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Subject: influx....

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:04 PM   -   influx....

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

Link?:  Link
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It seems that every post I read here on DT has you responding with something negative, unless it's about you of course. What's with the chip on your shoulder? Ppl ask questions on a forum, that's what it is for. If you don't want to answer their question -- THEN DON'T! Giving someone a bunch of negative bullsh*t isn't what they came to DT for.

Did you get molested as a child or did you miss a couple of doses of your daily antidepressant/antianxiety medication? If you don't take them, maybe you should look into it. You have some serious social communication problems?

Chill out, walk on the beach or something, it seems as if you're bomb waiting to explode. Stress is a killer there influx, prevention is better than a cure 

JJ Freqy

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Message 60/61                 Date: 06-Oct-04  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: influx....


Posts: 7627

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

why did this get brought up again? JJF scolded me for being negative when I wasnt being negative, and now...?


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Message 61/61                 Date: 06-Oct-04  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: influx....



Link?: Link

File?:  No file

i'm with spang on this....in case that wasn't already obvious.

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