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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 71/113                 Date: 09-Jul-99  @  08:58 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Straddling the fence raining words.

Picking up the pieces I say that the youth enjoy like there is no tomorrow for there are so many that times little value. High is a new place (return to youth) but will change (E's effect for the first few).
Deathbed thoughts of spending and value and missing the events of childrens children may have us all regretting - especially with ugly breathless death.
Statistics are dry and have little to do with us and yet there are the only 'reliable' indication we can try to apply. Unless we have any healthcare proffessionals out there who can help us pick up this piece.

Cigarettes again (by way of principal). How come a hugely complicated mechanism like a cigarette lighter (BIC, Clipper), containing pressurised gas and built safe enough to be sold worldwide is so cheap. Is anyone subsidising and if so could we guess who?

Synthetics - bally nonsense. I find a natural molecule, analyse it identify it and synthesise the same molecule - it is a synthetic. I agree that 'natural' is a mix of many different molecules that will show variance in the molecular compositions and the relative amounts, (THC and THC and what) otherwise the coffeeshops would have little in the way of choice. The point about acceptors is relevant here - this is the case but this does not underline the natural of it (see below). The receptor is an electronic pocket specific (more or less) to an electronic physicality however that is made or appears. I would be interested in the 'why' of it - why is this pocket there? Evolutionary advantages? There is an argument that everything that has evolved has a why (even why old evolutionary developments have not lapsed back) answer that and you have an argument that will put demoncracy and social order into the last 3 minutes of makinds day.

Friends and things. I have an old club mate coming to visit soon and we would dabble, and even though i have not partaken in a long time (since last we met infact) I would consider getting on one to sort it out for his arrival. How strong is the peer pressure, how much of the experience is returning to old times (wombs) and if addiction is a choice then what are you to move these seminal events around like playthings of your past.

Latest stats say that the amount of time we spend smoking cigarettes is the same amount of time we shave from our old age. When it is the mileage and not the age, you get to old quicker but may have more memories to fill the 'smaller' time. It's got to be relative, innit.

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Message 72/113                 Date: 10-Jul-99  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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hi all!

I aggree will all your statement's since I last wrote in, except on one thing. I don't agree that addiction is a choise. I definitely feel that some people a much greater addictive personality than others.
Alot of you also mentioned the whole "government shouldn't moderate what I can and can't do" thing. I agree with that completely! Who am I, or who is anyone else to say what someone else can, or can't do??? Legalize Fucking Everything for all I give a shit. I just feel from my own personal experiences drug use leads to nothing more than a dead end. (no pun intended)

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Message 73/113                 Date: 10-Jul-99  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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In a week that saw our UK government spuriously attack sections of the uk workforce for being resistant to chance it strikes me as hypocracy of the worse kind that even cannabis for valid medical grounds is still prohibited.
Must be still money to be made out of the war on drugs then.
I reckon a war on crazies with ugly wives would be a better waste of time and money.
Well you know how it goes paedophillia will be legalized for high ranking personages before we succeed in greating a stable environment for the peacefull use of substances.
Just think of the great leap forward in technology since the likes of LSD were discovered.
Now there is a source of change.

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Message 74/113                 Date: 15-Jul-99  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Damn! So much much I'm tempted to say, but most of it has been put out in better fashions than I could have managed it. A few words, though:
Regarding the original post, I'm no Great, but I certainly can relate to the "tool" apsect of drug use. I used to be able to identify quite well with the "recreational" apect, but most of that time has past for me. I've found that with an altered perception, brought about with chemical assistance, I have composed what I believe to be some of my best work. It didn't necessarily adhere to my standards of neatness/tightness, etc.... but the content of the idea at times touched on genius that would not think my self capable of in a sober state. Altered perceptions can motivate one to try different avenues of approach in expression. Drugs are simply one way of altering ones perception.

It would seem that many people are displeased with the way that we are programmed to percieve drugs. It also seemes that many of you have broken that programming. Good for you. There are many other areas of bullshit to stop buying into, but to see this many solid statements from individuals who have shaken at least this much of the programming is encouraging. Go forth and spread this word further. Most of you are preaching to choir. One thing that I don't think has been stressed enough is how beneficial to the programmers it is to keep drugs illegal. These governing bodies (the people that really run things) reap such power and profit from the sales and control of these substances, its mind-blowing. Marajuana is THE SINGLE LARGEST CASH CROP ON PLANET EARTH AT THIS TIME. No other plant raises more money or has more economic influence than this plant. Nor is any other plant more terrifying to the programmers as it can break so many of the economic chains that bind most humans into slavery. Do the research. You'll see. Plenty more to be said on this topic, but I'll leave it to others, better suited. A last note, though: for better or for worse, illicit drugs helped to make me the person I am today.


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Message 75/113                 Date: 16-Jul-99  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Im not going to go too far into this, but about the "Addiction is a choice" statement I made...FUCK YES IT IS!!! "Addictive personality" my arse!!! All that shit is is modern society babying the fools (no offense to any addicts here) who allow themselves to be controlled by ANYTHING external...no matter what, at some point, every addict said "fuck it..Im gonna keep going". It might have been alittle after they were already "addicted" to whatever substance, but it was still a choice, and if they missed the last exit before addiction, its only cuz they werent paying attention.

We are "programmed" to be completely unaware of whats inside..me included...I am so NOT self conscious (in a positive sense) that I sometimes dont even know what tha fuck..and its from all the shit Ive received over my 27 years...

now addiction...the "choice" made comes when one is so UNAWARE of whats going on inside that they just move blindly, smoking, snorting, shooting..whatever, without being conscious of the fact that they are locking themselves into a cell...behind bigger and bigger doors and walls...


you dont just "become" an addict...and if someone tends to be more of an addictive type, they would know this if they were more self-aware!!!


Pongoid sees it, Mindspawn sees it, 99Devils sees it..>Sedusa...who else.

Can YOU see it?
BOY...anybody got any valium?
lemme climb off my soapbox here 

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Message 76/113                 Date: 16-Jul-99  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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and about the "art and drugs" thing...

Read Huxley's "Doors of Perception" or some of Leary's ramblings...or any writing from 1930-1970 on the concept of hallucinogens (and other drugs) and their influence on personality...

A key to open the doors to the other side..a side that exists (internal and in our surrounding) but we just dont see. ANYONE who has done hallucinogens and payed attention instead of saying "WOW...look at the pretty colors) knows this...

There is something there, that "normal" lemming life just doesnt let you see. You dont have to do drugs to see it, but they are definitely the superhighway to "enlightenment"...a much more positive route would be to spend 2-3 hours or more a day meditating, but many of us (me included) just cant do it...cant sit still long enough for the results...

Shit am I pissed off right now!!!

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Message 77/113                 Date: 17-Jul-99  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Hear, hear!!! Well said, my friend.


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Message 78/113                 Date: 17-Jul-99  @  08:10 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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YO! I called you, Baby...I lagged tho...
Im thinkin Im gonna hook up wit yall up in OR...maybe come along for the ride for a while if theres a place for me...Im tired of this shit man...
dont have a niche here and its killing me...
GottafinditGottafinditwhereisitwhoamIwhenwillIknowgottalookinsided JUST A LITTLE HARDER


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Message 79/113                 Date: 17-Jul-99  @  11:03 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Purple Haze


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Or read some Castaneda besides Huxley or Leary...

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Message 80/113                 Date: 17-Jul-99  @  05:11 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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hmmm, hears another perspective for you, maybe the reason so many musicians do drugs is because music is so unbelievably depressing. You find yourself working really hard on something and it turns out different than you really wanted, you sing a song and it sucks, you keep trying and trying and trying and nobody cares. constantly berated for wanting to do music. i mean the prospects arent good and its very hard to make a real liveing doing music or any artform for that matter and drugs are just a short step away.......

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