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Subject: if yer into cars

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  07:39 PM   -   if yer into cars

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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I went to the concourso this weekend, it was really cool. It was a ferrari club of america thing, really nice event. The entire weekend was a benifit for children with problems basically. On saturday we took kids from broken homes, and not just like slightly broken homes, for rides in the ferarris, gave them gifts etc and donated the shelter money. (the club = we). The kids absolutley LOVED it...ever single one of them just lit up around the cars, etc it was really great. It was really sad- my dad and I took 4 kids out for rides, zoomin around and letting them crawl around the car etc. One of them was a little girl, about 3-4 years old. Everything she said started with "my mommy and daddy-------" like "my mommy and daddy like my shoes, do you like them?" "my mommy and daddy think we're going fast!!" etc...absolutley heartbreaking. The kids love these events..but you get just as much out of them that they do.

On sunday, we went to the bigger event for the children's hospital. Ferarri club of america is i think number 3 or 4 for the top donators for children's hospital. (the local club, not the national) We had kids in IV's rolling out to see the cars, get a chance to sit in them etc...then we took some kids who were able to get in to the cars for a parade and a ride around town. Our 2 in the car just loved it...it absolutely brightens up their day---was really great. It was just so sad though..my dad's best friend who has the same car took a 17 year old black girl around--her parents could barely afford treatment, and she had been in the hospital for literally all of her life for a brain tumor. Pronounced dead twice. Just gives me chills thinking about it... just snaps you into fucking place to see these kids.

It was really great though, the kids loved it and the parents and nurses etc were SO appreciative...they said that the kids (who were still around from last year) remember every second of it, and dont stop talking about the parade, and getting to crawl around cars etc for weeks.

I dont have any pictures of the kids in the cars, etc because legally we werent allowed to take pictures of the kids in the orphanage and at the hospital, only event leaders and parents took pictures. I do have some of the show though, some gorgeous cars for those who like em!

(250GT Lusso...cant remember what year, but its a late 60's car, probably around 67-68 or something I bet)

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Message 71/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  07:19 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Then why don't you simply fuck off and don't come back again.I mean if it was stressing me like it seems to be stressing you that's what I would do.

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Message 72/104                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  08:38 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

Former Dt'er


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Pict - that's what so many of us have done, and that's why there is so little useful information around the forums anymore. That's why most of the threads end with a post from the likes of you, mcc and xoxos. It's impossible to have a meaningful interaction with anyone around here. It inevitably devolves into mudslinging and folks keep hurling crap at the wall and something eventually sticks. Some of us have a variety of interests beyond music and when things turned political, there were actually people who had a CLUE and were willing to engage the other people like adults. Instead, the forums are now overrun with childish, self-loathing keyboard warriors who fight "the good fight" but have nothing but hate and rage for everyone else.

Look at the reply counts for music related threads.

Where are all the 'old timers'? We got tired of this political, personal crap that so many of you remaining idiots kept throwing around. BS is seeing the light. How many others will before the wolves turn on themselves?

It's really a shame. I used to get all sorts of good info and insight from these forums, but now all the consistant contributors have been turned away by the remaining politiks and their minions. People used to give good feedback on tracks that were posted. Problems were often more than "which synth for trance?" And there were decent answers. And insightful answers. Sure we had trolls. Many moved on and found other people to torment, but unfortunately, some of you stayed.

Now, there are only threads like these. xoxos, mcc, pict and cheddar can show how smart they are by trying to make everyone else dumb. This is why communal societies will never work - there are always a few idiots who ruin it for someone else. Good work guys - DT was a great community. Now, it's been replaced by Bushites who say "if you're not with us, you're against us."

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Message 73/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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quote: you responded with three emails ranging from subjects such as "MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU PUNK FAGGOT" and "YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT, KID"---

silence....i've known a number of really good liars in my day
but you are perhaps the best.
you've gone beyond anything i could've evr imagined from you.
and from a kid who once actually told me i'd probably have made abetter father to him than his own.
you break my heart kid.
you are hopeless...

and looking at your picture i understand how that might be.
you really are as ugly as you appear.

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Message 74/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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it's odd if i said those mean things to you...
why you wrote me the night your father was in the hospital...near death.
you told me that i was the only one you had told this to.....that you were scared...i told you your father was the best father you could have.....
that you overestimate me......
and that i would pray for you.

now i really and truly and more scared-than-ever-for-you and your wicked little soul....
pary for you...andrew beyer....broken silence.

god have mercy on you kid.

you're one sick pup.

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Message 75/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:24 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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even though i've disgareed with you..... i've always been honest with you.

i do remember one time i had kidded you with some statement...
you'll never make it kid...give it up...
but you knew it was a joke.
everyone here knows and you know it too that
i always gave your music big-time props....and i always encouraged you to keep pushing it.
i even considered entrusting you with my work one day.
we talked of this.

i'd say it's a shame we grew to dislike each other so much but i've come to believe it's just part of the natural order that in the universe there will be conflict as much as harmony.
seals and sharks...ants and spiders....england vs france...etc.
men...women...mom and dad etc.
love hate....night and day.

oh well.....
so i won't.

but i meant to say pray.....and this i meant.

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Message 76/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:27 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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okay...as you were......fine cars and thcary thpiders.

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Message 77/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:50 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 4573

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Ok, now Andrew wants to leave the website. Good job!

Yes he's being oversensitive, but there's just so much other bullshit in this thread it's pointless to even start referring to it all.

Grow the hell up, EVERYONE, and let's enjoy each other's company once again.

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Message 78/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  06:29 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 686

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Post clearly states "'if yer into cars". You are obviously not.

Are you people jealous of BS? Or are you just generally bitter?

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Message 79/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  06:34 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 686

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I like the F40 most btw.

You know inside it is completely stripped. No luxury. No padding like a big gocart.

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Message 80/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  06:35 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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knowing what i know....jealousy would be unachievable.
you still don't get it gary.

you've obviously skipped but a few parts.

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