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Subject: So, where's the crispy children...

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Original Message                 Date: 06-May-03  @  05:56 AM   -   So, where's the crispy children...



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Some time ago zazza made that statement...so where's the friggin 10,000,000 dead Iraqi's killed by American. He's such a media gimp.

Fvcking dozy

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Message 51/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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oh boy, i can't wait to build my civilian life as a plumber. had a couple people try and get me into that one.

heh.. hows about i just begin my civilian life as the incarnate spirit of earthly destruction for a bunch of motherfuckers eh. all i have to do is bleed.

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Message 52/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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from what i'm detecting....this full moon is one we should all be somewhat aware of.

it seems the critters are stirring early for this one.

be safe.

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Message 53/96                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  07:29 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I wanna go on record here as NOT supporting DR.... I agree with his words about a smarter, more mobile military... thing is, I don't agree with military's very much. And I don't think he's wealding his in a very responsible manner, regardless of it's make-up, etc.


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Message 54/96                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I always thought the military should be for defense. genuine defense, not defense against a fantasized threat

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Message 55/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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ever heard the quote "attack is the best defense"? ;)

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Message 56/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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well...donald...he was voted people magazine's sexiest man of the year
not long ago...

so i'm a little hesitant to doubt his obviously virile wisdom.

so who likes fucking tortoises over at people magazine, you think?

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Message 57/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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bought and paid for...

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Message 58/96                 Date: 05-Oct-04  @  03:06 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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so this "war on..." business - APART from all this terror/freedom/privacy erosion , etc and reasons to $PEND - isn't it true that insururance policies are not valid in times of war.

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Message 59/96                 Date: 05-Oct-04  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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i guess the people of florida are going to soon find out.

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Message 60/96                 Date: 06-Nov-04  @  03:11 PM     Edit: 06-Nov-04  |  03:13 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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[image file]

Iraqis are now 58 times more likely to die a violent death,' Lancet'

'Media Gimp' reports:

From: Bastiaan
Web: www.geocities.com/basvandewerk
Date: 06-may-03 - 01:02 pm
File/Image?: no file added

Well, whatever happened it's NOTHING like the hundreds of thousands of dead civilians that we're predicted by anti-liberation people.

Yes, whatever the true motives of Dubya and Tony were, these people were liberated.

Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists claim.

...Violent deaths were mainly attributed to coalition forces - and most individuals reportedly killed were women and children....

Hate to keep reviving this thread, but I'm interested in the 'Dancetech War Supporters' comments?.

And I guess the 'liberation' of Fallujah will add a few more thousands...

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