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Subject: Far Cry

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:02 PM   -   Far Cry


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i do realize that video games of are little import

but anyone else playing this one? i haven't touched vice city since i picked it up. it's become the only FPS worth playing (bad voice acting aside)

UT 2004 looks pretty cool, too.. waiting for a price drop on that, then sitar will kill me.

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Message 2/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: Far Cry



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ut2004 sucks (imo)


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Message 3/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: Far Cry


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ut2k4 pwns ju

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Message 4/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:32 PM   -   RE: Far Cry


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the UT 2004 demo runs incredibly smooth - shooting up non-scripted foes is fun, but this is where Far Cry shines.. at least the mercs are fun to kill. game is HARD, the way i like it..

you do need a pretty powerful setup to take advantage of Far Cry's renderings, though..

speaking of, i'm going to go blast them away

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Message 5/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  04:07 PM     Edit: 18-Jun-04  |  04:08 PM   -   RE: Far Cry


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Yeah, I heard Far Cry is a bit of a resource beast! Still, its good enough to keep gamers sated until/if Valve ever pull their finger out with HL2..

All those Radeon owners who bought the HL2 pack must be feeling a bit pissed now eh?!

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Message 6/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: Far Cry


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i been playing far cry. does he get to shag the bird in the end? mind you, she's no lara.

it's a good game, more of a tech showpiece than a really good story, although it look s fantastic and the atmosphere is great. not played it online though.

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Message 7/9                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: Far Cry


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still on the Regulator level

who plays shooters for the story though? well MOST shooters anyway.. the story is a but thin, the voice acting is super-hammy, and the posturing is a bit overdone.. but still, gameplay is nice, that's what i like in a shooter.. for story, i'll wait for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., The Fall: Last Days of Gaia, and Phase: Exodus, all three because they are post-nuclear accident, or, even better, post-apocalypse.. mmm..

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Message 8/9                 Date: 19-Jun-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: Far Cry


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Finished the bugger twice, best game I've played for ages. The AI is unlike anything else and both times I've played it I took entirely different routes and tactics for each section.

It is a hog though, I've got a P4 1GB RAM and an ATI9800Pro and I still have to run it on medium.

I figure I'll play it again when I upgrade my PC in a year or so and get to enjoy it again with better graphics.

I had to remove it from my hard drive in the interest of actually getting some music done, it was far too distracting.

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Message 9/9                 Date: 19-Jun-04  @  04:21 AM     Edit: 19-Jun-04  |  04:23 AM   -   RE: Far Cry


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UT2k4 runs like silk though. AI are tough when you crank them up and crank up the air power mutator but online play is where it's at. No AI can match it. Friggin maps that have come out for 2k4 since it's introduction are sweet. UT has spawned some excellent community mappers.

I'm using a GeForce 5900 Ultra on a G4 2.4 with a gb of ram. In 2k4 you can kick the ram up to 2/3 (some say 3/4) of what you have available. Go into your UT2004.ini in the system folder and go to "CacheSizeMegs=" Default is 32. Change 32 to 2/3 your available ram.

You can change your name if it's long so that it doesn't truncate by going to your User.ini in the system folder and typing your desired name into the Player Name field at the top. Use underscores (_) when you need to seperate words instead of spaces.

You can change the way your mouse sensitivity works. Normally if you set it at 3.0, it is 3.0 vertically and horizontally. You can change that so that it is say 4.5 horizontally and 1.5 vertically. Every mouse is different so you wouldn't want to take those settings as a guide, just an example.

OpenGL worked a charm for me in UT99 with the mod for it but it doesn't work for me in 2k4. Some people say it works for them.

There's all kinds of stuff you can do just in the Ut2004.ini and User.ini alone and there's more stuff you can do to get your fps up.

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