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Subject: more on moore

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Original Message                 Date: 24-Jun-04  @  06:22 PM   -   more on moore

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Message 51/68                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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all that and then some.

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Message 52/68                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: more on moore



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the offer i'm making to those older folks who i know to be staunchly
conservative and naturally inclined to not want to see this movie is this:
i'll pay for the movie....AND dinner......in return for their time and attention>
this way they don't have to give that fat pinko slob moore THEIR money to view the film ...and over dinner they can explain to me what a boldly callous and manipulative piece of work the film truly is.
but they have to see it to be able to say it.

one person i made this offer to is like the california version of john gotti's uncle.
tough guy....big guy...serious italian brawn and owns half a dozen houses on imperial beach's nicest street.
he's retired seal team 1 all the way....but it looks like he could go into battle at the drop a dime.
he said he's not going with me and i said he's going and then he said he's going.
we'll see. he probably said it just to get me off his back. : )
he'll probably kill me after dinner if he goes.

the other offer was made to my old neighbor-lady across the street.
she's been a staunch republican all her life just like her very-very-hard parents....who i once worked for.
it just becomes kind of a way of life's identification i think.
i'm not sure even how much thought goes into it. it's just a natural way of viewing things.>>>> we don't like those people. we kill them.
she says she won't go and then she says she'll go.
we'll see.
she'll probably kill me BEFORE we make it to dinner.

maybe i can take them both at once and get killed only one time.

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Message 53/68                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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hey clay...think anyone will do anything?

it seems that this info was all available, and being talked about, before...but then again I read "those" sources...

do you really think a staunch right winger is gonna change? like you said..its almost part of their DNA...?

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Message 54/68                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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influx... wouldnt you be better off working on a new killer track? ;-)

and while on the subject: i just got aquasky's stay fresh cd the other day to listen to in the car. they do some horrible cheese, but man, some of it is *quality*!!!

i know i know... "music? what? wrong forum" etc :P

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Message 55/68                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: more on moore


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why is it that when I ask a question everyone assumes Im being confrontational?

actually, milan, Id be better off on the street by your house asking for directions

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Message 56/68                 Date: 03-Jul-04  @  01:44 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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influx....both people i asked are as staunch as i know.
i doubt any sizeable change of heart will come about as a result of seeing the film.
that's not what i'm aiming for though.
it's always the slow and very small changes in heart that occur within people...
sometimes after following a path for decades even
which starts to show evidence as being perhaps no less-vaild than the next....that
sort of minsicule shift in perception is as important as anything to me.
and they know this.

big lou said today he still plans to go.

his gardener and i started talking and he asked how much i read.
i said quite a lot....citing the 2 books on iraq i've already finished reading.
apparently impressed.......he asked if there were any recommendations i'd make...and i said....compromised> by terry reed and john cummings.
that would be my suggestion to anyone.
it has nothing to do with iraq though.
that we already know about.

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Message 57/68                 Date: 03-Jul-04  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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a short film not by michael moore.


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Message 58/68                 Date: 03-Jul-04  @  03:43 AM     Edit: 03-Jul-04  |  03:43 AM   -   RE: more on moore


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"why is it that when I ask a question everyone assumes Im being confrontational?"

What do you mean by that mofo? I know that question was directed at me and I assume you're callin me out! Sheesh every time I turn my back 9....

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Message 59/68                 Date: 03-Jul-04  @  03:48 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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i don't understand how this government feels it's okay
to use depleted uranium in close-quarter combat when we know there are
women and children everywhere....
not to mention our own troops breathing this stuff on a regular basis.

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Message 60/68                 Date: 03-Jul-04  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: more on moore



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also disturbing is the fact that we've now had to ask the UN
to monitor our 2004 elections to make sure it is free and fair.

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