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Subject: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:25 AM   -   Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Togo Peffin

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Here I am, a Brit. A message to all Americans on this site:
Vote Kerry. Bush's time can be ended on Tuesday. You can evict him from the Whitehouse. I hope you're going to vote. Vote. Vote Kerry. Not because he's really great. More because Bush is such a useless shit. For Christ's sake.

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Message 71/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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yeah, all that warm and fuzzy aside (and man I wish it like I wish parents didn't have to bury their kids, but I know they will)

It will get worse before it gets better. The prelude to the 60s was a super close race in 1960. One where those who lost graciously accepted it as part of the deal.

Today, it's far more serious. The coasts are seen with derision and spitefulness and the heartland is seen as ignorant, religious nuts with guns.

We're not one nation any more.

Bin Laden and Al Quaeda are getting exactly what they want. They've managed to turn us against each other. That was the STATED plan released right after 9-11... to split up the powerful America and devestate the economy here.


So be it...


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Message 72/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  08:27 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Whatever fish they can do anything they like when they are in power - ours are pretty much like all the others (liars and cheats every one of them) - I got on one because you had a chance to vote it out and you didnt and now since terror was such a successful card (look at your economy - its in a much worse condition than when GWB took over) in diverting attention from traditionally important election issues I fear that politicos everywhere will pick it up as an 'election winner'.

The super sad thing is that terror is in a different class than previous election issues which are based on some recorded data and it is invisible so it can go on and on, its a purely emotive term and a most strong term - so for the future what can come next (if anything) and then in the final analysis I really believe that nobody has ever answered the terrorist / freedom fighter question and even if we just call it non governmental violence - these people are made not born, it is a reaction (to presiciely the actions of US and UK which fuels the creation of anger) to conditions. And conditions have just been allowed to get worse

licence to vote!

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Message 73/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Absorb Fish

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about nader - i'm not against you if you after his views but he could gone about it in a better way me thinks. Selling a DVD with your issues isn't going to give him anymore credibility than what he had before. Instead, he could have recorded a public speech or something - not debating with puppets!

Dave, you may be right in this case where the votes wouldn't have helped Kerry but it just almost seems to me like giving up... if you are living in a non-swing state - you can do whatever you want - it's not gonna matter. Like even if I put Myself in the write-in - it wouldnt' matter - Kerry would still win my state. But states like Ohio or Florida are crucial. The people voting there should really think twice about voting for their ideal canidate. Sometimes, you just have to settle. The chance that nader is going to win is very slim to none. so if you have a strong chance to determine your country's future, don't blow it by trying to proove a point.

I agree with your issues Ched. Completely do, but you must realize that if we have George Bush for president by pop. vote, the majority of our country must like Bush. There's no doubt about it. He might not be popular with everyone but it's just the way it is. The way I see it, humans are greedy - they don't care about other countries/ they don't even really care about others living in the same country all that much. However, they care about their safety more than anything else. If anything, that is why George W got reelected. I've had discussions with W voters before, they all gave similar answers - they felt safer with Bush in office. You can't argue with a set mind like that. I dont' see ourselves safer with George W in the long term - maybe he's more short term minded.

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Message 74/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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I don't see us safer in the short term. I feel less safe today than I did watching the towers get hit and I was right there. And to find out Bush's staff was standing around wondering when he was going to tell them what to do. Not an appropriate reaction time for that situation. And nobody could convince me he needed the time to think. Thinking is not his strong suit, and everything is set in place already for those kinds of events, should they occur.

Strange that although reaction time for fighter jets to arrive should've been something like 15 or 20 minutes, it wasn't until after the first tower came down that I heard a fighter jet overhead. That had to have been well over an hour, although I've forgotten the timeframes of that day.

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Message 75/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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damn, sitar.

let me know when you head back to europe

but then...distance isnt safety in this case either, is it?

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Message 76/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Message 77/107                 Date: 04-Nov-04  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Damn this place to hell!!!! I've never been so pissed off in my life! The people want 4 more years I guess they'll get what they want.

Me and my folks did our part and voted Kerry but America is just too big and allows enough people the choice of never needing to mix in with the rest of population or the rest of the world for that matter. Hell W was one of them.

I hear Republicans say all the time that they don't want people in New York or California to decide whats best for this country. They prefer people from North Dakota and Montana to decide how this nation goes about foriegn policy

Don't even get me started about Nader. The only way we are going to have a prominent third party is when the Republican party divides into 2. That would probably happen when religious right no longers wants to associate themselves with the fiscally greedy. The only thing the people on the left have to look forward to is to just let the Republicans bankrupt this nation like they are already doing with their over the top spending. But that doesn't hide the fact that the Dems just got their asses kicked this year.

I guess these things are cyclical and people will learn eventually.

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Message 78/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  01:40 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

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I expect things are going to get very very sketchy over the next four years. Bad sketchy.

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Message 79/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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yams...just curious, but..."dont get me started about nader"...what do you mean? simply that he wasnt allowed in basically?

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Message 80/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  04:37 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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yams:::: The only thing the people on the left have to look forward to is to just let the Republicans bankrupt this nation like they are already doing with their over the top spending.

i used to say the biggest commies were the republicans because their agenda-of-greed would totally destroy the quality of life we achieved in america and would inevitably result in an equal and perhaps even-uglier equalization of the wrongs committed.
i say let bush choke trying to clean up his own mess.
the biggest problem is he doesn't even see it as a mess.....but as some victory.
that's just how weird he is.

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