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Subject: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

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Original Message 1/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  11:48 AM   -   Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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Why is there no buzz about the football this championship? Previous championships have had a certain buzz about them but this year Portugal 2004 seems a bit weird in that nobody is talking about the england team. Is it because everyone thinks we're going to get knocked out sooner rather than later?

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Message 2/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  12:14 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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predictable choice, but france all the way.

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Message 3/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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Cool..........I reckon Italy are the dark horses even though they've had a poor season.

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Message 4/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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theres a buzz alright, the st georges are flying and people are getting excited. I cant wait. We'll do France 2-1.

The only thing shite with this Euro is the England song. That f*cking awful All Together Now, which was shite when it first came out. Goes to show how out of touch the FA are. They could of got Norman Cook to remix World In Motion.

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Message 5/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  01:27 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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no st georges flying over here.

although apparently there's been some siting of them in aberystwyth, of all places.

i'm gonna go buy a welsh shirt this afternoon. nice adverts too. shame about the results.

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Message 6/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  01:34 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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think a lot fo the money is on france....but yeah ive noticed that- there hasn't been the usual influx of arm-chair pundits either.......watching the world cup at work was a nightmare...they all became bloody football experts!


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Message 7/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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Sweden are THE dark horses, I'm tellin ya!!! Watch!!!!

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Message 8/69                 Date: 11-Jun-04  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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No buzz? It's everywhere in my country (sweden), on TV everyday (and night), papers, advertising, in the news. All over the place they're naggin about the euro championship. (and it always ends up the same for us, i don't understand those who always thinks we'll go all the way ;)

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Message 9/69                 Date: 12-Jun-04  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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yeah.... there's bloody flags everywhere - and they have ENGLAND on them, just in-case you don't know it's an England flag



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/69                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Greece eh!!....blimey!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/69                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Zidane eh? ............ Crikey!!!

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Message 12/69                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  10:47 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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oh dear.... national depression time *sigh*

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Message 13/69                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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arrrrghhhh. NOoooooooooo. Fucking donkey Heskey shouldnt of come on at all, and what the f*ck was Steven Gerrard doing ?!?! Its the same old all the bloody time with England. Mind you I thought for the first 91 minutes they did really well.

Zindanes free kick was awesome though.

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Message 14/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Why did Rooney get taken off- He was the fucking bollocks, that run he made which got the penalty, then gets substituted five mins after?

Owen looks fucked tbh - Hes done nothing now for a year atleast. The boys getting picked on reputation, not that theres too much competition for his place.

Two wee guys upfront aint gonna work- Heskeys a fooking donkey right enough but he can hold the ball up well and get up for knock ons to Rooney. Might be worth a go. Chris Sutton should have made the trip also.

Niot that I should really give a fuck, being a Scot and all, but would have been tops to see those french ego's crushed (again)


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Message 15/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  06:20 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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The problem with the England team is not the team, it's the hype. The expectation doesn't match the skill.

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Message 16/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  08:06 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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Rubbish - we were robbed!

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Message 17/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  08:17 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Really? Robbed?.... I hope you have insurance.

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Message 18/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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you lot just plain sucked! ahahaha ahahaha ahahaha etc etc...

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Message 19/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  10:00 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Feck off Milan! We *nearly* had it... But then we did that great British thing of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory (tm)(r) !

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Message 20/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  10:10 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Message 21/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  10:24 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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yea - we actually played well!


1. Why did Beckham take the penalty?

2. Why did he take a shit penalty? Zidanes was soooo much better taken!

3. Why did Heskey the donkey make a tackle like that in extra time?

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Message 22/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  10:50 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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yeah ive already had emails from yanks saying 'you were dicked!'- er id hardly call 90 mins of dominace a dicking....

think rooney went off cos he started playing park football and doing silly things like trying to tackle barthez and generally needed calming down....owen was a let down...king was great.....gerrard was just unlucky..should have looked around him....

zidane was awesome as ever though.....



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Message 23/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Bastards, I predicted 1-0 for the english in our poule at work... Couldn't help but laugh though- pitty hehe

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Message 24/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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Dont you just love Euro's or World Cups. They rock, even when your losing.

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Message 25/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

john tobey


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I've been saying it for the last 2 years - Beckham is OVER-RATED! Great at set pieces but come on!-you've got to be able to score a penalty. Give Gerrard the captains armband!

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Message 26/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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As I sit here cradling another can of that fine Danish import, Carlsberg and slowly rocking back and forth asking 'Why, God, why do you hate us so?', What was Birmingham's finest, Emile 'Donkey' Heskey doing? After his last penalty attempt which actually ended up in the stratosphere and was picked up in a satellite image from space, why was the tattooed one taking the penalty?
Why did Steven Gerrard decide now, of all times, to make his worst pass of the season? But, for me, most pressing of all, why did everyone's favourite Swede decide to substitute Rooney, who had the French defence pooping in their pants, and replaced him with the aforementioned Heskey, who doesn't even inspire fear in a gerbil?
As always, we dare to think we may actually be able to finally do it and win the big one, and we do that most-antiquatedly English of things and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Oh, well, at least Switzerland and Croatia looked like 22 Heskeys in their unbelievably dull match.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make a voodoo doll of Zinedine Zidane.
You can place the blame wherever you want; poor penalty from Beckham, stupid foul by Heskey, or terrible back-pass by Gerrard. Personally, I blame David James. Why didn't he stand on the far post for the free-kick? The wall is supposed to be covering his left-hand side, so he should stand on the right.
If the ball sails over the wall, then he can see it coming, if it goes round the wall, it will fall into his arms. Everyone says he's having his best ever season!
And he should never have tried to challenge Henry, that was sheer foolishness. He should have remained a couple of steps off his line and then he would have been in a great position to save the shot. There were some huge mistakes in that second half, but a good keeper would have covered for them.
Dear everyone in the world...why was Silvestre still on the pitch? And don't give me that crap that the same applies to David James - cos the game would've been completely different.
Even if the penalty was missed...
Why is he still on the pitch?
...Yeah, I probably feel as bad as everyone else after that, but let's try and take a step back and look at this rationally....no, sod it, France were just plain lucky - again. We've got nothing to be ashamed of - we took on the so-called best team in the world and were a few minutes away from beating them.
Sure they had a lot of possession and pressure, but despite that David James was largely untroubled for 90 minutes.

The turning point? Undoubtedly the failure of the referee to send off Silvestre - a mistake that he clearly acknowledged by failing to send off David James, who also should have walked. Two wrongs don't make a right, and quite how the referee failed to see that Silvestre was the last man is beyond me.
I'm not saying we would have definitely gone on to win the game if he'd shown Silvestre the red card, but I rather think we wouldn't have lost it.
It would be easy to point the finger at Beckham, Heskey or Gerrard, all of whom will want to forget tonight in a hurry, but Herr Merk should be the one who has an uneasy night's sleep.
I hope that England will wake up in the morning and feel proud, not downbeat, and if we show the same effort, determination and commitment for the remainder of the competition then we may just get a chance to put the record straight against the French.
Can someone PLEASE tell me why the f*** Sven brought on Heskey and Hargreaves? What a load of s***! To be up 1-0 against France and then bring on those two...blows my mind. If you wanted to control the midfield, bring on Butt. Rooney was running his socks off and then he brings on one of the biggest donkeys in history. Shameful.
Before the inevitable, yawnsome Heskey-baiting begins (my how we love a scapegoat), can I just say that France's win tonight was retribution for ninety minutes of tepid, negative football. You can defend your six-yard box for half a game with a sensible cushion; 1-0 against arguably the best team in the world is pretty much asking for it.
England's second half was as depressing as it was predictable. Two banks of four, hoof it forward, back it comes for another wave. When it works, great, but being a Birmingham fan I'd vouch that it does so more through good fortune than design - you can't legislate for one piece of brilliance or one critical error.
At international level where you have players like Zidane able to do anything at any given moment...it doesn't take much between the ears to work it out.
Speaking of little intelligence, Beckham revealed himself as the most limited of one-trick carthorses in a complete vacancy of a midfield display and should be stripped of penalty duty. He has been captain in name only for several games now and needs to find some form desperately.
I feel sorry for England, but there's nothing more unprofessional than a late collapse and nothing more this nation loves than to mourn its 'might have beens'.
Well what can I say? Unbelievable. Even as a lifelong Manchester City fan I have never witnessed a cock-up like that. What were ITV thinking hiring Bobby Robson as a co-commentator? Still he seemed to like Lesley King. And did I really hear Clive Tyldesley mention that Arsenal were making a substitution?
I won't be held responsible for my actions if he ever mentions 'that night in Lisbon'. Let's hope Greece win their group, and this could actually work out to our advantage. Now if only Beckham had scored that penalty...

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Message 27/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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Message 28/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Message 29/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Message 30/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

* compulsary


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ZIZOU !!!!!!!

mmm, zizou ...

enuff said

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Message 31/69                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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uuuh yeaaah, pretty proud of being a Swede (so far) :oD

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Message 32/69                 Date: 15-Jun-04  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Oh if if... you just keep drinking that fine imported beer

Go Denmark!

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Message 33/69                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe Sparks


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Frank Lampard for England captain!!!! You know it makes sense!

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Message 34/69                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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Instead of the current Frank Spencer.

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Message 35/69                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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yup Beckham is SO overated - every time we get a free kick, bloody Beckham takes it cos we are HOPING he can pull of one of those 'Once in a thousand' shots, and of course he misses completely, every bloody time - what a ing waste of opportunity - England just piss EVERY free kick down the drain basicaly on that twat & that REALLY annoys me.

the irony is... when they go to take a free kick, every team they face is expecting this - imagine their surprise if we did something DIFFERENT !!

we'd probably score loads if we tried a different tactic -the opposition would be so caught on the hop expecting the same-old usual beckham attempt, we'd probably score easily!

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Message 36/69                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  11:32 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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u english astound me!

didnt beckham piss one of those wasted freekicks into the top left corner of turkey or somebodys net to gain entry to the tourament?

christ, i wish scotland had somebody of beckhams quality that we could slate lol


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Message 37/69                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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occaisionaly he gets it, but the point is, not often enuff to use that tactic for every single free kick, the set-piece free kick DOES have alternatives y'know, it's becoming a lost art in england squad since he arrived

if you ever played competitive basketball, with a pro coach etc you'll know it's ALL set pieces, every single thing that happens on that court is like a ballet that's been worked over and over... I used to play for the UK's top team, and we'd spend HOURS watching films of the top yank teams, our coach would freeze the film and draw over it with marker-pen, show us the triangles etc

all planned moves, free kicks are similar - the point is, the opposition knows exactly what we are going to do every time, so we COULD use an element of surprise sometimes couldn't we? - doncha think there's more tactical options to a free kick that allowing beckham to 'have a crack at it'


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Message 38/69                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:18 AM     Edit: 18-Jun-04  |  02:19 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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First time beckham sneakily side footed it thru instead of humping it at the goal might work, after that it would be so out of place that teams would be expecting it - actaully mebbe that would work out because they could be all 'is he' 'isnt he' type thing and might leave more gaps/less men in wall

Alright, i'll stand corrected, but only cos you sound like a big cunt being in the basketball team and such  

However, what about that dirty Totti - you guys see that! 3 game ban, he should be chucked out the tournament. Fuckin absolute filth that is.


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Message 39/69                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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lol - no, in those days height wasn't as important, anyways, who's that top US player who's like 5'.10" ?

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Message 40/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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!!!!! - now that WAS a game of football - superb nailbiter!

what about James's save in that corner scramble at around 85:20 - what a SUPERB save!!!! - it seemed to go slightly un-noticed in terms of enthusiastic superlatives by the BBC team i thought - it was a bloody amazing save I thought

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Message 41/69                 Date: 22-Jun-04  @  08:50 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

Joe sparks


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Roonet, Rooney.....................and all that! They were great but is anyone a bit worried that we let all our goals in from set pieces? Portugal are good at set pieces. Come on england!

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Message 42/69                 Date: 22-Jun-04  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Sorry England lost. Does that take you out of it or is there still qualification to go through?

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Message 43/69                 Date: 22-Jun-04  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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i was major pissed off half hour in but the last half and rooney redeemed it for me...

typical england..remind me of san marino- we only need to score six goals and have poland win by two...and as long as we dont concede...10 secs in and a part-time football team are one up...

after 5 mins yesterday i had that same sick feeling....seeings croatia are far superior to san marino.....

good save but im still not convinced about james....made some stupid mistakes in the previous two matches......

we can do portugal but we need to calm down, stop giving the ball away and stop those bloody set pieces! it will be a great game i reckon and i wont enjoy watching it........

saying we win id say germany semi and then france in the final...i know long way to go yet!

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Message 44/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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har har... go oraaaanje!

sorry maarty

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Message 45/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  12:28 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

joe sparks


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hard luck Holland but you were shit! :-)

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Message 46/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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How true.. home team was much better. I hate it when they start showing their teeth in the last ten minutes instead of during the first 90

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Message 47/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  08:48 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Well it's half time and nothing to show and I have to say that the Chech's are going to be going down the tunnel the more despondant without Nevéd. Thought I would just keep you posted

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Message 48/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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those Greeks must be bloody fit man - they havent given the Czec's and inch of field - extra time.....eeee

how the hell do you spell czeckeslovakia anyways?? - lol - they make damned good beer anyways  

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Message 49/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  09:58 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - lol!

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Message 50/69                 Date: 01-Jul-04  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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hahah! gwaan othodox brethren! destroy infidels! etc etc... go greece! :D

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Message 51/69                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  02:47 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Message 52/69                 Date: 02-Jul-04  @  03:42 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Czech Republic, that's how you spell it nowadays, K.

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Message 53/69                 Date: 04-Jul-04  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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heh heh

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Message 54/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  02:56 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Incredible but true.. Congratulations. What a summer for the Greeks.

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Message 55/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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interesting eh?.... perhaps this might change the way people think about football - I found it interesting that a team with a positive mindset, and a superb level of fitness can do what they did, as opposed to the usual way of thinking which seems to have become increasingly to rely on "The power of the celebrity player"

Greece were simply all over their opponents in every game i saw them play - the other team had no chance to move as they dominated the midfield and defended like a brick wall - in contrast, we (the brits) were discussing beckham, owen, and (when he showed well), rooney as if ALL chance of us winning was down to the perfomance of these players ability to score and nothing else - It's not a horse race, it's football - The Greeks were not encumbered by that sort of mentality I guess, it was more like: "We'll stick to a principal of not letting the other team thru or giving them chances and someone on our side will score inevitably in the middle of all that." - and it worked.

interesting anyways and well done I say for Greece, they must be over the moon! - one of the best championships I've ever watched.

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Message 56/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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what a great championship. the pub erupted last night, whole place was rooting for the greeks. there's hope for everyone really.

and yeah, i was quite impressed with their midfield against the czechs as well. again, like people were expecting a star player like deco to make a difference, but an organised team can piss on individual talent.

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Message 57/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  01:03 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

joe sparks


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Euro 2004 - what a great buzz, eh?!? :-)

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Message 58/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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So who won? Germany?

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Message 59/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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i think it was england, they won on penalties.

there's a first time for everything.

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Message 60/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Are you sure Germany DID NOT WIN?

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Message 61/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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got a dicking from a b-side....


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Message 62/69                 Date: 05-Jul-04  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!

joe sparks


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well a German coach won.

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Message 63/69                 Date: 06-Jul-04  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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*raises three fingers in a typical serb orthodox salute*

greetings from belgrade, mofos ;)

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Message 64/69                 Date: 06-Jul-04  @  02:31 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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serbia won?

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Message 65/69                 Date: 06-Jul-04  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Wait a minute....could you guys say that again? Germany DID NOT WIN? Not even a
single match? Wait a sec....did they get dicked by a B team again?

Could you please repeat that?


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Message 66/69                 Date: 14-Jul-04  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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yes beds... serbs always win, even when we lose.

greetings from sicily, mofos ;)

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Message 67/69                 Date: 14-Jul-04  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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Summer 2004

Milan: The Mofo Tour

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Message 68/69                 Date: 14-Jul-04  @  02:45 PM     Edit: 14-Jul-04  |  02:47 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!


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the match ball that beckham hoofed over the bar is for sale on ebay

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Message 69/69                 Date: 14-Jul-04  @  02:57 PM   -   RE: Portugal 2004 - no buzz?!?!



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160 bids and 9.999.999,90 Euros for the moment, sick! sick! sick!

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