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Subject: The man in black says goodbye...

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  02:06 AM   -   The man in black says goodbye...


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Rest In peace Johnny..........

You'll be missed.

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Message 71/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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sounds like some shady character from an old mr.magoo cartoon.
ya brits ever get mr. magoo?
i'll bet very few here remember him.

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Message 72/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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yeah i remember MrMagoo, the stumpy fella with big round glasses?

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Message 73/84                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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aye, i remember him. never liked him. thought he was a bit of a .

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Message 74/84                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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a bit of a ?

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Message 75/84                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Old enough to have heard both "Personality Crisis" and "Blitzkrieg Bop" played on "FM radio" in the years of their respective releases. An older brother with musical foresight helped.

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Message 76/84                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

The Answer


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Ok Plaz, so you won't tell me your age and I'm guessing here, but I think it's probable that you either weren't born, or you were still in nappies (diapers) when I was spiking up my hair and pogoing to the likes of The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, The Undertones, Siouxse & The Banshees, and a whole host of other punk bands now long since forgotten.

So I don't need a history lesson (from you or anyone else).

Yeah, The Ramones were a brilliant band, and yeah, the New York Dolls were the prototype for punk, but they never became the great influence they might have done, The Pistols did.

It's an acknowledged fact that hundreds of bands have been formed because of Never Mind The Bollocks. The Sex Pistols were a driving force.

The New York dolls might have started the whole movement, (Malcolm Mclaren had the idea of putting a bunch of lads together after seeing them), but they didn't follow through. Punk became what it was because of the influence of The Pistols.

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Message 77/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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You guys be sure to let us know when you figure out who gets the old fart award.

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Message 78/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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no shit! I dont want it, thats for sure!

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Message 79/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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...and then I applied for the job...

'do Brits say "meester" for Mister?' no, the interuptive phrase "how you say" is usually used by non-English speakers when searching their brains for the correct words in a language not their own. I was thinking Antonio Banderas when typing that myself, but, uhh, nevermind. It's been my experience that Brits don't say words like they're spelled anyhoo so what's the diff. So, how's your favorite socc..., errr, how you say, "footie" team doing?

Ha! Mr. Magoo was voiced by Jim Baccus who was also "the millionaire" Thurston Howell III on Gilligan's Island and James Dean's character's dad in Rebel Without a Cause.

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Message 80/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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so, to summarise: is there a case to be made that Punk became what it was because of the influence of Malcolm Mclaren, and not Sex Pistols?

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