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Subject: The fat star wars kid

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:20 PM   -   The fat star wars kid



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Remember the fat twat with the light sabre that caused so much discussion here on DT ??


What a twat.

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Message 60/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


Posts: 240

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nah, theres enough fvcking rap sh1t around without a star wars movie going bling, tight, yo, sup ,etc....eminems an overrated gimp, LL cool J was always a laughing stock in the 80's...lemmie guess, your about 18 and have a few 12" subs in the boot of your nova?

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Message 61/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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You mean the Vauxhall Nova 1.2L Car, and not the Novation Nova synthesizer right ?

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Message 62/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


Posts: 240

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yes it would have been the 1.2L, or a 1.2L kitted out to look like an SR!...yawn

spotty fecker probably wouldnt know what a novation piece of kit is

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