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Subject: High Time

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-02  @  07:11 PM   -   High Time


Posts: 4573

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Anybody here get Time magazine? If not, you need to go to a newsstand and pick one up. You'll know which issue I mean... the one with the pack of joints on the cover.

Great multi-article snapshot on the state of marijuana in America today. Very honest and very very good for the movement. Seeing stuff like this in a conservative mag like Time gives me hope for America.

Anyways, lots of good stuff here, check it out...


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Message 80/83                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  10:03 AM   -   RE: High Time


Posts: 673

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Man I - nothing. I have stuff - see below but I just can't do this working / not working black and white. When education and legislation is making minotiries (arguably majorities) susceptible it seems too easy to label and keep the lies flying. Besides the same legislsation disenfrancsises and creates gaps for people to fall through.

Again I ask where is all this increase in efficieny getting us, personally nothing (unless your an owner) and society just seems to work harder. I chat with Japan and I can call them at midnight and they answer the phone. A friend over there tells me that they judge performance by presence, a guy who does real well with results but goes at 6 will be out the door before slow Jo staying till midnight but sleeping most of the day. Now this is not right and it seems sad to label those who don't play. |Aww, It's probably me not being strong/clever enough to find a way out.

Anyway the below is here, but first...diddling the social is a fine art and the more generous the system the more difficult it is to find work which is worth signing off for

outgoings need to be met by incomings - how much do you need. Inflation, litigation, falling standards (education and healthcare standards fall but hey private is available)

Social secutiry is dying- people got to work (harder) to make sure they have enough to get them through their increased retired life expectancy

Social health care covers less of the supercures becomming available - you gotta work harder to live longer

advertising makes want (and reduces your happiness) but costs

People learn or are born less able to cope with an increasingly strict system (how many countries are reducing legislation)

The Hippoctratic oath values life not quality.

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Message 81/83                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: High Time


Posts: 673

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oops wrong fred

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Message 82/83                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: High Time


Posts: 7627

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man you type words like At the Drive-In write lyrics!

honestly, holmes..I aint all about WORK WORK WORK be a productive citizen. you got me wrong, man!

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Message 83/83                 Date: 07-Nov-02  @  06:06 PM   -   RE: High Time


Posts: 1502

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It's no use protesting Influx, we can tell you are hard working protestant stoic whose had a strict moral upbringing...


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