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Subject: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:25 AM   -   Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Togo Peffin

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Here I am, a Brit. A message to all Americans on this site:
Vote Kerry. Bush's time can be ended on Tuesday. You can evict him from the Whitehouse. I hope you're going to vote. Vote. Vote Kerry. Not because he's really great. More because Bush is such a useless shit. For Christ's sake.

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Message 51/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  01:40 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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but, surely they can't do this again ?

"hang on for another day ?"

can't you just go out and shout or something ?

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Message 52/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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besides, why not make it a 2 out of 3. it only takes a day

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Message 53/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  02:07 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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the paper here says "kerry refuses to concede"

so it's going to be a month. wow, i just can't believe it.

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Message 54/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Absorb Fish

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i'm sorry to say this but it seems to me the rest of the world is more worried about Bush being reelected than Americans are...

honestly I don't like W as a president nor do I like Kerry all that much - but I haven't seen Kerry as a president yet (who knows maybe he could do better). But anyways, I think the rest of the world worry for us too much. Obviously if Bush has got the popular vote, then more people voted for him. That's a done deal. Over half the Americans must like Bush for some odd reason.

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Message 55/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  04:14 PM     Edit: 03-Nov-04  |  04:25 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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fish mate - we are not talking about you voting for your leader we are talking you voting for our leader. If you lived outisde the country you would be amazed at just how much bending over sovereign states do for your chief, here they gave him a space to build a missile base beside our capital - thats super stupid. Now that wound't be too bad but you guys (quite rightly) dont give a fuck for those outside the US (whats that statistic about US passports?) - but thats not so hot when your gov are rampaging about taking over / liberating the life out of sovereign states as politics demands and we have no voice except our influence of yours

Now we talk about what the guy is doing - no specifics now but I think we can all agree that there have been some fibs, and there have been backhanders and there has been some gross manipulation as well as an acceleration of civil liberties erosion - OK nothing out of the ordinary, but my problem is that if you idiots can vote it in again - where is the punishment for wrong there, where is the simple demand for answers and judgement based on answers. You are rewarding him for telling lies, creaming off your tax dollars, kiling your children for his cronies benefit, etc etc besides the more karmic use of hate to divide

And what about the future of governmental control (the dreaded intergovernmental conference) how much worse will be for everyone outside the US, I mean if its good for them then it must be the way to go. Dont worry, after a while it will be comparatively better in the US - as our leaders adopt this approach but then then youll get a real hard ball player who makes Bush look like a baby and the cycle will continue till they privatise the air

Anyway - the good news could be that there is something so bad around the corner that all parties know that the democrates intentionally lost the election so that whatever disaster isn't associated with them, THATS the only good news

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Message 56/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:06 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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oops he lost

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Message 57/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Jock Munro

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Maybe he would of won if his middle name wasnt "Motherfucking".

I retract my statement about all yanks being a shower of bastards, I meant to say just people who voted republican.

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Message 58/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Aw...............Thanks Jock!

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Message 59/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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I was all set to vote my conscience and go with Nader... a post you made here a few days ago changed my mind. You helped me see that I was still (even though I was trying not to) being typicaly myopic and American. I thought we can't vote for Kerry because it's no way to FIX our two party corporate strangelhold, blah blah blah... but then you made me think, "Jesus fucking christ, this bastard's actions are killing people and it's got my name on it!"

People in America DON'T HAVE TO think about you folks in other countries. It's not our problem. and Frankly that's the biggest problem with America... we Got our, fuck the rest of you.

It's embarrasing... and shameful.

as an American, I'm fairly sorry we didn't do enough to convince our brothers that they're a bunch of selfish assholes

Andrew, enjoy the life they've given you. Enjoy the synths dad bought you...

enjoy what the gated community provides you!

you fucking senseless little spoiled brat!


I know that's not constructive... But i'm a bit PISSED at all the bullshit this morning


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Message 60/107                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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This is terrible for us in the US that are not extremely wealthy and obviously not great for the rest of the world. Very sad day.

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