/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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yeah, wasnt Allan Ladd (Shane) only 11cm tall?

they had to make special guns for him so they didnt look rediculously large on camera when he wielded them.

and Sylvester Stallone is well known to be only 15 cm tall - In Rocky they used a holographic GI Joe doll as his opponent doncha know!

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Message 40/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  03:14 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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(has he gone yet?)

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Message 41/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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yeah in rocky four it turns out the real dolph lungren was over 10ft tall so they had to do all manner of forced perspective shots ala lord of the rings to make em look the same size.....conceptual nightmare!

hope k, entertaining though he was....im back off to the mpc forums to convince them that other musical genres exist outside hiphop


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Message 42/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  03:39 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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i don't but into this guy's theory but we have to remember bush sr. was seen meeting iranian emissaries at a paris hotel on a day where an arms-for-hostages deal was being made...oh c. 1980.. and it wasn't giving weapons for our hostages' freedom either...but that they might REMAIN CAPTURED a little longer until the republicans got their guy reagan elected....all by simply making carter appear to be weak.

some would suggest that was implausible too.

but yeah...the jumbo-jets were efficient enough devices to not require holograms and nukes.

i do know bush was not behind the train-massacre in spain today though.

it's crazy to pretend our government is the only one capable of cruelty and violence in this world.

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Message 43/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

cydonia cell


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I don't mind admitting that I have looked quite closely at this stuff myself... just because it's a conspiracy nut theory doesn't mean it isn't true... but all of that said... I don't buy this crap... and I've really looked at it...

The whole thing comes from the images of the cock pit imbedded in the building but still intact... there's some good points to be made about how this is possible... and their are some answers.

When the twin towers were built a radical new design was implemented to accommodate the desire to make them reach so high... it relied on essentially building a frame from which the insides of the building would hang. this was a complex spiderweb of steel, NOT concrete. and at the higher levels of the building the distance between the girders is more than 15 feet. the inside of the buliding basicaly hangs from this skeleton. So the second plane just happened to hit somewhere in the middle of these girders... menaing at that speed, it pulverized glass, some mortar, and thin framing steel... not a surprise that the plane itself was fairly unscathed until the wing base hit a beam!!!

You see? These terrorist types aren't stupid. They studied the buildings, made educated aproximations of where the planes would need to hit for maximum damage and even charted theoretical models of the blast radius. It was the unique design of the WTC that allowed the fuel blast to channel down the tower and super heat the structure enough to cause a collapse. And the people that drove the planes in their knew it when they did it.

Now, if you want to have a real discussion about this sh+t there is a wealth of information out there, much of it very reliable that can lead even smart people to some harrowing conclusions about who might be ultimately responsible or just plain complicit in the damage done on 9-11.

But this video conspiracy is a crock.


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Message 44/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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i cant believe you can be arsed to comment on this at all!

but yeah... modern skyscrapers are built with a concrete core which hosts elevartors, staircases and instalation ducts, and the rest is just a slim steel (or concrete) grid.which usually carries just a single floor and the facade.

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Message 45/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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"neil armstrong walking on the moon, he turns round at one point and says 'good luck mr johnson', classic moment i tell thee"

yea it's classic. it might be nothing more than urban legend but the story goes

Neil Armstrong while on the moon was heard saying 'good luck mr. johnson'. He never answered over the years whenever asked about why he said that until a couple of years ago when he finally let the cat out of the bag. He told the story of when he was a kid playing ball with a friend in his back yard. The ball went into his neighbors yard and he went to get it. While picking the ball up near the neighbor's master bedroom he overheard mr. johnson trying to get head from his wife. With an angry tone to her voice she said to mr. johnson 'the day i do that will be the day that kid next door walks on the moon'.


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Message 46/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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Message 47/57                 Date: 11-Mar-04  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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REALLY?!?!?!?! oh man thats some funny shit!

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Message 48/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  12:47 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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"The whole thing comes from the images of the cock pit imbedded in the building but still
intact... there's some good points to be made about how this is possible... and their are
some answers. "

Well, not entirely. Everything from the winglets to the tail rudder remained perfectly intact
upon entering the structure--this is what made the impact somewhat anomalous for
many researchers.

"When the twin towers were built a radical new design was implemented to
accommodate the desire to make them reach so high... it relied on essentially building a
frame from which the insides of the building would hang. this was a complex spiderweb
of steel, NOT concrete. and at the higher levels of the building the distance between the
girders is more than 15 feet. the inside of the buliding basicaly hangs from this skeleton."

That's just flatly untrue. The main structural support component of the towers was a
central spindle that consisted of multiple steel columns, encased in concrete,
interspersed with dozens of elevator shafts (this comprised 25% of the floor area). The
floors themselves were constructed of slabs of concrete interlaid with webs of steel
trusses (radial trusses ran from the perimeter to the central spindle, and concentric
trusses connected the latter.) The 'skeleton' was the web-like outer perimeter of steel.
The central spine of steel columns bore most of the weight of the structure, while the
outer rim of closely-spaced steel columns stabilized the floors and held the trusses in
place. But the structure certainly doesn't 'hang from the skeleton.'

"So the second plane just happened to hit somewhere in the middle of these girders...
menaing at that speed, it pulverized glass, some mortar, and thin framing steel... not a
surprise that the plane itself was fairly unscathed until the wing base hit a beam!!!

"You see? These terrorist types aren't stupid. They studied the buildings, made educated
aproximations of where the planes would need to hit for maximum damage and even
charted theoretical models of the blast radius. It was the unique design of the WTC that
allowed the fuel blast to channel down the tower and super heat the structure enough to
cause a collapse. And the people that drove the planes in their knew it when they did it."

That's why I believe a closer examination of the collisions themselves is warranted. The
impact sites were just too fortuitous to chalk up to simple coincidence.

"Now, if you want to have a real discussion about this sh+t there is a wealth of
information out there, much of it very reliable that can lead even smart people to some
harrowing conclusions about who might be ultimately responsible or just plain complicit
in the damage done on 9-11.

But this video conspiracy is a crock.


Well, I've read the wealth of information. And since it's basically been definitively proven
that a boeing 757 did NOT strike the western wall of the pentagon (try
physics911.org for a primer)...you then have to account for the missing plane or planes
(AA11 and UA175) somehow. I wasn't drawn to the video manipulation/hologram theory
on a whim.

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Message 49/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  08:04 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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well....i believe it's safest to believe the president is a good man with the nicest intentions involved for the majority of mankind and that nothing dark occurs that is attritbutable to the cia or nro or any other body of the us government or that of great britain...not when people are asleep in their beds.

and of course they never had links with osama bin laden either.
which is why he's way totally beyond pissed-off.

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Message 50/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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lol @ Neil  

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Message 51/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  02:36 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

* compulsary


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yeah, neil is a funny guy  

4. Armstrong, Neil

Apollo 11, 1969: Mission Commentary

Houston: Mission Control, 1969. Unbound. Fine/Not Issued in Dust Jacket. In fine tray case. First Edition. Apollo II MIssion Commentary 7-20-69 CDT 20:34 GET 108:02 330/2 [Mission Control], [Houston], [1969]. First edition. Twenty-six leaves, multigraphed single side. In cloth tray case with leather label. This is the first printed announcement of man's first steps on the moon and of the first words spoken while standing on its surface. This historic document was issued by Mission Control in Houston to reporters about ten minutes after Armstrong first stepped onto the surface of the moon. It is a verbatim transcript of the words spoken between Armstrong and Mission Control and contains the now famous first words spoken by a man from the surface of the moon: "That's one small step for man. One giant step for mankind." Only a small number of copies of this document were printed, for the use of reporters. ONLY THIS PRINTING INCLUDED THE CORRECT WORDS ACTUALLY SAID. Most were discarded by the reporters shortly after they filed their stories. Armstrong won a SPECIAL HUGO AWARD for "Best Moon Landing Ever." Leaves stapled in one corner as issued. Fine (our highest grade) in fine tray case. Bookseller Inventory #000229

Price: US$ 1000.00 (Convert Currency)

you could all chip in and buy it for my coming birthday :p

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Message 52/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


Posts: 139

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gelk- have you got any ridiculous theories about the recent spain atrosoties?

or do the spanish not have holograms?


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Message 53/57                 Date: 12-Mar-04  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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Gelk I saw the plane hit the pentagon and one of my friends for 9 years mom was on the fucking plane you cunt.

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Message 54/57                 Date: 13-Mar-04  @  03:33 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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what is most important is that people learn to actually feel the pain which is terror...and to accept responsibility for our support of it lest we learn to live with it forever.

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Message 55/57                 Date: 13-Mar-04  @  09:08 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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so anywayay Clay fuck your boy for bringing the word to our table. What word can come after we are desensitized to this one

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Message 56/57                 Date: 13-Mar-04  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram



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try as you may cheds.....you manage well to completely lose me.

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Message 57/57                 Date: 14-Mar-04  @  04:32 AM     Edit: 14-Mar-04  |  04:34 AM   -   RE: 911 video manipulation/hologram


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yes we who don't consider ourselves terrorists can disassociate from whomever we deem terrorists, as they probably do with those of us who do that, and keep things perpetuating. Or we can enter into relentless dialogue to reach some common ground from which to understand eachother and build bridges. The latter is much more difficult and takes much more courage. Bombs are easy, from either side. But of course it does feel good to bomb the other side, it's such a quick fix.

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